InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Red isn't only blood ❯ Dogs, wolves and mysteries ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: So, haven't got much to say today. Finally the moment all of you were waiting! The ball/gathering/party thing. I had a wierd time writing it, really! Things to write just popped out of my head, I had to take more than a few off and stick them to the next chapter otherwise this chapter would've been ten thousand words long or something. Gosh.

Shard hunting, where did it go? Well…Kagome hasn't forgotten about the Tama, she's just thinking about other type of emotional problems. She will, at some point you will see, go back to collect kakera. In case you haven't noticed, she already has a bit of the Shikon.

Inuyasha and Kikyou? Well, I'm not pretty sure what I'm going to do with them, for now they're just guys who come on and off stage when called, maybe they'll be something more in a near future. And yeah, ^-^ Kikyou's so OOC.

Next update? Well, I have been trying to update on Fridays, but as it seems it worked only once, screw it (I apologize for my language, I'm a bit angry about this), I'll just update when I have a chapter ready. I hate it when I can't keep things into a decent schedule. But, back to the main thing, I usually update every two weeks.

About the little mean hint. About the poem on the earlier chapter, yeah, it had something to do with the small "lyric" you'll find in here. It was another way I wrote it. So I figured that as I liked both and couldn't put two in one chapter I would put one on a chapter as a hint and the other on the actual chapter.

Her Tattoo. Oh, I did a REALLY BAD error on the chapter before! The dragon should be on her LEFT cheek and arm…otherwise all the arts I did on her would be all wrong!! Oh no, I'm not changing all the pictures, I changed a few words.

Depressing rock songs?[Especially for kimusume kaoru] Yeah dude! You rock! You should try listening to "Nothing else matters" by Metallica reading this chapter, it will make an awesome effect. I assure! That's what I listened to while writing this. I LOVE that song! "So close no matter how far…lalala…"…*falls asleep singing*

Description and dialogue. For the happiness of some of you, in this chapter there is quite some dialogue. ^-^

Reading this chapter you should listen to: Either "Nothing else Matters" by Metallica, "Kiss from a Rose" by Seal or "Shinjitsu no shi" from the album "Do as Infiinity" of the Inuyasha anime soundtrack. I think music really gives something magic while reading a story.

Disclaimer: Inu-yasha & co. don't belong to me

Red Isn't Only Blood

Chapter IX: Dogs, wolves and mysteries

Kagome jumped soundlessly from the well and scanned her surroundings. Everything was as she remembered it. The towering trees cast black shadows on the already dark forest ground. Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! Dark? I'm so damn dead! I'm incredibly late! Take a walk to Shippou-chan, and then dash back at Ayame-san's. That's what I'll have to do. Everything was like frozen into place by some mystic magic, which made the place seem ethereal and peaceful. Yet Kagome knew better; it was at night you could get killed. That was why humans never left their houses at night, why animals crept to their holes and slept; it was very simple, night was the reign of merciless youkai. They hid in the shadows, they sneaked up on their unaware prey, and then they played with it, enjoying the way their smell mingled with fear and their horror struck eyes. At the end only death awaited the poor prey, which could just resign to its fate. Starting to walk in the direction of the village she sighed and followed the illuminated narrow road.

The full moon shone high in the sky, glowing like an enchanted pearl, casting it's light upon the sleeping nature below. The whole forest was colored in gray and the miko had the feeling she was looking at an old movie. She remembered the tales she was told by her father long ago, about how dangerous the full moon was. Coming to think about it he was right. During the full moons werewolves roamed the forests seeking blood and a night's meal. But were there werewolves in Sengoku Jidai in the first place? Probably there were, after all the things she had seen she wasn't going to be surprised if one jumped out from the bush near her. She laughed silently to herself at her childishness. There was no way something of the sort was going to venture around Inuyasha's forest. The village near it was far too small to attract such living beings.

She watched the human settling that was Kaede's village while she passed near the houses. Outside every hut burned a little fire, which, the inhabitants believed, would scare any aggressor away. How foolish. Someone who had a murderous intent wasn't going to back down because of a crackling little light. The little 'torches' lit only a certain area, and beyond that only the moon gave the path a grayish tint that allowed any, young, human eye to see. Making her way to the largest building she sopped before it, taking the time to move aside the tatami door.

