InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Red String ❯ Mussings of a Hanyo ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or it's affiliated characters, sad but tru. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Bandai. Of course I do claim my own rights to this particular story, and any original characters I happen to throw in here.
AN : This is a lil something I've had penciled out for about a year now, and only recently have I actually been inspired enough to take it out to try and make something of it. That's right, after being a side-liner for this long, I've finally decided to try my hand at my own Inuyasha ficcy. O_o *I'm scared, are you?* This part has been released completely un-beta'ed so please be kind with spelling/grammar you may find. I've tried to clean it up the best I can, but there's always something that's been missed. That said, hope you enjoy it, its my current brain-child ;P
Red String
By Eden
It was dark, and as most nights went, this was normal. It was also extremely quiet, but for some reason it wasn't a normal quiet. It was a thick quiet that seemed to settle over Inuyash's thoughts on this night that seemed like so many had before it. The forest, that was usually alive with the sounds of wildlife, no matter what the time of day, seemed to be completely devoid of sound, as though there was something out among the trees that deswaided any activity. And the smell, . . . He hated it. There wasn't a single trace of an ominous presents on the wind for him, upwind or down wind, his normally sensitive nose wasn't able to pick up a trace of anything out of the ordinary.
But of course that was exactly the point wasn't it? The very reason for the abnormality of this particular night wasn't really an abnormality at all, well at least not with the forest. It was with himself.
It was the same feeling he had every night of the new moon for as long as he could remember, and he knew that it would be the same way for as long as he lived, or until he could find a way to change it. His human night, the one true bane of his existence. How he had cursed the fate that was brought upon all half demons such as himself, to suffer for one night of complete vulnerability.
He knew he would be lying to himself if he though that every half demon really had the same feelings such as him, but none the less, he knew he couldn't be completely wrong in assuming that it wasn't something anyone would look forward too.
For the majority of his life, he was essentially a dog-demon. He had the heightened sense of touch, smell and sight, as well as his razor sharp reflexes and obvious in-human strength. The only tell-tail sign of his half human heritage being the sight of his pointed white ears atop his head. He could sneer and battle with the best of demons and prove himself a worthy opponent, teaching those who would expect nothing from a weakling hanyo how wrong they were to judge him.
Of course, proving demons wrong about your strength was fine and well, but after a while of being the one to come out of confrontations on top, anyone would be bound to make a few enemies. And even then, having a few rivals was good, it kept one's reflexes sharp, taught one not to let their guard down for a moment, lest you become the unsuspecting target of a surprise onslaught.
The only time this approach failed, was when you could not prevent a weakened state. Because as Inuyasha had found, no matter how badly someone wants to, you just can't fight some things, no matter how much you want to.
The half demon sighed and looked off into the completely darkened forest. He wasn't just thinking about his physical weaknesses on this particular new moon. It had become more then just routine at this point for his thoughts to turn to a certain human girl on nights like this, who had come into his life like a whirlwind and left it just as suddenly.
Kagome Higarashi, was the most annoying, aspirating, conniving, and intriguing person Inuyasha had ever met in his entire life. She had woken him up from his fifty year spell induced sleep, gotten him to help her collect the shards of the Shikon no Tama that she herself had managed to break, had come with him and their mismatched band of friends to kill the most vial demon who had ever existed, and just as things had begun to sink into a comfortable sort of routine, she had left, gone back to her own time, and her old life.
At first Inuyasha had been furious at her, at the way she had decided to leave, even after they had quarreled about her responsibilities, and which ones should take precedence. How could she be so rash in deciding the best course of action on her own, how was she sure it was even the right one? What if she could never come back to the Feudal Era! All these were things he had shouted at her, all of which were met with Kagome's tears and apologies before Inuyasha helplessly watched her swing herself over the lip of the Bone Eaters Well for the last time.
Oh yes, he had been angry, and more then a little hurt. Inuyasha had thought there was an understanding between him and Kagome that she would wait a while before heading back to her own time, take some time to think things through before she tried the well. Hell, he'd thought that she would at least give him some warning before she decided to send herself home for possibly the last time. She didn't think that maybe there had been things he had wanted to say to her, things he may have wanted to explain, . . .
But perhaps those were thoughts best left in the past.
