InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Purity 4: Justification ❯ Double Trouble ( Chapter 72 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
~~Chapter 72~~
~Double Trouble~

Bellaniece stretched and yawned as she wandered out of her bedroom, heading for the kitchen to see what she could scrounge up to eat.  She'd sat on the roof with Kichiro all night.  He was just getting ready to carry her down to her window when the electric blue light had zipped below them.  Bellaniece had almost laughed out loud at the contradicting emotions that had surfaced on his face.  Caught between irritation that her father had obviously spent the night in Gin's apartment and relief that she wouldn't be missed, Kichiro had looked completely befuddled, and she thought it was adorable.

Shortly after crawling through the window and saying goodbye to Kichiro, she heard the apartment door open and close, and she figured her father was going back over to Gin's.

"What the . . .?  Why do you smell like that damn Dr. Dingaling?"

Bellaniece squeaked out a surprised gasp and whipped around to face her father.  "Daddy!  You're here!"

He shook his head and scowled at her.  "I live here.  Where else would I be, Bellaniece?"

Wisely choosing not to comment on her father's whereabouts the night before, Bellaniece shrugged and kissed his cheek, laughing softly as he grimaced and wrinkled his nose.  "I went dancing with him last night," she reminded him.  "I was too tired to take a shower . . ."

Cain looked dubious at best but let the topic drop as he watched Bellaniece retrieve a bottle of juice.  "Got any plans today?"

"Do you?"

He shrugged.  "Not really.  I was going to help Gin with a few of her assignments, but she'll probably be gone all day . . ."


"Yeah.  She came by earlier.  Her cousin's mate's in labor, so she went to the hospital."


Cain's suspicious expression darkened but he nodded.  "I guess so . . . Getting friendly with them, are you?"

She grinned.  "I've talked with them a few times," she hedged.  "She's not supposed to have the baby yet, is she?"

"She's a little early, I guess."  He rubbed his chin and raised his eyebrows.   "She's at the hospital.  She'll be fine . . ."

Not for the first time, Bellaniece had to wonder just what her father was thinking when he spoke of women having babies.  He always looked so pensive, and in that moment, she knew.  "Mom died having me, didn't she?"

Cain looked surprised then sighed.  "Yeah, she did."

"I thought so."

"I'm sorry, Bellaniece."

Bellaniece tried to smile.  "It's not your fault, Daddy.  I doubt Mom blamed you."

His gaze fell away from hers, and she hugged him, sensing the rise of his turbulent emotions.  "Bellaniece . . ."

"You're the best daddy in the world, did you know?"  She leaned back as her smile brightened.  "Why don't we spend the day together?  Just you and me . . . like we used to?"

Cain smiled slowly and nodded.  "I'd like that.  You sure you have time for an old man like me?"

She grinned.  "Absolutely.  You're my daddy.  I always have time for you."

Cain rolled his eyes and wrinkled his nose again.  "Good.  Now go wash that stench off, will you?"

Bellaniece laughed and kissed his cheek again before hurrying off to the bathroom.

She'd planned on spending the day with Kichiro, and as much as she loved spending weekends with him, the memory of the sadness in his gaze lingered.  Grabbing her cell phone and dialing his number, Bellaniece shuffled through her closet for the dress she wanted to wear.

Kichiro would understand, or so she hoped.  Today was the day.  Gathering her determination as the voicemail greeting began; Bellaniece drew a deep breath and bit her lip.  She belonged with Kichiro; she belonged by his side.

'I'll tell Daddy today . . .'


Gin peered over the top of her sketchbook and bit her bottom lip as she stared at Sesshoumaru before turning her attention back to the paper before her.  Since one of the assignments she'd missed was to sketch a person who wasn't posed, she figured her uncle would make a good model since he didn't move around as much as one of her brothers.

They'd all been waiting for hours.  It was nearly two in the afternoon, and there had still been no word since early in the morning when Toga had emerged from Sierra's room to tell them that everything was going well before he hurried back to his wife.

Gin smiled.  It was almost sad, really.  Her level-headed cousin normally took everything in stride.  While he had seemed calm enough, she hadn't missed the trace worry in his gaze, and for some reason, the expression reminded her of Cain and the story he'd told her about Isabelle.

'Come on, doll.  Do you really want to think about that right now?'