When she entered everyone was asleep. Strange. The girl thought. It was only quarter to nine and they were already in dreamland and snoring. There was also something else that disturbed her, Inuyasha's presence wasn't anywhere near the village. Probably with the rotten corpse somewhere… She told herself. Not paying much attention to it she remembered her upcoming death and picked up Shippou from his place near Kirara. She left a piece of parchment near Sango thanking for all they'd done for Shippou and ran out of the hut. Keeping the kit embraced she rolled the sleeves of her haori around him and created a 'blanket' to keep him warm in the chilly night air.

Jumping on a branch she started making her way to the Eastern palace.


"Well, Lady Ayame, where's the general?" Asked Lord Shisho to the ookami youkai before him with interest.

"Don't worry Shisho-san; probably a bit late. The general's house is a bit far away from here. You know, went to visit some relatives." Lady Ayame answered. Kagome, you are dead when you arrive here! She thought. The girl should've been there more than an hour ago! And she wasn't! All the three Lords where there and many other guests too. The only one missing was Kagome! The center of attention wasn't even there!

"Are you sure Ayame-san? I can't sense anyone fit for the job around here." Lord Takao as he joined the conversation.

"Well, she's quite…unique, we could say." The ookami Lady replied.

"She?" Echoed Shisho. A woman was the center of the night's gossip? He couldn't believe it. It was really against all rules. Females were supposed to stand on their side of the river. He wasn't sexist or anything, but he thought that when men were fit for battle, women were more fit for cooking and babysitting.

"Yes Lord Shisho, she. The new general's a girl." Lady Ayame confirmed.

"We are really reaching the bottom of the pit. A girl?! She's going be killed on the first battle. I could bet my lands on it." Commented Takao.

The four Lords, well, three and a Lady were talking near the lake. Lord Shisho, Lord Takao and Lady Ayame were having a discussion on the new general; while Lord Sesshoumaru merely listened. Yuri and Nako, Shisho's and Takao's mates were by their men's side and looking quite interested in what their mates were talking about.

"I wouldn't bet something that important Lord Takao." Lord Sesshoumaru said suddenly.

"Why shouldn't he? I agree with Lord Takao." Replied Lord Shisho.

Suddenly Lady Yuri spoke, "Now now dear, we don't want you falling in the lake-again-do we?" at that Lady Ayame laughed softly and Lord Shisho turned to look at his mate with a frown.

"You wouldn't-" He started saying before Yuri rudely interrupted him, again.

"Oh yes I would. Really, always complaining about females being too weak. Kami, of course they don't if they're not trained and cannot fight for their selves. That was sexist of you to say." She told him, looking at him directly in the eyes.

"I'm not-"Lord Shisho started saying when lady Nako interrupted him.

"Yuri-san's right, isn't she Lady Ayame?" Stated Nako with a smile on her lips, giving Yuri some support.

"Oh yes, absolutely right," Lady Ayame said with a grin, "looks like we win this argument, three against two."

Suddenly a loud crash and someone yelling on the opposite side of the palace was heard through the entire garden. "You sick mud ball! Just die will you?! And get your filthy hands off Shippou-chan!" And after that a wild crash was heard.

"Kagome," Was the only thing Lady Ayame said before speeding to where all the chaos had taken place. Soon after all the guests and Lords followed. When they arrived they weren't ready for what they were going to see. A girl none less than a head shorter than everybody present was walking away from the exploded body of a ruthless youkai. The demon was sizzling and crackling as of under the effect of some poison while it's body was slowly fading from view.

The girl called for someone named Shippou and from a tree a small kitsune pup jumped into her outstretched arms. She walked back to where a yellow backpack was on the ground and lifted it over her shoulders while the kitsune sat on her left shoulder. She turned around to make her way to the inside of the palace, when she noticed how many eyes were staring at her. Glaring at all of them, she looked for someone.

"Konbanwa Ayame-san, I'm a bit late. Fault of that little guy over there." Kagome said looking at Lady Ayame and pointing at the decaying corpse of the youkai that had attacked her.

