InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ rage ❯ rage ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
disclaimer: I don't own inu yasha If I did I would be the happiest person on the planet!


Kagome ran for her life, she could here him right behind her. Inu yasha had just slayne a demon that had attacted Kagome and in the prosses turned into his full demon state. So now Kagome ran from him bleeding from the previous attack and sure that inu yasha was attracked by the smell of bleeding prey. She sat him many times but it just wasn't enough she was too wounded and too slow. She just sat him one last time before falling and twisting her ankle, hitting the ground face down exausted coverd in blood and mud. Kagome rolled over just in time to see Inu yasha get up from the sit spell, he was closer then she thought. She tried to whisper out the word sit but her voice got caught in her throat. It was too late, she knew she was going to die at the hands of the person she loved. She tried to struggle to her feet but he was already on top of her. Kagome expected to be crushed by his weight but Inu yasha was carefull not to crush her. Aparently he doesn't like his prey sqaushed Kagome thought. Inu yashsa's face was right in front of hers he was growling and baring his fangs at her, then he leaned in as Kagome instintively turned her head away and closed her eyes and he sniffed her neck. If Kagome sat Inu yasha now she would get sqaused. Inu yasha dug his claws into both of her sholders causing kagome to let out a scream. Inu yasha backed away a bit and his ears twitched. His face almost looked confused. Like Kagome shouldn't be screaming. He leaned in to her neck again this time and licked it. Kagome started crying she knew she was to be demon food. Suddenly Inu yasha took his fangs and bit kagome hard on her neck. Kagome Let out The loudest scream she could causeing Inu yasha to jump to his feet, this was kagomes only chance "Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit!!!" she yelled until she was sure inuyasha was knocked out temperally anyway. Kagome took off limping as fast as she could till she could find tetsaiga and layed it down by Inu Yasha, She then limped her way back to the village of keade.

Inu Yasha woke up with a ringing headache. He instently knew what it ment when he woke up this way. He had transformed again. He could smell Kagome so his first thought was she was safe. After standing up he relized it wasn't kagome he was smelling but her blood, and not only was he smelling it but he could taste it in his mouth. He went to wipe his mouth only to find her blood on his claws. "Oh Gods No!" he said outloud. Inu yasha looked around frantically looking for a wounded kagome but didn't find her. He did however catch her sent and realized she headed in the direction of the village. Inu yasha ran after her as qwick as he possably could.

At the village Inu yasha was met by Miroku. "where's kagome! Is she ok?! I have to see her"
"She is fine just a little beat up that is all, she will be fine, but you can't go see her" Miroku replied
"What the fuck are you talking about monk! I have to see her! Now!" Inu yasha said pissed
"Look she is pretty shooking up, having her see you right now prolly isn't the best thing right now. After all you tried to kill her" Miroku looked down and shook his head.
" I have never hurt Kagome not once until now I have to see what I have done, Please I have to make things right." inu yasha pleaded.
"Alright good luck getting past kaede though" miroku said

At the intrance to kaede's hut he could smell kagome's blood even stronger. He paused just a moment befor trying to go in. Kaede stopped him at the door and said "she is banged up fine she will be ok, I am not so sure about her heart though. You have alot of mending to do inu yasha. Now you see why you should never become a full fledge demon." She stepped aside and let Inu yasha pass.

On the inside Kagome was laying down sleeping. Inu yasha crept in slowly the closer he got the worse he felt she had bandages all over. He knew some of it was from the demon they fought but how much had he caused?
Suddenly kagome woke up and her eyes grew wide with fear. She gasped and backed up into the corner. "kagome please it is me Inu Yasha"
"you tried to eat me! and now you want me to talk to you?" Kagome was of course a very forgiving person so she let him stay.
" I didn't try to eat you ok I don't know what happened, Tell me what I did, show me what I did to you" Inu yasha never looked so serious in his life.
"You Idiot! you pinned me down and tried to eat me! you even took a bite out of my neck!" Kagome pointed to the bandaged wound.
Inu yasha suddenly went very pale and this worried kagome she had never seen him like this. "Show me!"
"What?!" Kagome asked
"Wench show me the mark on your neck!" Inu Yasha tried to sound tough but his voice was shakey
"ok but it isn't that bad I promiss I will live, It will leave a scar at best" at the words leave a scar inu yasha closed his eyes and clenched his fists. when he opened them he aproached kagome and removed the bandage and there it was, the mark. Inu yasha turned away and walked slowly tawords the door.
"Inu Yasha! what is going on? where are you going?" Kagome tried to get up on her wounded ankle and go after him but her ankle shot with pain causing kagome to wence. At that sound inuyasha turned back around.
"Don't ge up you stupid bitch! you will make it worse!" Kagome sat back down and yelled "Sit Boy!" Inu yasha crashed to the ground.
When the spell wore off he got back up and yelled "what did you do that for!"
"Would you just shut up and tell me what the hell is going on?I think I demand some sort of explanation since I am the one who was almost lunch!'' Kagome looked pissed.
"It's not like that kagome" Inu yasha said with a sad look on his face. "I wasn't trying to eat you, I Marked you"
"Yeah so? It will heal" kagome seemed a tad confused
"You don't understand you stupid wench, I have just ruined the rest of your life!" Inu yasha had that sad look again. "I have marked you as my mate! that meens people will forever know you as the mate of a half demon you will be hated by people and demons alike!
"that's crazy just over on little mark!" Kagome put her hands on her sides.
"yeah and just think how I feel about all this, I am stuck with you for the rest of my life!" Inu yasha said trying again to sound tough.
"Sit!" was Kagome's only answere. She started crying relizeing she had been marked for the rest of her life by someone who didn't even want her.
"Why are you crying? what the fuck is wrong now?" Inu yasha said with his usaully rudeness.
" What is wrong?! what is wrong?! I am stuck with you for the rest of my life and you don't even want me! Why the hell did you have to mark me?! you should have marked kikyo, since you are going to hell with her and all! Kagome was sobbing horribly now.
Inu yasha had never seen kagome seem so mad and upset He didn't know what to do his art was aching horribly. He hated to see Kagome this way. He was frantic to stop her crying somehow. He couldn't think of anything to say. Suddenly Inu yasha thought back to when he was transforming into his full demon form once befor and how kagome had stopped him by kissing him. Maybe it would work now.
Inu yasha grabbed kagome's face by her cheeks and kissed he gently on the forhead. he said "kagome please stop crying, I didn't meen to do this to you. I am going to kiss you now and you don't have to kiss me back if you don't want too." He leaned in to kiss her and at first she didn't kiss him back she seemed in shock about the whole thing. Inu yasha didn't give up until kagome kissed him back though. They pulled away from each other and then inu yasha pulled kagome close in a tight hug.
" I Love you Inu yasha!" Kagome confessed " I think I always have"
" I love you too Kagome!" Kagome's heart lept at the words she had been dying to here for so long " we will work this out somehow, We have been through alot together and have always made it" Inu yasha then added " We can even survive a human being a mate to a half-bread, a few stares wont stop us"

The End

A/N that is really all I have I got writters block after that far. Hope you like it.