Gin frowned at the paper.  'Not really.'

'This is Toga and Sierra's day, you know.  Everyone will be fine, and in the end, they'll have a beautiful little girl!'

'I know.'

'You know, right?  Cain didn't tell you that story to upset you.  He told you because he wanted you to understand, and because he needed to tell someone after all these years.'

'I'm glad he told me.  I'm glad he trusts me.  I just wish . . .' Gin shook her head.  'Ah, I don't even know what I wish for anymore . . .'

Peering over long enough to intercept her father's golden-eyed stare, she forced a smile at him and quickly looked away, trying to ignore the feeling that he knew what she was doing, what was going on in her head.

'It's the perfume, Gin.  Your father's not stupid.  He's been giving you that look all day.'

Wrinkling her nose, she pressed her lips together and sighed.  'What else could I do?  Kich said that I'm starting to smell like Cain, right?  That would just open another can of worms.  Besides, the perfume isn't that bad.'

No, it wasn't that bad.  It actually smelled nice.  The trouble was that InuYasha as well as the rest of their noses were all sensitive enough for the fabricated aroma to be more than a little noticeable.  Truthfully, she'd have worried more if her father didn't act like he smelled it at all, but he also hadn't said one word to her about it, either, and that was enough to set Gin's nerves on edge.  Her father wasn't known for beating around the bush, so if he wasn't saying anything at all, just what was he thinking?

Kagome sat down beside her, leaning to the side to look at Gin's sketch.  "That's good."

"Thank you."

"Gin?  Are you feeling all right?"

Gin glanced at her mother and nodded quickly.  "Yes, of course."

"You're sure?"

She nodded again.  "Why wouldn't I be?"

Kagome smiled.  "You seem a little thinner."

"I don't think so . . ."

Kagome looked worried but seemed to accept her answer.  "Okay . . . Is there a reason you're wearing perfume?"

Gin forced a happy grin, prayed that her mother wouldn't be able to see through it.  "I liked it.  I thought it was pretty . . ."

"With your sense of smell?   It doesn't bother you?"

She shook her head.  "No, not at all," she lied since the perfume was starting to get to her.  As subtle as it was, it was still perfume, and the constant smell was starting to give her a headache.

"You know, I could use a cup of tea.  Why don't you come with me?"

Gin closed her sketchbook and stood up, following her mother out of the waiting room and down the flight of stairs to the small cafeteria.  Kagome didn't speak as she bought tea for the two of them.  Handing Gin a ceramic cup, she gestured at an empty table toward the back of the sparsely crowded area.

"This is nice," Kagome said, smiling at her daughter as Gin sat down across from her.

Gin blinked and scrunched up her shoulders.  "What is?"

Kagome giggled.  "This . . . having tea with my only daughter . . . You've been quiet lately, Gin."

"I have?"

Her mother nodded.  "Yeah."  She sighed and shook her head, smiling a little sadly as she sipped her tea and set the cup down.  "I won't ask if something's bothering you.  There comes a time when mamas can't fix things for their daughters, even if they wished they could, but you know, your father and I love you."

"I know.  I love you both, too."

Kagome suddenly laughed, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

Gin frowned.  "Mama?"

Kagome waved her hand dismissively.  "I'm sorry, Gin.  I'm not laughing at you.  It's just that sometimes when I look at you; when I see certain expressions on your face . . . You used to look just like that, you know, when your brothers took off without you.  I get the feeling that whatever you've got on your mind is a little more serious than your brothers ditching you, isn't it?"  

"I . . ."

She sighed.  "I figured as much . . ."

"I'll be okay," Gin replied, guilt riddling her insides as she tried to make herself look at Kagome.  As much as she wanted to, she just couldn't do it, and her mother was far too perceptive not to notice that, too.

Kagome laughed softly, leaning forward to give Gin's hand a quick squeeze before she sat back again.  "I think about the little girl you used to be, and then . . . I try to remember that you're just not a little girl anymore.  Sometimes it's easier to remember than others."

"Sometimes I wish I was," Gin murmured, staring into her tea as she turned the mug in her hands.  "Sometimes I wish . . . Mama?  Can I ask you something?"