Lady Ayame only glared at her. "Well, I think I'll go get changed and meet everyone in the garden afterwards..." Kagome said walking towards her bedroom.

"Ok, but make, sure, you don't take more than ten minutes." The ookami youkai said loud so anyone could hear. "Otherwise I'll have to drag you out of your room." She hissed angrily in Kagome's direction and this time only the three Lords and the miko heard. When the girl nodded in response and started towards the northern wing of the house, the group around the eastern wall of the palace started to move. Many of the youkai went back to talking in the garden, mainly about what had just happened, leaving the Lords free to talk on their own.

"Please tell me it's not her." Pleaded Lord Takao. He wasn't going to believe one of the people in charge of the eastern army was a fragile human girl.

"What if she is?" Answered Lady Ayame gently. Suddenly losing every accent of anger from her voice

"We are really falling low." Said Shisho before Takao could say so himself.

"I thought you weren't against humans Shisho-san." Told him Lady Ayame.

"No, I don't; but miko women are an exception. And not disliking them is a thing, choosing them for such a high charge is another! Are you mad Ayame?" He said letting all formalities drop. The four of them knew each other from centuries, it was just etiquette that had them add honorific titles on each other's name when speaking around people.

But they weren't aware that one of them wasn't there with them, or rather, because he never usually spoke, they dismissed his lack of response as his usual silence. Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands was rooming the palace looking for someone in particular.


Kagome ran as fast as she could towards her room and closed shut the shoji door behind her. When she dropped gently Shippou on the bed he watched her as she turned upside down her bag, making all the things inside fall messily onto the bed. She then got a pair of trousers and a shirt out of the jumble and a small kimono she'd asked Satsuki to make for Shippou and dropped them on a couch. She then made her way to the bath.

"Come on Shippou, I'm sorry you woke so suddenly because of that youkai, but we've gotta bath in ten minutes if I don't wanna get fired on the first day." Kagome said giggling. Once in the bathroom she and the kit took off their clothes and jumped in the pool. They didn't even wash themselves before entering the spring because they had very small time. She felt a tad guilty not washing before jumping in the hot water, but she really didn't have time to think about it.

"What's 'fried' mama?" Shippou asked as he splashed his face.

"Umm, you say fir-ed Shippou-chan, it's when someone takes you off from a job." She explained him. "But I'll tell you better later, we've got to get out and dress now." I'm so dead. That's what her mind kept repeating. The young girl wasn't even aware of her surroundings because of how much she was hurrying.

"Ok," was all Shippou could say before getting dragged out of the water and wrapped in a warm towel; just as Kagome. It was only then Kagome realized she'd left the clothes on the bed. Groaning in frustration she tightened the towels around herself and Shippou before dashing out of the spring's door towards her room. She bumped against something and mumbling about stupid statues she walked around it and entered her room.

Starting to wear her pants she looked back at Shippou, who was fidgeting with his clothes, not knowing if he was supposed to wear them. After wrapping some bandage instead of putting on her bra Kagome walked over to him and helped him wear his clothes. "You look absolutely adorable!" Kagome said. The little kit was wearing a black haori with white foxes drawn on it and a pair of plain black hakama. Kagome walked over to her bag and took out something furry and handed it to Shippou.

"Father's fur!" Yelled the kitsune starting to snuggle in the pelt Kagome had given him, "I thought it had burned." The miko gently wrapped the fur around his shoulder and finished dressing herself.

"I kept it for you till the day you seemed ready to get it back." Kagome said lovingly while she was dressing, ignoring him when he asked her what she meant. She knew she had to tell him, but it would have to wait; maybe next morning.

When Kagome was finished she was wearing a pair of loose, low cut, black thick silk pants and a black form-fitting sleeveless turtleneck shirt that left her abdomen bare. On her left arm her tattoo could be easily seen and accentuated her pale skin. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail she had tied with a white lace. Wearing a pair of white trainers with black refinements she looked back at Shippou.

"How do I look?" She asked with a smile.

