InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Proud Mistake ❯ Talking to Father and Explanations ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*~*~*~ Last time ~*~*~*

“Father, its about Kagome, my girlfriend. She is carrying my pup.” he said not wanting to look at his father’s face.

*~* Ch. 4 : Talking to Father and Explanations

To say that he was angry would be an understatement , he was down right furious. Sesshomaru saw his aura spike and a crimson red began to outline his eyes. ‘ I have to calm myself. I can handle this.’ his father told himself, as he took deep breaths and his aura calmed.

“ How long has it been since you’ve known.” he demanded of his son, still in an enraged tone.
“ Just yesterday.” he stated, almost with a whimper, almost. That was it ,and his father stood towering above him, showing his dominance to his eldest son.

“What !! So when I had to go on a business trip, ‘YOU’ decide to have a weekend of ‘RUTTING’ with your girlfriend!!?!” He shouted at Sesshomaru. After that outburst, he decided to sit down again. Calmly this time he asked, “Is she here? We will have to discuss some things, and since this is more about her right know , she will have to be present.” he gritted the last part out through clenched teeth, trying to stop the next outburst of screaming that he felt coming.

“ Yes she is in my room. I will get her ,but I want you to know that earlier today, her father found out and knocked her around . We just got back from the hospital a little while ago.” he told his Father.

“Is she alright?” he asked know worried for the girl. “she will be sore for a while, she can hardly move ,and the doctor specifically told her to not get stressed. And I’m not going to put her in a situation like this ‘ again ’ , if you cannot control your temper.“ he said protectively.

“Alright Sesshomaru, You should go get her . Bring her down here and we will work this out.” he stated with a calm nod . Sesshomaru nodded to him and went upstairs to get Kagome.

* In Sesshomaru’s room *

Kagome was laying on his bed, Inuyasha was sitting next to her. He walked up to them and Inuyasha just had to ask, “ So, How did he react to him being a grandpa?” amusement very obvious in his voice. Sesshomaru just glared at him, then bent down to Kagome.

“ We’re going to go speak with him now.” he said as he stroked her hair soothingly. She gave a slight smile and a stiff nod. He picked her up , minding her injuries as he did so, and walked with her downstairs to the living room.

* Back in the living room *

His Father stood as he saw Sesshomaru carrying Kagome in . He watched his son as he very carefully helped her to sit up on the couch. ‘ I didn’t think it would be this bad’ he thought as he watched Kagome wince in pain.

“ Your Father’ did this to you?” he asked , the anger and disgust clear as day as he spat out the question. Sesshomaru nodded as he turned to him, “ Another thing we will have to discuss , Father.” Sesshomaru
said , anger in his voice as well.

His Father nodded and sat down, Sesshomaru sat down next to Kagome. “ we need to talk about you taking Kagome as your mate and about you marking her.” his Father stated . Sesshomaru nodded along with a ,
“ Yes.”
“ Kagome, do you know what the marking of a mate is?” he asked her calmly. “ No, sir.” she told him . “ When you and Sesshomaru decide to do this, he will place his mark somewhere on your body. This mark will indicate that you are forever bound to him , and it will fend off other male demons.” he told her, then looked to Sesshomaru.

“ When do you plan on marking her?” he asked him in a serious tone. “ Most Likely when she has healed from her injuries.” He said to his father as he placed a gentle hand on Kagome’s leg. She leaned into his shoulder more, wincing as she did so.

“ Kagome, may I ask what happened?” he wondered. “ Yes. My Father is a half demon and found out that I was pregnant. When that happened he threw me against a wall, as he pinned me there, he kept on pushing till it cracked. That is why I’m so sore. Then he slapped me , and shattered a vodka bottle over the side of my head. He reeked of alcohol, I’m guessing he was drunk as always.” she said sadly, while entangling her hand with Sesshomaru’s.

“ Father ,That’s the other thing we have to discuss. Kagome can’t go back there, not with her father the way he is.” He stated as he automatically squeezed Kagome’s hand tighter. “ I will not allow my mate & pup to be in any danger .”he growled out protectively.

This time Kagome gave his hand a squeeze, calming him almost instantly. She looked to his Father, “ Sir please, I can’t go back there. I know we messed up, we made a big mistake, but who knows what my Father might do next?” she said as her vision started to blur from the tears trying to escape.

“Please, I don’t want my Father to have a chance to have a ‘next time’. I’m tired of being scared , and this is the only place where I don’t feel that way. Here, with Sesshomaru , I feel safe. Don’t take that away from me.” tears were escaping and glistening down her cheeks as she spoke desperately to him.

He felt a pain in his chest as she spoke. “ Kagome,” he walked up to her knelt down to eye level with her, while gently placing comforting hands on her shoulders. “ Kagome, I may not agree to what you two have done, and I still think that I’m way to young to be a grandfather, and that you two are young to be parents.” he said with a caring, protective voice, “ But I will not allow you, my future daughter and your pup, to be in danger either .”

“ This is your home now. Here you will be safe , loved, and protected. And here you are welcome to stay, Kagome.” he said with a heart warming smile, that she returned. “ Thank You .” She said weakly. “And I too, thank you, Father.” Sesshomaru said as he stood and gave his Father a hug.

His Father returned the hug, then they both sat back down . “ Now that that is settled, we still have other important things to talk about.” he said calmly yet seriously at the same time. By now Kagome regained her composure, and she along with Sesshomaru nodded.

Noting they both agreed he began, “ Kagome, since you are pupped with a half demon, you can expect that it won’t be like human pregnancy.” she nodded . “ And you, along with Sesshomaru, are very powerful. So you may have you pup within 4 - 4 ½ months.” he stated simply.

