InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Raging War ❯ Another Day In the Base...Sort of ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Ok sadly I do not own Inuyasha or anyone else from the anime, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi.BUT! I do own any of
the main characters I make up during the story.

Chapter 2: Another Day In the Base...Sort of

Sesshomaru sat at the window, "So, Ezune, what information have you gotten for me while I was away?" Inuyasha sat in his chair,
falling asleep.
Ezune replied "well my lord, we've found out that the traitor who has been giving away our information, is stationed at this base.
Inuyasha instantly awoke at that statement, "what? The traitor was here the whole time and we didn't even know it?!"

Sesshomaru rose calmly, "put the base on lock down, we are going to find that bastard before he gets a chance to run, and,
get Asare and tell him to gather all my other leaders in the base, and for them to come to my office." Ezune nodded and left the
room swiflty.
Inuyasha sighed "I guess we're not getting much sleep tonight eh? I mean I'm so damn tired."
Sesshomaru nodded to Inuyasha and said, "Go ahead Inuyasha, you can go do whatever you want, you've helped me enough the past

Inuyasha left the room and went to go check on Kagome, somehow he felt like protecting her. Inuyasha knocked on Kagome's door.
"Come in" came a reply from the room. Inuyasha walked in and sat down next to Kagome's bed and checked her leg,
"Hows your leg doing? It looked pretty bad back in the village."
Kagome replied "It still hurts, but Sango and Rin cleaned and bandaged it." Inuyasha nodded and walked over to the door,
"If you need anything, Kagome, just send someone for me." Inuyasha left to go attend to his own duties.

"Lord Naraku, I will not be able to leave the base soon, the dog has put it on lockdown." A demon was in a room in the factory
talking to a hologram of Naraku.
"You best not get yourself captured Kentari. Sesshomaru does not take kindly to traitors." The demon nodded and replied,
"I will be out of the base soon my lord, I have more information that I can't say over the hologram." Naraku nodded and the
hologram faded.

A knock came to the door and Kentari said "Come in." Ezune entered and said, "Kentari, Sesshomaru needs all of us in the office,
be there in five minutes sharp... or else." Ezune walked out to go get the other leaders.
Kentari said to himself "ah Sesshomaru is a downright fool. He does not even notice when one of his leaders is giving vital
information to his most powerful foe." Kentari laughed as he walked to Sesshomaru's office.

Naraku laughed as his hologram faded, "That fool Kentari, once he kills Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, I will dispatch of him. I will
certainly not give him the power he desires for his foolishness." Kagura walked in on her father, "Father, the three slayers
we tried to kill at the village got away somehow. All of the demons we sent there were destroyed." Naraku just stared out the
window of the abandoned tower in the Tokyo Ruins.

Naraku stated "Kagura, I knew that already, that foolish Sesshomaru saved them. Kentari is going to kill them while hes there."
Kagura nodded her head and walked out of the room. 'Damn, I need to get back to the base and warn Sesshomaru and Inuyasha!'
thought Kagura.

Sesshomaru faced all of his leaders, "this base is on lockdown, you are to capture whoever you find suspicious and bring them
to me...alive." All the leaders nodded in agreement.
Sesshomaru said "now all of you go, except for Ezune, I have an important matter to talk to you about." Ezune nodded and stayed

Sesshomaru began "Ezune, Inuyasha and I saved three slayers from a village today. I need you to send them along with Inuyasha to
my office. Oh and Inuyasha has to carry Kagome here because of her leg injury."
Ezune replied "Yes my lord, anything else?" Sesshomaru shook his head and Ezune took his leave.
Sesshomaru thought 'that Rin, she has something about her. I'll need to get to know her better.'

Inuyasha walked to kagome's room after Ezune told him to get her and go to Sesshomaru's office. Inuyasha knocked on her door
and heard "Come in."
Inuyasha walked to Kagome and said, "Hey Sesshomaru needs us in his office, so i'm gonna carry you there ok?" Kagome nodded.
Inuyasha picked up Kagome on his back and started walking.

Kagome asked "Hey Inuyasha, why do you have dog ears and your brother doesn't?" Inuyasha looked at Kagome and sighed,
"i'm a half demon Kagome, usually humans make fun of me and such, how come you don't?" Kagome thought 'that must suck, having
every human you see make fun of you and torture you like some kind of freak.'
Kagome replied "It really doesn't matter to me what heritage a person is, but how they are, you know?" Inuyasha smiled and kept

Inuyasha thought 'Kagome, you're something else.' Inuyasha's grip on Kagome's thigh was slipping so he gripped her thigh
higher and tighter. Kagome blushed at this and turned her head to see the demons beneath training and making weapons.
Inuyasha noticed the change in Kagome's scent and smirked at this.
Inuyasha asked "So, how do you know Sango and Rin?"

Kagome replied "well, i've known Sango ever since I was four, we always hung out. Rin was an orphan, she was left at the
headmaster's doorstep one night, and all three of us have been like sisters ever since." Inuyasha was about to say something
but he heard an explosion in the wall in the levels below.

"Damn! Kagome stay right here i'll be right back." Inuyasha put Kagome down and jumped to the lowest level. A woman came out
of the cloud of smoke and said "Hey Inuyasha nice to see you again."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To be Continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A/N: woot second chapter done, all reviews are welcome. Third chappie will be up soon! thanks! 8D