"You look awesome Kagome-kaasan! But what's that thing on your face and arm?" He yelled launching himself at her. She easily caught him and started brushing his hair. She then tied it in his trademark mini ponytail. She walked to the other end of the room and picked up a pair of yellowish closed shoes and helped the kitsune wear them. At the end they were both ready in record time.

"It's a tattoo Shippou, it's a like a drawing made on the skin, I had it drawn in my time earlier today. But we've gotta go now. And we'd better hurry, Ayame-san's furious." Kagome said, opening the door after she'd tied her swords on a white belt she was wearing. While the kitsune jumped on her shoulder she stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her.

When she was halfway down the corridor when she bumped again into something. "Really, I have to tell Ayame-san to take these stupid statues away. They're frustrating." She said.

"This Sesshoumaru is no statue." Said a cool voice behind her.

"Eh…do you have robots here as well?" She asked Shippou hopefully. When he shook his head and asked what a robot was she turned around to find one of her less favorite people staring at her.

"You should be dead woman." He said emotionlessly. The woman couldn't be alive. He had passed through her body with one of his hands. Her body had absorbed some of his poison then, more than a year ago, and here she was, happily having a chat with her kitsune friend. How had she survived? Many powerful youkai had died from his poison. Even the bastard half-breed had nearly died.

"I'm sorry sir; I don't know what you're speaking about." Kagome replied as if nothing had happened. Yet inside she was burning with anger. She wasn't going to tell him who she was. He might know her from her aspect, her scent, aura, temper, but he couldn't be sure until she told him personally. So, she was going to play the part of the clueless young girl; even though inside she was burning in anger with the desire of yelling at him and pounce his handsome face. Imagining his bleeding nose she inwardly grinned.

"Don't play the mannered little girl with me. Tell me the reason you're alive and maybe this time I'll spare you the pain of last time." He repeated, this time narrowing his eyes. She was deliberately lying to him. When she remained silent and simply looked at him with clueless eyes he decided he wasn't going to tolerate any more her attitude. He grabbed her by the throat and repeated his demand again.

"I told you Lord Sesshoumaru. I know nothing about what you're speaking about. If you would please let go off me I'd have matters to attend." Kagome said breathless because of the hold he had on her throat. Looking back at Shippou, who had fallen of her shoulder and fainted after hitting the ground with the head. It was proving really hard not to lose control at the sight. She tried masking her anger frowning, faking a look of pain. Hopefully Sesshoumaru would think his hold on her was painful, and not that she was thinking about writing a book titled, 'A thousand ways to kill a taiyoukai'. Her miko powers were boiling under her skin, trying to find some way of release from the strong restriction that was her control, also managing to give her a tremendous headache. Meanwhile, against both her brain's and body's will, her rational mind was busy processing some plan to get away from the situation as fast as possible.

Feeling the taiyoukai's claws penetrating her neck she took hold of his arm with both of her hands and sent some of her miko energy through it. Even though it had been a little painful for Sesshoumaru, her body was slightly more relaxed now. Her skin wasn't hot anymore, and she could feel her miko powers slowly bending to her control once more. He immediately let go. Gasping for air she walked over to Shippou. Cradling him in her arms she kissed him lightly on the forehead. Turning around to glare at the youkai behind her she didn't hide her irritation anymore. "You should be proud, you involved a child in your personal business nor he or I knew nothing about." She spat turning around and deciding to make her leave.

Grabbing her by an arm he turned her around and looked at her intently. "Remember, I am watching you." He said before turning the way he'd come. What a strange human; she managed to keep to herself what I demanded. He thought. She hadn't given him the tiniest clue that she knew what he was talking about. Her scent, face, aura, everything was that of his half brother's wench, but she hadn't confirmed anything, nor directly or indirectly. It was frustrating to say the least. He'd lived a year believing she was dead to only find out she wasn't. He'd thought he would've hated the fact, but for some reason he didn't, it was disturbingly interesting. Of course, the extreme dislike was always there, but he didn't hate her that much anymore. And Hate and dislike were completely different things.