If Kagome noticed the gathering moisture in Gin's eyes, she didn't comment.  Gin blinked quickly as Kagome smiled her encouragement—the same smile Gin had seen so often over her lifetime.  Gentle and kind and never judgmental, how often had Kagome listened to Gin's inane babble, and how often had she just smiled when, looking back, Gin knew that she had to have tried her mother's patience more than once over the years?  "Of course."

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, to find a way to ask her question without giving too much away, Gin sighed and shook her head, ears flattening against her skull for a moment.  Kagome didn't press her.  As though she understood that Gin was struggling, she sipped her tea and waited.  "Papa loved someone before you, right?  Kikyou . . ."

"He did."

"He made a promise to her?"

Kagome nodded slowly.  "Yes."

Gin nodded, too, gaze intent on her steaming tea.  "How did you convince him to stay?  How did you make him want to live?"

Sighing softly, Kagome sipped her tea again and cleared her throat as her enigmatic little smile faded.  "I didn't.  He chose it, himself."

Gin's eyes flashed up to meet her mother's, and she frowned at the sadness that touched the depths of Kagome's stare.  "I don't understand . . ."

"Gin, I came back to my time, and I thought that your father had chosen Kikyou.  In fact, I never really thought that I stood a chance because, well, Kikyou died for him, in a way.  I came home, and I made a wish to bring Kikyou back to life for him.  When I did that, the well closed, and I was made to forget your father.  Midoriko thought it would be kinder, for me to go on with my life without the reminder . . . He wanted to be with me, and I . . . I never knew because he never told me."  Kagome drew a deep breath and finally smiled again.  "So Kikyou opened the well.  Your father came through, and after awhile, I remembered.  Thing is, it was his choice."

"I see."

"Funny thing about that," Kagome went on as though she hadn't heard Gin at all.  "There is no concrete right or wrong choices.  Some are worse than others, granted, but in the end, it's up to you to decide what's best, even if it is something that you think is a mistake later.  I trust the daughter I've helped to raise.  You were a beautiful gift for your father and me, and I don't think there has ever been a day that goes by when I don't thank kami for you and for your brothers."

Swallowing hard, she shook her head, tried not to think too hard about the future and about things that were not hers to control.  "I'm scared, Mama," Gin whispered, swatting away a single tear that slipped down her cheek.

"Scared of what?"

Gin sniffled as her mother dug a tissue out of her purse.  Gin dabbed her nose and licked her lips, shaking her head as she forced down the thickness that had formed in her throat.  "Of letting you and Papa down . . . especially Papa . . ."

"Oh, Gin, your father . . . He'll adore you, no matter what you do.  He might not like something you choose, but that doesn't mean he'll ever think you let him down.  As for me?  Don't you know that the only way you could ever let me down would be if you didn't follow your heart?  Remember, just because something might not be right for your father or for me doesn't mean it isn't the right choice for you."

Kagome finished her tea and smiled as she stood up.  "I'm going to go see if there's any word yet.  Think about what I said?"

Gin nodded and leaned against Kagome as her mother hugged her.  "Thanks, Mama."

"Any time."

Gin sighed and started to lift the cup to her lips as her mother started away.  Kagome stopped and turned back, her smile returning as an impish light danced in her eyes.  "Oh, and Gin?  The perfume should hide Zelig-san's scent from your father quite nicely."

She nearly dropped the mug as Kagome laughed and hurried away.  Setting the ceramic cup down before it slipped out of her hand, Gin grimaced and sighed.

"Remember, just because something might not be right for your father or for me doesn't mean it isn't the right choice for you . . ."

What did Kagome mean?  Gin sniffled again.

"Follow your heart . . ."

'Follow my heart?'

'Your mother's not stupid, Gin.  She might know you better than anyone else.  Maybe that was her way of telling you that you should do what you need to do.'

Gin finished her tea and stood up, depositing her mug in the dish cart near the kitchen doors.  'Do what I need to do, huh . . . for Cain.'

'And for you.'

Nodding slightly as she headed for the restroom to rinse her face before joining her family again, Gin mulled the words over and over in her head.

"Remember, just because something might not be right for your father or for me doesn't mean it isn't the right choice for you . . ."

She had a feeling that Kagome was talking about much, much more than Gin's feelings for Zelig Cain.

A sudden, savage desire to see him gripped Gin, and she stumbled into the mercifully empty bathroom.  Why did she feel like he was slipping away?  Why did she think that he would disappear whenever she couldn't see him?

