InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Red isn't only blood ❯ Messengers and Dragons ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hello, I know it's been a while since I updated, and I'm sorry. Didn't do a lot of things that kept me that busy, but I guess I was just feeling a tad lazy. And because of that…I edited only one time… *Begs forgiveness*

Anyway…How will they fall in love? Hmm, I'm asked this question loads of times. Let's just say I have my ways; heh. No, really, they will, I just think that people can't overcome hate very easily, after all it's one of the strongest emotions someone can feel. Time, it will take time and a few well placed scenarios. Trust me. What about the ball? Ahem…next chapter. I know it should've been in this one, but…I couldn't let you wait more could I? Anyway. It'll be a very interesting little event. Chapter 6 twice. Yeah, sorry about that, someday I was sleepy and messed everything up. I fixed it right a few weeks ago see?

That's pretty much it. On to the story---

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha & co.

Red Isn't Only Blood

Charter VIII: Messengers and Dragons

Kagome walked towards the main entrance of the Higurashi shrine. Seeing Inuyasha had remembered her how much life could pain. She had nearly forgotten it and now she was paying the consequences. You shouldn't run away from your problems and hide; that was one of the major rules of life, yet she had deliberately ignored it. When she woke at Lady Ayame's palace a year before, what she was being offered seemed like the best way to escape all her problems and fears. She was going to be trained and then she would look for the shards alone without any help, because people can trust only themselves, anybody who tells you they care, lies. Not one single person can care for anybody but himself or herself. The strange thing was that she still cared for others. Shippou and her family, were the ones she thought and cared for the most.

Speaking about which, she wasn't sure how her family would react to what she had to say. She liked the idea, battle was a part her life now, but her mum and Oyaji wouldn't be too happy about her going to war would they? After all they were paranoid and overprotective when she searched for the shards; she could just guess what was going to happen this time. She wasn't actually looking forward to it. And Souta? He would probably go hyper, he liked anything that had to do with youkai and combat, he freaked Kagome out a bit. Deciding to see their reactions instead of only imagining them, she opened the door.

"Mama, Jii-chan, Souta! I'm home!" She yelled at the top of her lungs while she shut the door a bit too fiercely; the house, which was quite old, shook. Being home was one of the best things she could think of. Starting to walk up the stairs she heard a loud crash from her brother's room.

"Ahh! My console! Who's that freak that made it fall?" She heard her brother shouting. She started laughing. Suddenly the child popped his head out of the room and started yelling again, "You! My console just-" then he saw who it was and hugged his sister tight. "Sis! I missed you so much! Where were you for two months? You said you'd visit once every thirty days!"

Kagome ruffled his hair in a loving manner and told him that when she visited the month before it was very late at night and that he was sleeping. She didn't tell him it was her who'd insisted he could sleep though. That day she'd told her mum and grandfather all the truth about a year before. They hadn't known; he hadn't explained, but as a month before she'd achieved more security in herself than she's done in eleven months, and overcome the fact about her presumed death, she wasted no time in telling her-adult-family. Trying to sneak away from the subject she did the thing she knew her brother hated worse-even though she was joking-she blamed him. "You sleepyhead! How can you prefer sleep to your big sister, " She said crossing her arms and faking an annoyed look.

"It your fault. You didn't wake me up…you can blame only no, I'm kidding don't worry." He said smiling widely at her. "Anyway sis," he started again "You look so cool! Usually when you come home you're dressed in miko garbs, why the drastic change? Will you teach me Kenjutsu one of these days? I absolutely love swords and fighting. Oh, did I tell you mum agreed in letting me go to Kendo at school? I'm so happy. There is this guy in the club who is really tough. He's in his last year at my school. He reminds me a bit of Inuyasha nii-chan. He takes both judo and kendo lessons. I wonder how he stands all the homework and the after-school clubs…" Souta had had so much to tell his sister when she was away; he missed the talks they had when they were younger. Those times Kagome hadn't traveled through time risking her life every minute. Sure, now she was stronger than many people in their time and could teach him lots of stuff, but was it worth it if she was away most of the time? He preferred having her home and weak, rather than strong, in Sengoku Jidai and in harms way. Suppressing the bad thoughts that were starting to form in his mind, Souta concentrated on enjoying as much as he could while his sister was home.