Every time Kagome entered the garden she wasn't prepared for the sight. It was terribly beautiful. The way the water seemed to 'play' in the river as it rounded rocks and passed under small wooden bridges was mesmerizing. The river glinted under the light of the torches that illuminated the garden and created something akin to an illusion. Some old trees were bent towards the water and some branches gently touched the spackling liquid, causing a few ripples to appear on the motionless surface. Right in the middle of the garden, where the creek ended, was a lake. A wooden bridge had been built over the lake.

Looking around Kagome noted that most of the guests were either near the water, or standing on the bridge. Scanning the area for Lady Ayame, Kagome found her to be sitting under the gazebo that was twenty meters or so away from the lake, friendly chatting with Lord Takao, Lord Shisho, Sesshoumaru, Lady Nako and Lady Yuri. Really, this night couldn't any start better. She thought bitterly while she made her way to the group. She didn't notice the bundle in her arms was shifting.

"Don't worry Kagome-kaasan, I'll be here with you. I'm sorry I couldn't help against that youkai…" Said Shippou snapping the girl out of her thoughts.

"Oh, I didn't notice you had already recovered Shippou-chan."

"Well, I didn't actually faint…I was quite sleepy and fell asleep. I couldn't sustain my weight anymore and so I fell off your shoulder. Sorry I couldn't help with Sesshoumaru…too."

"I'm so relieved Shippou-chan. I thought you'd bumped your head. And don't worry about Sesshoumaru, I can sort out that kind of things on my own. Now sleep if you're tired, I'll keep you in my arms so don't worry about anything." She said gently.

"Are you sure I -" Shippou started saying, but he was soon in dreamland as Kagome kissed him on the cheek and used a little trick she'd learned while practicing with her miko powers to make him fall asleep. She laughed lightly when he shifted to find a better position. Kawaii… She thought.

Lady Ayame turned around when she heard Kagome's familiar laugher behind her and was surprised when she saw what was in the girl's arms. Kagome had never said anything about having children. Actually, coming to think about it Lady Ayame knew very little about Kagome. She knew she lived far away but not precisely where, she knew her heart was aching, but didn't know the reason, she knew she'd nearly died, but she didn't know by who's hand. A veil of mystery, which made her person more interesting than what it already was, surrounded the girl.

The blue eyes, so unusual in humans, the strong miko powers, so rare even between high status miko, the forgiving soul, so different from any other in the whole world; everything about her spoke of unknown and peculiarity. The way she had started changing her attitude when speaking with every different person, the way she would close up whenever she was sad, the way her aura flared when she was angry, the frightening intensity of her rage, she had many youkai sides to her, yet she was not. She was human, yet she was not..either. It was a real dilemma.

Just as Lady Ayame was thinking Kagome's mood changed before her eyes, the smile on her face disappeared right after the kitsune fell asleep and was replaced by a serious expression and her soft gaze turned cold. Everything in her seemed to switch off, like when a fire is extinguished. When Kagome stopped in front of them and bowed Lady Ayame decided it would be better to start the conversation, "Hello Kagome, I take you had a good time with your family." She said eyeing her student.

When Shippou fell asleep Kagome felt just like whenever she was alone, sad and lonely, even though it didn't show on the outside. She had taken the habit of closing up to everything when she felt that way, she wouldn't let anyone think she was an approachable person. She could feel all the people in the garden staring at her, but it didn't matter, they knew nothing about her. The only thing that mattered was finishing what she had to do and then run somewhere she could think on her own.

Looking at the Lords and Ladies before her Kagome examined them one by one. They were seated on fluffy cushions on the wooden floor of the gazebo, drinking some tea on a low rectangular table. The seating was simple, the mates on the longer sides of the table, one next to the other, and the 'singles' on both heads of the table. Lord Takao was an ookami youkai, just like Lady Nako and Lady Ayame. He had black shoulder-length hair tied in braid. He had deep blue eyes and on the side of each one was a black line that traveled till over his pointed ears. On his right palm was marked a solar eclipse. He was wearing a gray outfit with a black geometrical pattern on the neck and sleeves; he wore a black armor and on both sides he had a sword. He didn't look like a companionable fellow. On his right sat his mate, Lady Nako was wearing a light gray Kimono with a drawing of two crossed spears on the back; her golden hair was tied in a bun and two braids of hair were free on both sides of her face, lighting up her dark colored eyes. On the back of her hands were two black dots, and her eyelids were azure.

