InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rakuen: The Beginning ❯ Demetrious Cosmo Bella ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Note: Actually, this isn't suppose to be a Sess/Kags story all the way, the idea I had for the story was that he cheated on her and some time after, they come back again. The typical remarriage concept if you'll don't mind. I actually appreciate you're comments and I thank you, please review some more.
Chapter 4: Demetrious Cosmo Bella
“What will it be today, Ms. Rin? Mocha, red, or rosy petal pink?” asked Sango as Rin wiggled her toes in her mothers lap
“Rosy petal pink!” screeched Rin with delight and Sango reached behind her to retrieve the nail polish from the burrow
“And, Ms. Rin, what will you wear it with?”
“My blue overalls and pink Minnie shirt” said the child with much excitement and Sango only nodded with satisfaction
“Hey, mum, where's my black nail polish?” asked Jaimie, leaning into the door frame
“Um…check the bathroom cabinet”
“Thanks ma”
“Mom, I'm off to school, want me to take Rin to Ms. Linda's?” asked Damon munching on an apple and throwing his book bag over his shoulder
“No, sweetie, Rin's got a doctor's appointment…she won't be going today” mentioned Sango with a smile
Sango had fallen asleep on the couch and she only would have guessed that Sesshomaru brought her back upstairs. She was still in bed, now she was painting Rin's toenails as she had promised about a week ago but she was still sleepy. She guessed that Sesshomaru was either downstairs or gone to work, although it was way too early. Maybe he had some things to do, or some important papers to complete.
“Alright, mum, we're off!” screeched Claudia from downstairs
“Alright, have a good day my sweet munchkins” she yelled back downstairs then she heard the door slam closed and lock
“We're all alone now, mummy” said Rin with a whisper
“It's pretty quiet, isn't it?”
“It's really quiet, mummy…can we go shopping after this?”
“No, my little baby, but I can promise you ice cream on the way back home, what do you think?”
“Yay!” she screeched and jumped of the bed
“Now, go get dressed so we can go” said Sango and she ran of, closing the door behind her, leaving Sango the privacy to dress
Sango only dressed in some simple black sweat pants, a white tank top which said `Bad Kitten' in black. She got the matching sweatshirt jacket and got her purse and stuff. Rin was quickly ready and then they walked downstairs and got into their car and left to the doctor's office.
As they got to the pediatricians office, they sat waiting until the receptionist called them to the inside to see the doctor. They waited in the room for a minute before a nurse came in with a big smile.
“Hello, Rin, I'm the nurse, I'm just going to do some check ups to see if you're ok, alright?”
“Alright, first, let's check your pulse” she said and placed gentle fingers against Rin's wrist, silently counting
“So, what's bothering you today, Rin?”
“My chest hurts and I start wheezing…” she said with a small voice
“Does this happen after you're playing, during, or before?”
“While I'm playing and after…”
“Alright, well we have a new doctor who just transferred from a hospital in Osaka, he'll be here shortly”
“Ok, thank you” said Sango with a nod and the nurse acknowledged the nod with one of her own
A couple minutes later, after the nurse left, the doctor came in. He had long black hair and he wore glasses, which were most likely for reading. He had khaki pants on and a shirt that was covered up with the white doctor's robe. He was looking through the tablet the nurse had left him on the nearby table.
“Ok, Mrs. Sakamotto, I am Dr. Naraku Murakami, I'll be Rin's doctor from now on” he mentioned, shaking her hand softly
“Alright, doctor”
“Ok, little Rin, you're feeling chest pains, huh?” he asked and Rin nodded
“Alright, well, can you tell me anything with the family history, any allergies or asthma?” Naraku asked Sango
“Well, let's see, my husband's step brother, Kaison has asthma and my mother-in-law, and my sister-in-law has asthma”
“Okay, well, I think little Rin has contracted a case of asthma, not a severe case but one that should be treated…let me check something else also” said the doctor and stuck one long medical stick to her tongue, opening her mouth wider so he could see
“Hmm…I think I will take a strep throat exam if you don't mind”
“I don't, whatever is needed” said Sango
“Ok, well, it will be a five minute wait but I hope it's worthwhile…here, I'm going to give you some prescriptions for anti-inflammatory, Bronchodilators, and some allergy medication to less trigger the asthma and cause it as less as possible ok?”
“Well, let's see” said Naraku and went back to the test
“Yep, little Rin I think you need you're tonsils taken out”
“No, not my tonsils, I might need them”
“For what?”
“I don't know I just might…” she said and Naraku and Sango laughed (A/N: Hehe, Naraku is a pediatrician)
After that, they left and headed towards Sesshomaru's office, based on Rin's subtle request. They went up the elevator, being met with the jerky gaze of Ayame, who seemed worried out of her mind. Sango smiled at her and she quickly smiled, throwing an ugly glare at Kagome, who didn't seem to notice.
“Aw, Ayame-san, is Sesshomaru busy now?”