"Wow. I'm happy for you Souta. I would've never guessed mum would say yes. You know how she's overprotective, always saying stuff like 'be careful not to hurt yourself,' or 'I'm not letting you go to that amusement park, it looks dangerous'. Poor mama, she's really tense all the time. I wonder how I'm gonna tell her what I've gotta say." Kagome told Souta rolling her eyes. She was happy she could have a normal conversation with her brother alone. It had been so long since they'd talked together alone like the old times.

When she was home playing with her brother she could forget everything. That was why her heart was at peace now; both it and her mind were happy at the moment. She didn't want to think about anything about her problems in Sengoku Jidai; only the few happy things she could tell her family. Funny memories like when Shisho's mate, Yuri, threw him into the lake in Ayame's castle because he was being a jerk to Ayame-san. At the time Kagome was in her room, which was on the opposite side of the lake, near in the training grounds; but the shouts of anger of Shisho and the laugher of the two ladies was heard in all the palace.

"U-huuu, anybody there? Kagomeee?" She was brought back to reality by her bother who was waving a hand in front of her face; she hadn't even noticed she was daydreaming. She laughed gently and smiled at her brother.

"Nothing, nothing, I was just thinking that's all."

"Oh, you had such a stupid little smile on your face, I thought it might get stuck if I didn't do something." Souta said cheerfully. How long had it been since he'd had the opportunity to taunt his sister? He couldn't even remember it. So, deciding he was feeling playful, he ran to the main door, opened it, and started running as fast as he could around the shrine, screaming like a five-year old 'catch me if you can'.

"Oh gods, some people really don't grow up do they?" Yet this time her voice was light and joyful as she looked at the ceiling with a smile on her lips. Hurriedly he started catching after her brother shouting friendly, "How could you-! Come back here, now!"

And both brother and sister started laughing while running around the shrine, in and out of the various doors of the house.


"As I was saying Lord Sesshoumaru, Lady Ayame of the Eastern Lands requests your presence at a ball she is giving this night." Said a young Inu-youkai with short brown hair. He had black eyes and was wearing dark blue colored clothes, for blue was the color of the lands of the East from generations.

"And what would be the purpose of this ball?" Asked in a cool voice Lord Sesshoumaru, looking at the mountains beyond his garden. Not giving a single glance at the messenger that had arrived ten minutes ago. The boy had stopped more than once to see if he the person he was speaking to was actually listening. Sesshoumaru grinned to himself, it was so easy to make people uneasy. Just merely looking somewhere else and asking a few specific questions and…poof. There you had a completely nervous person near you.

"Lady Ayame has found a new general Sesshoumaru-sama. My Lady is going to announce to the other Lords and Ladies her new friend." The boy told him quickly. Eager to leave the Western palace and head East as fast as possible.

"Well then, you are dismissed. Tell Lady Ayame I'll be there around nightfall. Jaken, escort Genji-san to the main entrance." Said Sesshoumaru to the messenger that was clearly happy of leaving his castle.

"Thank-you very much then, Lord Sesshoumaru." Replied Genji while making a deep bow. He was led to the main entrance from Jaken and sped off towards his Lady's Lands; not even looking at Sesshoumaru's servant, who grumbled and uttered a few curses about unworthy, disrespectful messengers. While he walked back inside the castle his mind turned back to the old days when such arrogance was punished with death.