Lord Shisho was a young Inu youkai, just as Lord Sesshoumaru and Lady Yuri. He had white, short hair and light blue eyes; he had a blue line that ran across his nose and a black line on his eyelids. He was wearing a maroon outfit with designed dark green ivy leaves running across his back and neck. He had a metal gray armor and two black sheaths were laced on his left side. He looked like a very diplomatic youkai, one of those people with who you could entertain a conversation for hours about common interests. On his left sat his mate, Lady Yuri, she also had white hair, tied in a braided high ponytail. Her eyes were violet and she had a golden spot on both end of her eyes. She had a friendly aura about her.

Sesshoumaru was the same as always, white haori and hakama, silver-white hair, amber eyes, blue markings on his face, his gray armor and both Tenseiga and Toukijin at his side. In front of him was Lady Ayame, who was wearing a dark blue kimono with white sakura blossoms drawn on the sleeves.

"It was enjoyable." The girl answered sitting down and placing the kit on her lap.

"I see, then I guess we should discuss more important matters." Lady Ayame considered. Everyone nodded in assent.

"This is Kagome, she's the new general I'll be presenting in a while." Lady Ayame said, starting the conversation about why she was giving Kagome such a high charge; all the while a certain miko looked away and didn't listen to the whole ordeal, she already knew most of what Ayame-san was going to say anyway.

When the Lady of the Eastern Lands and the other great lords were finished discussing they all looked at the young human girl. Lord Takao had a calm face, but she knew that inside he was full of anger; looking directly in his eyes she grinned, a silent death threat if he attempted anything rash. This only served to fuel more the dark fire in his eyes, exactly what Kagome wanted. Lady Nako was gentle, she gave her words of encouragement and wished her good luck. Kagome only nodded her head. Next she looked at Lord Shisho, he had a smile plastered on his young friendly face. She imagined his cute face contorted in anger and frustration, it didn't suit him, so she come to the conclusion he wasn't a bad guy. Same went for Lady Yuri, she had a kind smile on her face, she couldn't be bad, just as her mate. After all she had always believed that if an angry look was out of place on a face, then that person wasn't meant to be evil, so far it had proven right. Well, with the little exception of a certain someone… As she shook hands with the Lord and Lady of the Northern Lands she gave in into her soul's desire to exchange their friendly and sincere smiles; she smiled back, the same smile she gave Shippou and her friends, a pure hearted carefree one, it was something rare to see these days.

Slightly taken aback Lady Yuri and Lord Shisho gaped for a moment, just to pull themselves together after a mere second. The same went for Lady Nako who looked at her shocked, as if a zombie had just claimed to be living and sane being. Lord Sesshoumaru simply raised his eyebrows in slight surprise and Lord Takao remained motionless, the murderous look in his pupils getting a notch higher. Lady Ayame smiled as well, looking at the scene unfolding in front of her. Kagome had been silent, distracted and cold during all the conversation, but when Lord Shisho and Lady Yuri had smiled at her, she had smiled back; something Lady Ayame knew nobody was expecting. Maybe there was still a possibility for Kagome to change back into the joyful and carefree young girl she had been.

Sesshoumaru merely nodded at Kagome as to show he accepted. When all the important presentations were done they sat up and Lady Ayame told everyone to enter the main hall. Once there, Lady Ayame announced Kagome to the rest of the youkai that were in the room. Kagome took a step next to Lady Ayame when she heard her sensei say her name during a speech she was giving. She held her head up and a straight posture. Nobody was going to have the idea she wasn't the right person for the job; if they didn't, then she was going to prove her strength against them, no matter what it took. She wasn't going to bow to anyone except those she thought worthy. She was her own person with her own possibilities. She wasn't going to be called weak human any more, she'd had enough of that. Narrowing her eyes and furrowing her brown she looked at a certain spot in the room where she could see red clothing.

