InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Regret ❯ The fight ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A.N: Firs fanfic I hope you like it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters.
Chapter 1: The fight
“You want to go home again!!” Inuyasha shouted. `I can not believe her, she wants to leave again her' Inuyasha thought growling.
“Yes, of course I want. I have not seen my family in two months and I miss them” Kagome was fuming.
`Always the same, why for once he can let me go instead of fighting with me' she thought. `I am getting tired of this.'
The group was so used to this that they did not bother to stop them. They have recently returned to Kaede's village from an unsuccessful shard hunt and Inuyasha was in a bad mood because of it. Let's just say that Kagome wanting to go home was the last thing he expected so he was not very happy about it.
Sango sighed.
“Houshi-sama, don't you think we should intervene”
“I agree with that Sang. Knowing Inuyasha he will probably say something to Kagome-sama that he will later regret”
The group turned their attention to the fight, Inuyasha was now practically yelling.
“We have to look for more shikon shards or did you forget you were the one that shattered it with a damn arrow. If it wasn't shattered I would be a full youkai already
Kagome glared at Inuyasha.
`There he goes saying something stupid' Shippou thought.
`Why can't he keep his mouth shut' thought Miroku and Sango shaking their head.
“That damn arrow as you say saved the jewel from being taken by that crow youkai, so don't blame for all this”
`I can't believe him, saying that I am the one to blame because he can't be a youkai'
“Yes, is all your fault. If it weren't for you always going home and slowing us down we would have the entire jewel by now. If Kikyo was here and not you, she would never have shattered in the first place.
Kagome flinched. She lowered her eyes to her shoes, her bangs covering them, so he couldn't the hurt look and how deeply she had been affected by his words.
Kagome's countenance went unnoticed by Inuyasha so he continued.
“If Kikyo was here and not you, we would be shard hunting and I wouldn't be risking my life to save your sorry ass because you can't even take care of yourself”
Kagome felt a sob shake her.
The group was shocked, Inuyasha had never been this harsh with Kagome. They understood that he was angry because they couldn't find any shards. However, that wasn't a reason to say such as hurtful words to Kagome, she didn't deserve them.
“Is that what you feel?” Kagome said with a pained voice.
She wanted to cry but not in front of him, so she tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. But his answer was like a punch in the gut.
“Hell yeah! And you know what more, she would be a better shard detector than you!” he spat bitterly.
Those last words were like a million of daggers stabbing her heart.
If she thought that she wouldn't break down in front of him, she was wrong. She could feel her heart breaking and tears falling.
Inuyasha froze, his words finally sinking in. He couldn't believe what he had said. He had meant none of it. He had been blinded by rage so he wasn't thinking what he was saying until it was too late.
Inuyasha choose that moment to look at Kagome, her eyes were now brimming with tears and you could see in them emotions like sorrow and pain. At this sight, his heart clenched together so tight that he couldn't breath.
He took one step forward, his hand reached out to touch her but she took a step backwards.
“Kagome I….” Inuyasha wanted to apologize but Kagome interrupted him.
“Then go and look for yours precious Kikyo!” The hurt in her voice was evident. She turned around and fled, heading to the well.
Inuyasha collapsed on his knees. `What have I done?'
“Aren't you going after her?” Miroku asked but Inuyasha didn't answer.
“Are you happy? You finally have driven Kagome away!” Shippou said angrily. He started to tug his hair. Sango grabbed Shippou before Inuyasha punched him.
“Let's leave Inuyasha alone, so he can think” said Miroku calmly although inside he was worried of his silent friend.
“He knows what he has to do, go after Kagome” Shippou said.
“Shippou stop, this is something that Inuyasha has to deal on his own” said Sango, trying to calm down the small kitsune.
All entered to the hut except Sango, he was looking at Inuyasha disappearing in the forest in the opposite direction of the well.
`Inuyasha I hope you can bring Kagome-chan back and her to forgive. Although, it's going to be difficult. Once a girl's heart is broken, this one is hard to mend and forgiveness is not something easy to give' Sango thought sadly and entered the hut.
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A.N: What will Inuyasha do to have Kagome's forgiveness? Will she forgive him?