Rinsing her face in the tepid flow of water, she tried to brush the irrational feeling aside.

"Gin . . . If you need me . . . as long as you need me . . ."

'But, Cain, don't you see?  Needing you . . . It's more than that.  Without you, I'd . . .' Ending her thoughts abruptly, Gin dabbed her face dry on a scratchy paper towel.  'That's his choice, though.  It wasn't ever meant to be mine . . . As long as he never, ever knows . . . That's my choice, isn't it?  It's the only one I have to make . . .'


"Thanks," Bellaniece said as Cain handed her an ice cold soda.  He sat beside her and broke the seal on a bottle of water as the two watched the children playing in the park.  "Today has been terrific."

"Yeah, it's been nice," Cain agreed.

Bellaniece shot him a sly glance as her smile widened.  Cain intercepted the look but didn't comment.  Bracing himself for the teasing that he knew was on his daughter's mind, he didn't have to wait long for it.  It just surprised him that he hadn't heard it sooner.  "Daddy . . . Tell me: what's really going on with you and Gin?"

"I don't know what you're—"

"I'm thrilled, by the way.  Gin's really nice.  I'm glad you found her."

Cain grimaced and sighed.  "You think so?"

"If she makes you happy, does it matter what I think?"

"You think it wouldn't?"

She shrugged.  "I'm glad you worry about me, but honestly it's entirely your choice.  You know, Daddy, I don't think I remember you ever being so happy before.  I love seeing you this way."

"We're just friends, Bellaniece."

"Sure you are.  Does Gin know that?"

Cain slowly let out his breath, cheeks tinged pink as he avoided his daughter's scrutiny.  

"I could explain things to Bellaniece."

"But do you want to?  You don't have to . . . I . . . I understand.  Well, sort of . . ."

"It isn't about wanting to, and you don't have to try to understand."

"It's okay.  You could . . . You could come over to my apartment, couldn't you?  After Bellaniece goes to sleep?"

"Gin, don't make it okay for me to hide you."

"I'm not.  I just don't want you to feel like I've ever expected more from you than you can give.  Bellaniece should come first.  She's your daughter."

The memory faded, leaving a bitterness in Cain's mouth.  Just why did Gin have to be understanding?  Why couldn't she have yelled at him or gotten angry at him; at least demanded that he tell Bellaniece?  Why didn't she force him to do the things that he didn't want to do?  Why did she make it easy for him to put it off, to not have to think about it?

'You know why, Cain.  That's who she is.  Do you want her to fuss and argue?  Do you want her to tell you that you're a bastard, a monster, for hiding her?'

'That's stupid!  Of course I don't!  Gin—'

'—Isn't someone you should ever be ashamed of.  She's beautiful and wonderful, and you know it's true.  Why are you hiding her?  You're making the entire thing uglier than it has to be; uglier than it was ever meant to be.  How much are you going to take from her before you give back what she is due?'

'What she is due, huh . . .' Cain cleared this throat and glanced at Bellaniece.  She was watching the children and smiling.  "Bellaniece, we need to talk."

She looked startled but covered it with a smile.  Heaving a sigh, she nodded and shrugged.  "We do," she agreed.  "I've been wanting to tell you—"

"It's about Gin—"

"—About Kichiro—Wait, Gin?"

Cain frowned and shook his head.  "Kichiro?  Dr. Dumbass?"

"Daddy . . ."

He rolled her eyes at her gentle rebuke.  "What?  I told you; I don't like him."

Bellaniece sighed.  "Okay, you go first."

"Hmm, nice try . . . I think you should go first."

Bellaniece stood up and threw away the empty soda can, taking her time fussing with her skirt as she sat back down.  Turning just enough to face him, she pressed her palms together like a praying child and pursed her lips.  "I like him—a lot."

Cain made a face.  "Eww . . . why?"

"Daddy, please . . . He's really much nicer than you think, and he's very smart, and talented, and . . ."

"I'd believe that.  He's got a talent for being an ass."

"He's not an ass!"

Cain cocked an eyebrow.

Bellaniece sighed and broke into the slightest of grins despite herself.  "Okay, so he's not always an ass."

"Anyway, sometimes I think he's a lot like you, even."