Meanwhile Sesshoumaru sat on a boulder to think. It was more than a century that none of the Lords or Ladies didn't elect new captains or generals; due to the fact that all the ones already in service were excellent and had still much time to live. Not that this was bad news, the years they were living were very turbulent and tense. Not only humans were fighting their civil wars, many youkai tribes fought one against the other for childish reasons; these stupid little arguments were only provoking the death of many people and the destruction of any cities; which was very bad indeed.

He wasn't looking forwards to the night's events because, unlike the meeting between the four Lords, well three plus Lady Ayame, they wouldn't be talking about the Land's problems. Thought, he had to say, he was quite interested to see who the new general was. Probably some young, energetic, arrogant pup who thought he was above everyone else…or maybe not. Lady Ayame had always been strange, as far as he knew it could just as well be an old, grumpy, lecturing cat youkai. Well, if that was the case he wasn't going to have a very nice relationship with him. Cats, he hated cats, they always had something stupid to say every moment. Anyway, that wasn't what he was supposed to be thinking about. He would probably have to prepare mentally for all the gossip most of the people at the gathering would say, he couldn't believe all those people could remember so much stupid things.

They would without doubt try to scare or annoy in some way the new general. It was a mystery what jealousy could do to one. Anger, hatred, none of these emotions could rival against jealousy. Many people hate, hold disgust ad want to kill somebody else; but death isn't the worse thing that can happen. Torture is far worse, pain during life is worse. Therefore a person, whom for jealousy does all in its possibilities to hurt another, can cause much more pain that death. That was how the world worked more or less, because power ruled the world. He'd learnt the hard way what it meant to hold power.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, Jaken-san told us to prepare a change of clothes for you'll be attending a party tonight. It has been place in the bench near the wardrobe in the hot springs." Told him one of the servants bowing deeply, never looking up.

"Very well, I'll be there in a minute, you can leave." He told her, dismissing her waving slightly his hand towards the house.

Deciding to take a relaxing bath before the certainly stressing night he turned towards the house and went to the hot springs, thinking only about the important things.


In Kaede's village the sun shone high. It was around noon. The passed rain was just a memory for it had lasted only half an hour, maybe a little more. The grass was twinkling magically while the water drops slowly evaporated from its surface. The children were running back from the fields as their mothers called them in for lunch. The strong smell of food lingered in the village, soup, cooked vegetables and other type of simple plates. From every house you could see a small cloud of smoke floating in the air above each hut to then disappear. Near one of the two figures were in deep contrast with the peace of the place. A demon exterminator who was seated with her back against the hut's wall, and a monk who sat a in front of her eating some soup and had a few red handprints on his face, were talking. They didn't look as happy as the rest of the village people…and didn't seem t notice a small kid sitting on top of the hut listening to their conversation.

"Hey Sango, what do you think about-?" Said Miroku.

"I don't know houshi-sama. She looks ok, but when you speak about Kikyou or Inuyasha…something changes. Her silence was almost scary." Told him Sango while she was polishing Hiraikotsu. It was almost like she was someone else.

A frown appeared on the cute face of the kid.

"You're right, I don't know what happened during this year, but I think we should keep an eye open. In case something happens." He didn't know what Kagome was thinking, but whatever it was he had a bad feeling about it. She wasn't fit for battlegrounds and wars; she had a forgiving heart by nature and he couldn't imagine her involved in

these youkai problems. He just couldn't imagine her turning into a murderer. Because that was war, or you turn into a killer or you'll be a victim.

"You know she wont let us." Said the exterminator looking seriously at him.

"I didn't mean to follow, Shippou could send us a letter every now and then. What do you think?" Miroku suggested.

"Looks like a good idea. But what about Shippou, I don't know if he'll do it." She really wasn't sure Shippou was going to do something he wasn't allowed to tell Kagome, he always told her whatever he did.

"Hey, I'm here you know." Yelled the kitsune from his hiding spot. "You know, it's not very polite to speak about people behind their back, especially when one o the two is listening." He told them grinning the same way he used to when Kagome sat Inuyasha.

