InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rain Upon the Sun ❯ Always on the Run ( Chapter 7 )
Rain Upon the Sun
By: Jazmin Turner
Chapter Seven:
Always on the Run - Myoga
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Co. I only use them for my temporary amusement.
You know it really bugs me
When people call me a coward
Saying I run away
With my tail in between my legs
I hate that!
It irks me!
Heats me to the core!
If you were 3 centimeters tall
Would you stay by an inexperienced hanyou's side?
It's not like the Gods have given me
Or extraordinary powers
All I was blessed with
Was the power to suck blood
Would that help anyone against a youkai?
No way in hell!
That's why I'm always on the run
Always hopping
Always flying
In an attempt to get away
For it may be my life one day
I know it's short, but hey! I managed to get myself off of my lazy butt and type! Just so you know, I have a notification list up that will e-mail people every time I update. If you want to join, click on my profile and the link it provides. Also, in a sudden burst of inspiration, I have decided to tack on an addition 15 chapters to my original fifteen ones to really get into my character's heads. I thought it would be fun and I would end up with 30 chapters overall.
Okay, I'll take a vote. Who wants me to post an additional 15 chapters? Please say so in you're your review.
Hey that reminds me. MORE REVIEWS PLEASE!
P.S. It's Rin's turn next!