Kagome did not know that, “ What !!? That’s like half the time or less !!” She yelled. Then turned to Sesshomaru, “ Why didn’t you tell me that ?!! What, were you going to wait till I went into labor at 4 months, then decide to tell me?!! That’s a pretty important piece of information, don’t you think?!!” she snapped at him.
“ And since the pregnancy will go twice as fast, all of the symptoms and mood swings will come that fast as well.” his Father told them in a very amused tone.

“ Oh Sesshomaru, I’m sorry . I didn’t mean to…” he cut her off, “ Its all right, I should have talked to you about this before. I should have considered that you would have rather heard this information from me , instead of my Father.” he told.

“ Well yea, that would have been nice. But at least I know now, and I apologize for yelling.” she said looking at both of them. They nodded to her. “ Well, how about we all eat. Its dinner time and if you want we will discuss more things then.” his Father said, they agreed and Sesshomaru helped Kagome to the Dinning room.

*** In the dinning room ***

“ Jaken, go get Inuyasha , and tell the maids were are ready to eat dinner.” he ordered.
“ Yes, Sir. Inutaisho. “ he replied with a bow and went to get Inuyasha. Within two minutes a full course dinner was set in front of them, and Inuyasha was seated at the too.

“So, how are you feeling , Kagome?” Inuyasha asked, to start a conversation. “ I feeling a little better.” she answered with a smile.

Inutaisho decided to enter the little conversation, “ So you had to go to the hospital?” Kagome nodded sadly. “ So I am safe to assume that the pup is ok?” he asked. “ Yes, I made sure to have the doctor check her, to see if any injuries would our pups life.” Sesshomaru replied, angry at the thought of having Kagome and their unborn hurt.

“I still need my things, from the house. And my car is there too. We have to get it.” Kagome stated, and began eating some more, and was purposely avoiding looking at Sesshomaru’s face. He started to growl. “ I and Inuyasha will go, but you will stay here.” he demanded angrily. Inuyasha agreed, “ Yea, we don’t want to take you to the hospital ‘again’. At least not because of your ‘dad’.” he said scrunching up his face in disgust.

“ Ok Sesshomaru, please relax. I won’t go with, but promise me that if you see my Father that you won’t touch him.” she said seriously. “ What !? Why are you protecting that bastard !!?” Inuyasha yelled while he stood up, “ After what he did to you, your protecting him?!” Inuyasha was confused beyond anything, and Kagome was getting angry, really angry.

“Look ,I’m NOT protecting him !!? Believe me , that’s the last thing I want to do, but I know HIM and what he’s capable of! And if you go after him , he’ll come BACK ! He’ll tell his ‘guys’ and they’ll come after you, your family, and any one close to you ! I’m just trying to save us the trouble , I’m Not protecting him! You got that!?! I ‘HATE’ HIM !!!” she screamed in her defense, while forgetting about her soreness and standing herself, to make her point stronger.

“ Inuyasha sit down!!” his Father demanded. “ Kagome, you have to calm down.” he told her as well . “ Yes, you should calm down, Kagome.” Sesshomaru added, as he gently pulled her back into her seat.

“ Yes, I’m sorry.” she said in defeat . “ Tomorrow , will you two go get my things? I’ll I need is my car. The box with my clothes is already in the trunk.” She told them. “Yes, we will go after Inuyasha gets out of school.” Sesshomaru stated, only leaving room for Inuyasha to agree.

“ Well, since my meeting was canceled today, we had it rescheduled for tomorrow at the office. Will you be alright by yourself tomorrow, Kagome?” Inutaisho asked, sounding concerned. “ Yes, I’ll be fine.” she said with a reassuring smile.

*** Next Day, morning ***

“ I’ll be leaving now.” Sesshomaru said as he bent down to his bed and gave her a kiss goodbye . “ Ok, I’ll see you later.” she said softly as she made herself more comfortable on his bed. She could here Inuyasha yell, “ C’ya Kagome !” She was going to say bye, but the door slammed shut before she could.

She was all alone now. Only she wasn’t. she looked at her stomach, it was still flat, but she wondered how long it would take for her to start to show. ‘ What’s going to happen when its born ? What will it be like to have to care for another life ? Well, I’ll at least have some idea, after carrying it around for 4 months.’ she thought as she smiled.

‘ I know I’ll make a good mother. Sesshomaru will be a good Father too.’ she was thinking like this for a couple of hours. ‘ Will it look more like Sesshomaru or me? Boy or girl? What would we name it?’ she didn’t here someone come in the house.

*~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~* ~* ~* ~ *~ *~ *~ *~

“ Why did Leader want us to come here again?” asked Donte , a member of the ‘Miasma’ gang to his friend, Elrick, also a member of the Miasma gang. “ Because we have to get his daughter, that’s why.” Elrick answered annoyed .

“ Donte, She’s upstairs, I can smell her. She’s pupped too.” Elrick said with a dark smile. Donte nodded and followed Elrick upstairs. They came to Sesshomaru’s door and stopped .

*~ *~* *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ ~*

Kagome was still laying there when the door opened to reveal two men standing outside. She screamed and tried to run, but because of her injuries she couldn’t get away fast enough, and they easily caught her . One of them pinned her down ,the other held a cloth with some stuff she didn’t know on it, and covered her mouth and nose with it.

‘ Oh gross!! What is this stuff I…… I can’t…………. move.’ she thought as she every thing went black.


A/N : Well I hope you all liked it. Please rate / review , and tell me what you think !!
Kambri _Jade