"There you are Shippou. You saved us a lot of explaining by spying. And we weren't talking behind yours and Kagome's back; we're just worried. We're friends aren't we? That's why we care Shippou." Miroku said for both himself and Sango.

"Yeah yeah, who was complaining? I'm just really happy Kagome's back. I've missed my mama so much this feels like a dream. Anyway, I guess I could do it, if it's for Kagome's welfare I have nothing against it." Told them the kitsune cub looking at the fire where the soup left over was still hot. Then he pointed at the food. "Sango, could I have some of it please? I'm starving."

At this the monk and the exterminator laughed. Shippou could be so serious on moment and so carefree the other. It was amazing how wise he could be at his young age; it was probably because he'd been forced to grow up by events he couldn't control. The death of his parents, shard hunting, Naraku and then the disappearing of his almost adoptive mother; they were all very hard situations for a child to withstand. "Yes Shippou, here you are." Said Sango placing a bowl of soup in his tiny hands.

"Oh, I forgot to tell. Around fifteen twenty minutes ago, coming back from the fields, I met this weird guy dressed in blue, he was a kitsune to be exact. He was happy to see me, don't know why though. Well, he gave me this letter for Inuyasha, looks quite important." He said while slurping his soup and munching a few of the vegetables inside.

"Hey, what about me brat?" Said a voice from behind them.

"Oh hello Inu-baka. Here, a guy gave me this for you." Said Shippou smugly throwing the signed parchment to the hanyou.

"Feh. Keep your mouth shut brat." Inuyasha replied ripping the letter open. He quickly read the content and a look of astonishment spread on his face. "Hey Miroku, read this."

"To the younger son of Inutaisho, former Lord of the Western Lands, Inuyasha-san,

You are invited to the ball I am hosting tonight at the Eastern Palace; I believe you still remember where it is. The ball will start at nightfall. I expect your presence. There will be no violence at the ball and no blood will be shed within the palace walls. Once the ball is finished you are free to do as you please. You may also sleep over and head back home the next morning if you desire. Until then, have a good afternoon."

'Sincerely, Lady Ayame of the Eastern Lands'

"You going Inuyasha?" Asked the monk looking back at his friend.

"Guess I don't have much choice." Inuyasha said looking slightly interested.

Miroku, Sango and Shippou exchanged defeated looks.


"Mummy, mummy! Help me!" shouted Souta as he dashed behind his mother trying to escape from his sister who was now wearing white pants and a black t-shirt with some waves drawn on the front. Mrs. Higurashi had just arrived from the supermarket and was carrying a few bags containing lots of food. She looked a bit worn by all the stairs she had to climb to arrive to the house entrance. It was now noon and the sun was high in the sky, the spring breeze cooled the weather a bit, but other than that it was eerily hot for April. Sakura trees were starting o blossom and even the Goshinboku was expected to bloom that year; it had been so long since it had happened last time.

"Hello Kagome dear; what's happening here?" said the Lady, urging both her son and daughter towards the house. They'd grown up so much, yet they still played like five years ago. Life was really strange sometime; and no doubt people are a mystery. They could change so much on the outside because of terrible accidents and events, but remain the same inside and express that part of themselves with the people they trusted more and cared for. "I bet Kagome's got loads to tell us; don't you dear?"

At this Kagome swallowed, she smiled broadly and nodded. "But before I tell you I have to go buy a few things and ask Yui-chan for homework. I'll be back at four o'clock more or less. I guess. I'd really love to stay here with you all day, but I have to go find some clothes for this party Ayame-san is holding tonight. I certainly am not going to wear one of those fancy colorful kimonos she always wears at gatherings." She said.

"Oh but Kagome, you would look so nice in a kimono; it's very feminine. Don't tell me you're going to wear trousers, ho many times do I have to tell you you're not a boy Kagome?" Said exasperatedly Mrs. Higurashi to her daughter.