“I don't-” started Ayame but was cut off by Kagome
“I'm sure he is, it is his workplace by the way”
“Kagome, after sleeping with him, I'm sure he's more than free to see his actual family!” shouted Ayame and Sango froze
“What?” said Kagome with a glare
“You heard me, after I came back to get the papers you were here screwing Sesshomaru, is that all you do, you stupid slut?”
Sesshomaru quickly opened his office door, making sure everything was okay when he heard the `you were screwing Sesshomaru, is that all you do, you stupid slut?' part and he glared until he saw Sango. Small specks of water were forming in the corner of her eyes and she just gave him a long, sad look before turning around and leaving. He called after her but she didn't pay him any attention, he was the last person she wanted to see today and that Higurashi girl was just so infuriating.
“Mommy, daddy called for you, why did you leave, why are you crying?” asked little Rin, totally confused
“Rin, do you want to see uncle Inu and Peach?”
“I can play with Peach? Yay! I love Peach! Yes, mommy, can we go, please?” (A/N: Peach is Inuyasha's Siberian husky)
“Yes, you can, Rinny-baby” said Sango with sniffles
After driving a couple of streets down, she got to Inuyasha's simple two story townhouse. She knocked on the door and Rin ran in as soon as he opened the door, going in the play room with Peach. Inuyasha looked at Sango's teary eyes and something painful clawed at his heart. Why was she crying? She just hugged him, which he just responded by hugging her back and rocking her side to side. Guiding her into the house, he let her sit in his couch, running his hands through her hair, like she did for him, to calm her down.
“What's wrong?”
“I-I just found out that Sesshomaru cheated on me…” she said torn up
“Sango…I knew but…”
“You knew and you didn't tell me? How long have you know? When were you going to tell me? Maybe my anniversary perhaps?” she said, extremely angry and Inuyasha looked down
“I'm so sorry…I just didn't want to tell you because I don't always want to be the bearer of bad news, it seems like that's all I do” he said softly and Sango grunted
“I'll talk to you later, Inuyasha, I'm just too worked up” she mentioned and called for Rin, leaving quickly, tears still grazing her eyes.
“Sweetie, this is what I'm going to do, I want you to go in the house with Damon and tell him to call me on my cell phone, I'ma go out for a second, but I'll be back later today”
“Mommy, I wanna go…”
“No, Rinny-baby, you can't go with mummy this time but I'll take you some other times”
“Okay, mummy, I loves you lots, be careful” said Rin, giving her mom a huge hug
“I'm coming back Rin…don't forget to tell Dammy, ok?”
“Ok, mummy” said Rin and jumped out the car, running into the houses backdoor
Sango sighed heavily and pulled out of the drive way, tears now freely falling from her face which she wiped off quickly.
“I know you're a bad habit but right now, I need just one…” she told herself and took a cigarette out of the glove compartment, lighting it with the cars lighter.
Rolling down the window, she puffed on the cigarette and slowly calmed down. Relaxing into the seat more as she drove down the busy highway. As she began relaxing more, her phone ring and she tensed up. She looked on the caller identification and flinched. It was Sesshomaru, at first she really didn't want to answer it and she didn't. Right now she couldn't talk to him with a mature mind and remember her manners and public respect. She would probably curse his ass out, which wasn't the way to solve things when you were thirty-three.
She cut the connection and then the phone rang again. She looked at the caller id and answered it quickly, it was Damon. She had to talk to her son, he would understand.
“Moms, what's wrong?” he asked, concerned
“Having an off day, Rin told you I was crying”
“Yeah, what did pops do now?”
“Why would you think it's about him?”
“You wouldn't cry over other stuff, what he do?”
“Well, he found a use for the office girl”
“No…jeez, he's done this what…four or five times?”
“Exactly, I think I might just cut the cord this time”
“Well, I really don't give a fuck, that bastards getting on my nerves too but the girls don't know him like this…you know?”
“Damon, don't call your father a bastard, your granddaddy is too nice for that but he loves to get around…”
“Well, mom, I'll try to keep the girls out of the info for a while, they don't need to hear you'll fight and holler, where are you going?”
“I'll be home in a while, maybe”
“Alright, much luvs, bye”
“Bye, and behave”
“Alright” he said and the dial went dead.
Okay, you would probably think how Sango would let Damon talk like that well he went through everything with her. He knew the real sour prick he could become and how sweet he could be. He lived through the rebellious ages of his father. His faqther had cheated on her almost four or five times and she had never divorced him, just forgave him. She was an independent woman and she would leave him if necessary. She was tired of being treated like a toy and someone who would always care for you, no matter how many hurt feelings went around.
Sango was going to show him, she was not his little play thing. She turned at the first u-turn and headed back home. He would be home by the time she got home, possibly, and if he was…she would give him a piece of her mind.
Author's Note: A little weird but please do review, I appreciate the reviews you'll give, you nice people