InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Puppies and a Diary ❯ dairy ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and neither do you.
Kagome was writing in her diary. She was in her sleeping bag and couldn't get any sleep, so that's what she did.
Dear diary,
Today I just got back from home to the feudal era. Mom gave me this diary and told me to write down anything I just had to tell someone but would be embarrassing, so I could get it out in the open without anyone hearing. Anyway, today when I was at home mom took me shopping. I got a new shampoo and conditioner bottle so I could take it here. On our way home though, I saw a new pet store. Mom and I went in just to look. Then I saw the most adorable little puppy! He was a white shiba-inu. He was so soft when I pet him and he reminded me of Inuyasha. I asked mom if I could get him but she said no.
When we got home it was late. I packed my things and went to the feudal era to find Inuyasha, Shippo, Sango, Miroku, and Kirara.
When I found them they were in Kaeda's hut, already sleeping. I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about that little puppy I saw earlier.
(flips diary page)
I want a puppy SOOOOO badly. I wonder what Inuyasha would think if I told him. *Giggle* Puppies, puppies everywhere! I want a white lttle shiba-inu, like the one I saw in the store.
(Closes diary)
Kagome put her diary back in her bag and went to sleep.
Shippo was digging through kagome's bag looking for some candy, but then he found a locked diary.
Shippo managed to get his nails to open it for him. As soon as he read it he was laughing. He flipped the page.
That's when Inuyasha walked in from his walk and saw Shippo laughing at this strange looking book.
Inuyasha took Kagome's diary and read the page it was on:
I want a puppy SOOOOO badly! I wonder what Inuyasha would think if I told him. *Giggle* Puppies, puppies everwhere! I want a white shiba-inu, like the one I saw in the store.
That's when Kagome woke up.
Inuyasha saw Kagome wake up and went over to her.
Kagome, you want to have puppies with me???!
The hanyou obviously thought that she wanted to have his pups since he was a hanyou of a shiba-inu youkai. And not that she wanted to adopt one from a store in her era.
“Inuyaha, why are you asking me this?”
“Well, you, um, kinda, wrote it in here.”
Well, I meant a puppy from my era. Back at home we can adopt puppies from a store.”
Kagome was now blushing from head to toe and looked like a tomato.
“Oh, well, I just thought because I'm a shiba-inu and……”
He was now the one blushing and mumbling.
Kagome saw the disappointed look in his eyes.
“But maybe I would like to in the near future.”
Inuyasha looked up at her instantly and smiled.
“So, how about we go get a puppy from your era and we'll take care of it over here. So we can get ready for the near future.”
Kagome smiled up at him.
“Ok, but I saw the perfect one so can we hurry and get it before anyone else?!”
Kagome and Inuyasha got the puppy that she wanted so badly and then two years later had two pups of their own, one girl named Utako and one boy named Tachi.
I hope you like this short little story I wrote. Pleas review and tell me what you thought of it. Also if you like this story I have a longer one I'm not done with yet but please read it and review. The more reviews I get the more I will write!