"Actually, that was quite what I was wanted to wear; and I will mum, I don't care if I'm pretty wearing a kimono. People are supposed to know me for who I am, and I don't wear fancy clothes or skirts anymore. I've changed mama, you should know that better than anyone else." She said seriously.

"I've got no chance right?" Mrs. Higurashi asked.

At this Kagome laughed, she liked winning arguments over clothes, especially when they were between her and her mum. When she was younger her mother always insisted she wore skirts because they were feminine; that's pretty much why she always wore them, it was something to remember her where she was from and that she had a family-and a mother who loved skirts, something to remember there were people who cared deeply for her- who missed her. "See ya later mum, and Souta, be a good be while I'm out ok?" And with that she ran down the steps and waved her hand to them.


Five PM, Tokyo, Higurashi Shrine

"Hey sorry guys, it took me more than I thought." Kagome said while she entered the house. She wanted to see how her mum reacted to what she'd done that afternoon. She'd probably go crazy, but it was really worth it. She'd worn a sleeveless shirt exactly for that purpose. Her mother was going to have a heart attack.

"Don't worry Kagome-chan it's ok, we still have a few hours together ne?" Mrs. Higurashi said while she was tidying the living room, not really looking at her daughter. When she looked at Kagome her eyes went wide from the shock and she collapsed on a sofa, "What did you-"

Just at I expected. Kagome thought, "Oh, c'mon mama, it's not that tragic. My earlier scar was far worse! At least this covers it. I think it's really cute. It looks good don't you think?" The girl told her mother, as if having a dragon tattooed on her left cheek and arm was an everyday thing. Of course it didn't look bad, actually, it gave the girl a unique look, as if it had always meant to be there. She liked it very much, the dragon's head was on her cheek and it's body traveled all the way down her right arm, it's tail on the back of her hand.

"Kagome, I thought you were going to buy clothes and ask Yushi for some homework. You didn't say anything about tattoos. I'm really disappointed this time." Mrs. Higurashi told her daughter.

"But mama, I did buy clothes and stop at Yui's house for schoolwork. Really I did, it's just that I passed by this tattoo shop and couldn't resist. It's been a while since I've wanted to do it and now I had a reason, it covers my scar doesn't it? Please mama, don't be angry." Kagome begged. She absolutely didn't think her mother would believe she'd lied. She could never do that to her family, she always told them the truth…the less disastrous one, but truth nonetheless.

"I'm not angry Kagome…I just don't see why you had to do it. You nice even without a dragon on your face and arm." Mrs. Higurashi said sighing.

"Ok, umm… mama, I..." Am I really sure I can tell them? What will they say? Are they prepared for such news? No, probably not. She thought. She just couldn't tell them she was going to war. For how much it excited and made her happy; they couldn't understand. Life in Tokyo was much too different from life in Sengoku Jidai, they'd go crazy, try to seal the well or something of the sort. She smiled, she would tell them eventually, but not now.

"Yes Kagome?" Replied the lady.

"Nothing, why don't we all play some game?" She proposed.

"Did I hear the word game?! I wanna play too!" Souta yelled running down the stairs.

"Maybe something on history…" Said an old man entering through the door. "Sorry for not being her before, I was meditating. Kagome, what did you do to your face? And your arm? Shouldn't you wash yourself from mud?" he said nonchalantly.

Everybody started laughing while Souta whispered to his sister 'Jii-chan needs to put on glasses'. And so Kagome laughed even harder while her mother was taking out monopoli. "I hope you people are good at business and economy; otherwise you'll lose all your money!" Mrs. Higurashi declared as she opened the box and started getting out the pieces…

After three hours they were still playing; Souta and Kagome were now in society together, due to Souta's near failing. And Mrs. Higurashi and her father were crushing both brothers down. All that was left to the poor brothers were only two thousand yen. After they lost another thousand yen in one of their mother's hotels they gave up and were defeated.