Inuyasha sat up straighter in his tree-top perch within the dark leafy limbs of Goshinboku. The years had taught him that dwelling on such things did nothing to change the past, and in fact, only seemed to make the present worse. He had come to terms with the fact a long time ago that Kagome had done what she felt she needed to do, and perhaps she had been smarter then he had given her credit for at the time. She had chosen to take the plunge and try and go home even though it was a possibility she would never be able to come back, she had said her farewells, and had taken responsibility for her decision.
The others had all understood why Kagome had decided to go back to her home and school. Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Kaede had all had a chance to say farewell, and wish the girl good luck. Inuyasha had screwed up royally, and had made they're farewell harder on both of them.
“Am I supposed to be happy for you? Is that really what you want from me Kagome? You want me to be happy about the fact that theirs a good chance none of us will ever see you again?”
Inuyasha cringed inwardly at the recollection of the harsh words he'd spoken to her out of bitterness that last day. There was only so much he could slouch off on his youth and feelings. Some regrets he could never come to terms with. All he could do was push them back into the hidden recesses of his mind, and pray to whatever God that would listen, to give him a second chance with her.
And that was his ultimate folly, allowing himself to believe in a second chance. What form of fate would allow such an unworthy creature such as him; believe something like that was even possible? Ah, but fate was known to be cruel, it was the one from which past deeds and actions could never be hidden.
Without warning a sneeze erupted from the presently human half inu-youkai. Absently he rubbed at his nose with the sleeve of his newly acquired Haori. As far as Inuyasha was concerned, that was all it was good for anyways. It was in no way comparable to his old fire rat, no matter what Sesshoumeru said. It just didn't feel right to be wearing something else.
Raising his eyes to stare at the darkened moon, Inuyasha allowed his thoughts to turn to Kagome one last time for the night. His first meeting with her had been strange fate, those first waking moments while he was still pined to the God-Tree with the spell-binding arrow were some of the few he would never forget. The look in Kagome's eyes as she looked up at him in surprise was both a shock to him as well as a relief somehow. He knew for certain now what he refused to believe then, that even in those first few moments, he had known that she wasn't Kikyo. Kagome's face had always been much more expressive of the emotions that she was feeling, and always had an underlying kindness to it that Kikyo's had sometimes lacked. Of course, some form of logic had taken over in those first instances and overridden his instincts; if she wasn't Kikyo, then who on earth was she?
The two of them may have gotten off to a rocky start, what with him trying to kill her over the Shikon jewel and all, but as time wore on, and they spent more time together, Inuyasha began to slowly be drawn to her. First out of necessity, then curiosity and finally it was because of protectiveness. He had never been sure what caused him to first start to feel protective towards someone whom he barely knew, but there had always been something about her, be it stupidity or her near incomprehensible kindness towards practically everyone they came across that made Inuyasha want to keep her safe.
For the most part during their long search to find the shards of the Shikon jewel, Inuyasha was so preoccupied with keeping the silly girl from the future safe, that he didn't even notice when his feelings first began to change towards her. In some ways, it felt like he went from thinking about her as a clumsy tag along to a reason to keep pushing forward to better himself overnight. He couldn't pin point the moment when he began to enjoy the way her body molded to his when he carried her on his back, or when he started to enjoy spare moments spent alone with her without the company of the others, but that didn't seem to matter.
He had been far too young and stupid to think that it would be able to last forever. Once the jewel was completed and the abominable Naraku was defeated, Inuyasha was forced to finally start to facing up to his increasing feelings for Kagome. He was self deluded into thinking that Kagome would stay in the feudal era long enough for him to get up the nerve to tell her what he had been hiding from himself for so long. What he hadn't counted on was Kagome's feelings of responsibilities to those she had left in her own time.
It wasn't supposed to end the way it had, Inuyasha hadn't even considered the fact that Kagome would choose to go back to her own time rather then stay in the past with him and the others. It wasn't what fate had truly decided on, was it? Was he truly fated to find and loose the soul he loved not once, but twice?
If it was, then Inuyasha would have preferred the dead sleep provided by the cursed arrow shot by Kikyo to the dull and aching gap left in his heart by the loss of Kagome. At least the first time he hadn't been conscious for the pain.