InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Punk Baby ❯ Metting The Rockys ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"NO," yelled Sango.asked Kagome.cant we see them right now!!" yelled Sango.there getting hotter?" Said Kagome.there already hotter?" Said Sango.we'll never know?" said Kagome.right this way," said Manger.yelled the girls.they were walking they saw Inuand Kagome was in love, she wasn't watching were she was going and ok," asked InuYasha.yea I'm I...I.....I I am ok but thanks for asking! said Kagome.I see love <3 *whistle*, said Sango.
They got to the Rockys room and InuYasha was walking with Kagome and talking to her.up I'm Miroku," said Miroku.said Kagome.Kouga.
Kouga didn't see Kagome there becuase at the time he was tuning he gutair.CAN YOU GUYS SIGN MY GUTAIR!!!" yelled Sango.can you guys sign my board please?" asked Kagomeplay the gutair and skateboard?" Said all the is awesome why not"? siad the girls.I never met girl's like you gals," said InuYasha.said Kagome.hey why not you guys come down and see us play Green Day , American Idoit?" said Miroku.what happend??" asked been paying attention, you baka (idiot)!" said InuYashalooked up from tuning his gutair.WHEN DID SHE COME IN?" Koga shouted.time ago," Said bout tommorow well come by around lets say 6:00 to see you guys play Green day ,is that alighty?" asked Kagome.shouted ass off) well see you guys tommorow and InuYasha call me to tell me where you live kk, oh heres my number (849)-657-4697 (fake number)," said Kagome.