"That's not fair. We don't know as much as you two do on money and that kind of stuff…" grumbled Souta.

"It's been wonderful, I can't remember the last time I passed such a good evening with you," Kagome said to her family, "but, unfortunately I have to go. You know, I have only an hour and a half more or less before the 'party' starts." She sighed, "See you. Oh, and I figured a way to send you letters! Every once in a while I'll plop a letter down the well, be sure to check will ya?"

"Ok Kagome dear, we will don't worry, you should go know, before you're late. And please, be careful." Mrs. Higurashi hugged her daughter tightly.

"Yeah nee-chan! Beat the crap out of those mean youkai! And yes, you should improve at monopoli for next time sis." Souta giggled, hugging her and running back to his room; leaving Kagome fuming behind. He had the courage to mock her! Suddenly she was aware that her grandfather was nowhere to be seen. She looked around the room to find him, but when she asked her mother where he was he appeared at the door with two swords in hand. "Jii-chan what-?"

"Here Kagome, keep these. I've meant to give them to you a or a long time now. They're family treasure. More than five hundred years old. I suggest you keep them well." He held out to her the katana and the wakizashi he had in his hands and Kagome reached out to them.

The moment she touched them she felt something, like a stinging sensation on her palm. The swords were light, their edges incredibly sharp for swords so old. She guessed her grandfather took good care of them; she would do just the same. The sheaths were black, both had a dragon drawn on them and where the sword and the sheath met, there was a blue silken ribbing holding it in place. Both swords were the same outside, even if the length changed a bit from one to the other. "Oh, thank you very much Oyaji! I don't know how to thank!"

"Then don't, it's a present. I hope they'll protect you. Go change and head back, I'm sure they're waiting for you." He told her while she hugged him.

The girl nodded and after waving to her mum and grandpa she ran up to her room to change. She started crying silently as soon as she reached her bedroom, both from happiness and sadness. She couldn't believe she hadn't told them. How could she? But after all, who could blame her? She didn't want them worrying everyday about her safety and wondering if she was dead. No, that wouldn't do. She preferred feeling guilty than giving them such a burden. After all she could always tell them another time couldn't she? Lifting her armor over her head she plopped it on her shoulders and tied the sash around it. Wiping the tears from her eyes and face she placed her new katana and wakizashi at her side. She tied her old swords at her backpack and stepped on the edge of her window. "Good-bye everyone! See you next time!" She shouted. She left like that every time. She was sure that if she looked at them while she was going back she'd surely remain there she hated the sad looks they had an their face and she felt incredibly guilty and responsible. Another thing she hated were the pitiful looks her mother and grandfather gave her; she didn't need pity, she could make it on her own, they should think about their own problems, they already had enough. It wasn't exactly a good thing right now to dwell on these things. She was already late.

She jumped from the window and walked towards the well, when she reached it she jumped down and started her way down the path that led to Kaede's village. She had promised to bring Shippou with her after all.


Monopoli: For the ones who don't know, Monopoli is a game where you have to make the more money (even though they're fake) you can by putting houses or hotels on the squares (which are named as streets). When someone's little 'marker' (or piece, you know, that thing that marks where you are) stops in a square where someone else has houses or a hotel he has to pay a certain amount of money. If the person stops in a square where he or she has a hotel or houses of their own, they don't pay and wait their next turn. This game can go on forever, really, it's so much fun. People can also lend money and get together; at least that's how I play it. Hope this made some sense.

A/N: Hi guys. Whadya think? I think it was fairly nice done thing. I'm so happy to know people like and read this fic. I really put a lot into it, you're just great people, even if you don't review. You really make my day. ^-^

Okies, I'll give you a little hint on the next chapter because I'm nice:

I'll kill your brother doggy,

Because he broke me fluffy;

I'll let you live puppy,

Because you killed me doggy.