"No, really!"  She trailed off and stared at her hands, biting her lip in that thoughtful way of hers.  Why did he have the feeling that whatever she was trying to say, there was a good chance he wasn't going to like it?  "I think he's kind of my best friend, you know?"

". . . Okay . . ."

Bellaniece laced her fingers together and nervously rolled her wrists.  "I was thinking—"

The trill of his cell phone cut Bellaniece off, and Cain nearly ignored it in lieu of what Bellaniece was saying.  "Are you going to look to see who it is?" she asked gently.

Cain stared at her for another moment before digging the phone out of his pocket and flipping it open to look at the caller ID.  "It's Gin."

"You'd better answer," Bellaniece prodded.  "The damsel in distress . . ."

Cain sighed and hit the 'connect' button as he lifted the receiver to his ear.  "Gin?"

"Hi," she greeted.  He frowned at the weary sound of her voice.  "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

"Is something wrong?" he asked, brushing off her concern.

"Not really.  I just have a little bit of a headache, is all."

"How's your cousin's wife?"
"Fine, fine . . . They had twins, much to our surprise.  Apparently the second baby was really good at hiding during ultrasounds."

"Twins?" Cain echoed.  "Wow . . ."

"Yep, two baby girls: Chelsea and Charity.  Mother and babies are doing well, Coral and Cassidy are really happy that they won't have to 'share' babies, and my cousin is being teased unmercifully since the others seem to think that he doesn't have it in him to make a son . . . Other than that, it's all done.  So what have you been up to today?"

Cain shrugged.  "Bellaniece and I were spending the day together."

"Oh?  That sounds lovely!  I'll let you go, then . . ."

He frowned.  "Gin?  Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just . . . Everyone's going over to Sesshoumaru-oji-san's mansion for dinner.  I told Mama I'd go, but . . ."

"Do you want me to come get you?"

". . . Would you?  I mean, if it isn't a problem . . ."

He smiled.  "It's not a problem.  I'll be there shortly."



He hung up the phone and grimaced, remembering a moment too late that he wasn't alone.  "Bellaniece—"

She laughed.  "Go on, Daddy!  It's fine!  Go rescue the princess, will you?"

He shook his head.  "What were you saying?"

Bellaniece waved him away.  "We can finish that later.  I want to finish it, but you did promise Gin . . ."

"All right," Cain agreed slowly.  "I'll be home in awhile."

Bellaniece stood up and hugged him.  "Okay, Daddy.  I'll leave you a note if I go out."

"You do that," he said.  Bellaniece kissed his cheek and strolled down the path, toward the street.  They were only two blocks from the apartment building.  She'd be safe enough.

Waiting until after she disappeared from view, Cain strode the opposite direction.  'Rescue the princess?  But Bellaniece was always my princess . . .'

Cain scowled as her words echoed through his head.  "Anyway, sometimes I think he's a lot like you, even."

What was she trying to tell him?  Breaking into a sprint, Cain shook his head.  Why did he have the feeling that it was something that he didn't really want to know . . .?

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== == == == == == == == == ==
ErinBerin —— nerwenfaelvirin —— inuyoukaimama —— inuyashaloverr1956 —— Darkflameangel —— Rawben —— DragonHostile17 —— Miss Saucy Wow —— WhisperingWolf ——Prsnr24601-FFICsimon —— inuyashaschic612 —— OROsan0677 —— kappei_lover —— Cynbad146 —— trinigirl524 —— Eliwoodsluv —— pagan_sedjou —— Koga52 —— Mikesgirl
Drake Clawfang —— InuChickie —— phantomflame —— SesshiesKamatotoGirl —— Iloveinus589 —— katie janeway —— FatedtoFall —— Captain applesauce —— agent-doo —— Simonkal of Inyu —— MoonKitii —— SilverStarWing —— hyorii —— Flames101 —— Ryguy5387 —— katie janeway —— Shipposfriend —— Elizabeth Hemingway —— ForeverForgottenPast —— Beautiful Massacre
Final Thought from Bellaniece
What rotten timing
Blanket disclaimer for this fanfic (will apply to this and all other chapters in Justification):  I do not claim any rights to InuYasha or the characters associated with the anime/manga.  Those rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi, et al.  I do offer my thanks to her for creating such vivid characters for me to terrorize.