Despite the urge to run at him and give him a punch in the jaw she told Lady Ayame she was going for a walk and made her way outside. Inuyasha was there? Fine with her, what was the big ordeal, there were so many people it would be extremely easy to pass by unnoticed. She also had to be careful about Kouga, she was sure he was around, but didn't know where; the last thing she wanted was having to deal with the wolf youkai prince in one of his 'you're my woman' momentos.

She didn't know why, but she started thinking about a song she'd heard her friends sing once when she was young. "My mother killed me. My father ate me. My brothers picked my bones and buried them in a stone grave. Lizzy Borden stabbed her father forty times with an axe. Then her mother forty-one…"

Hnn, I could make up one for myself with all that's happened… "My best friend broke me. His brother killed me. Their enemy wanted me dead. My teacher picked my bones and revived me. Kagome Higurashi stabbed her best friend fifty times. Naraku fifty-one. Didn't stab dog-boy's brother…yet doesn't know why…" Hey, I could write a cd. Kagome laughed inwardly at how stupid she was being.


The rest of the night was fairly calm, everyone continued to send Kagome questioning or disapproving glances while whispering behind her back. Some thought she was inadequate, some of the ladies spoke about how indecent and un-feminine her clothes were, but strangely enough she didn't care. All that she wanted now was a refreshing walk in the empty garden.

Sesshoumaru watched her every move, trying to find any hint as to conclude his assumptions. It was frustrating they way she could mix into the jumble of youkai and become invisible to the eye in the mixture of colored silk around the room. There was something extremely strange about that girl. Nobody seemed to know anything about her. She was like the water, every time you thought you had captured it or caged it, it always found a way of escape by the smallest holes possible. So was Kagome. Serious and closed she never gave away what she felt anymore; it was amazing how much one only year had changed her. He couldn't believe the girl he was keeping an eye on while talking with Shisho was the same person he had mortally wounded twelve months prior.

It was so uncharacteristic of him to think so much about such a trivial little thing, but he had thing unshakeable feeling of curiosity that was killing him. Inuyasha was at the ball also, as much as he hated the fact, he was amused when he didn't rush at his wench's side and dragged her away. But then again, he had shown up with his decaying corpse of a mate. Surely Kagome had seen the company his stepbrother was in and had decided to stay away, yet it was strange. He had never seen her purposely ignoring the hanyou's presence. So after all, she was no exception in the human race, her unfading loyalty had at last vanished and crumbled, just like the one of every other being of her kind. He had been foolish enough to believe there was still some hope for humankind, how stupid. He decided it was futile trying to keep her watched all the night so he decided he was going to take a break from the stupid party he had been dragged to and walked to the bridge; noticing somebody else was in the garden as well, two people to be exact.

Damn, he had just realized it; he'd started calling her by name without realizing it. Bad thing.

Kagome had long left the Lords and nobles company, everyone had moved inside when the wind had started blowing a bit more and she was now alone in the garden, sitting on the grass and listening to melodic sound of the spring breeze while singing. "Akaku nijimu tai wa subete o, terashite kita ima mo mukashi mo…"*.

Then someone approached her from behind, she didn't care who it was, his intentions weren't bad, she could feel it.

"You have a beautiful voice, but it isn't safe for a young girl to sit alone during the night" said a deep male voice from her side as a adult youkai sat near her, smiling.

"I don't care anymore…" she whispered looking at the moon above with serious eyes as a sense of longing swept over her. She didn't know why but this man made her feel safe, at ease, like when her father had been alive so long ago.

"Never say such a thing. We should always care, only the dead stop hoping." He told her, also looking at the sky.

"The dead…" She repeated starting to think about Kikyou and Inuyasha and about what they were probably doing inside the palace. Inuyasha's probably picking up a fight with Kouga-kun right now…

"I can feel you anguish young one, your confusion, but do not dwell too much on problems of the past, the future is every moment after the one that has just passed, anything could happen in a second. Never hold shame for your weakness or emotions, for they will be your strength. Never hold resentment for someone, it will only bring your downfall. The only way you can live at peace is by forgiving others and being in complete serenity with yourself." He said.

"I believe it's too late, for too long my soul has hated. One year is too long to erase for someone like me." Kagome thought aloud.

"Release what you have inside, now, make the wind blow fiercely, make the rain pour from the sky, or simply write down what you feel and then tear the paper apart, forget what you feel now, leave space for what you'll fell tomorrow. Everyone deserves some felicity. It is true that eternal happiness is an illusion, but a moment of it isn't." The youkai said looking back at her.

As she looked into his black eyes she could see the wisdom in them. "Is it ok to…forget? I've tried so many times and it always backfired. It ended worse than what it would've been."

"How do you know what it would've been," He countered.

"I…" Kagome faltered. She didn't know who she was talking to, she couldn't even see his face because the torch behind them was covered by a huge tree, she had chosen that spot not to be notice by the guests. He was wise, in a few moments he was helping her settle all the jumbled thoughts she'd kept inside of her for so long, ever since Kikyou had come back from the dead. He probably didn't know how much it meant what he was doing, but she didn't know if she could trust him. It was true, she felt safe and she didn't sense any threat from him, but first impressions were wrong most of the time.

"See, you can't know until you've tried. But there are always better and worse ways for things to turn out. It depends on the choices you make. I know of nobody who has always made the best decision. Life is a complicated thing, even the ones who have lived it for centuries know very little of it. Of course there are the arrogant like Shisho, Takao and Sesshoumaru who think they know most of it, but that's plain stupid. There are always unknown things or people. Mysteries, that's what they are, just like you. That's why many stare at you, they can't understand, you are something they have never seen before."

"Care to see a little thing?" The miko asked out of the blue looking back at the opened shoji doors of the palace with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"I would like to." He answered.

Right then all the torches, both in the garden and the main hall went out, blackness overcome the whole palace as you could hear a few ladies emitting girlish yelps and Lady Ayame asking a few servant to re-light the fires. But right then small glowing lights suspended in midair appeared out of nowhere and started flying all around the palace, floating over heads, intertwining in the lady's hair, flaying in front of the lord's faces; scattering the chaos around the palace. One flied over Kagome's hand and then next to the man who was speaking with her, as it glowed a brighter shade of white; then disappearing as all the little lights vanished and the torches lit again on their own.

"That was you doing wasn't it." The youkai asked.

"What if it wasn't?" Kagome replied with a smirk as the laughed softly together while she copied the shrieks of fright of the ladies while they clung to their mate's arms. When the youkai left with a few words of parting she remained where she was, listening again to the sounds of the nightly forest as she thought.

She had never felt so good in a lot of time, so at peace. But it didn't look good in her eyes. As much as she tried to forget…she always remembered more clearly each time. The way her heart had felt when she had seen Inuyasha and Kikyou embraced in the forest. She could remember the strong sense of betrayal and…freedom. She had never come to think of it. When she had seen Inuyasha and Kikyou hug and kiss, deep within her soul was happy because she was free to run away from the hanyou anytime, regardless of any promise or bond. He had destroyed them on his own.

Breathing deeply she sighed, "What am I doing…" The last words of the youkai still rang clear in her mind, "You have to settle your thoughts child. Take a minute to think over what you've felt these years. Only when you'll understand yourself, you'll be able to pass on." Really, it was an enigma the mentality of that man. First he was telling her to let go and then he came out saying that only analyzing her feelings she would be able to do so; thank you very much, that was what she couldn't do! Lying back on the ground she laid Shippou on her right and closed her eyes. Listening to the nightly noises once again, slightly pissed off at the man she'd been so grateful to just moment before.



*"The crimson stained sun, sets everything alright, both now and long ago…"

A/N: Okies, I edited a bit these few days, a few stupid errors have been taken off from the first post. Figuring it took me long enough to write it, I thought that maybe you'd appreciate if I updated. So, errors, weird things or such are just first draft things that will go away when the time come.

If you were expecting anything between Inuyasha/Kikyou/Kagome here I'm sorry. They will come next chapter though, don't worry, Kouga-kun and Ayame-chan too! Oh, if any of you think that the mysterious guy at the end is Kagome's secret father or something…well, no he's not! If she's gonna be youkai or something like that (I still haven't decided); it will be because of outer consequences and not because she was born so in the first place.--- I kind of miss Rin too…=_=

Thanx for reading
