InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Regret ❯ Regret ( One-Shot )

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Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha period! No… wait that's an exclamation mark…
He was walking strangely calm, he left his friends at Keade's, telling them that he had some business to take care of. Kagome insisted on going with him, in case he got hurt, but he explained to her it was a mission he had to go on alone. She understood and told him “Ok Inuyasha, I trust you. Just be safe ok?” He smiled at her reassuringly and began his trip starting to run at his top speed.
He ran straight into the forest avoiding getting caught in branches and getting hit by trees. He was only looking straight ahead of him and no other direction. He had to meet HIM at the exact destination according to him. He jumped up and out of the trees and spotted the man he was looking for. He stopped a few feet away from him and whistled at him.
The man turned slowly and kept his normal cold stare. “I knew you would come.” He said. “So…are we finally going to settle this once and for all? Cause I sure as he am ready.” Said Inuyasha; wielding Tetsusaiga, baring it towards the demon lord. The man grinned, still a cold expression towards the Halfling. He wielded his sword as well…everything was silent.
Suddenly Inuyasha began to race towards him and raised his great fang over his head and swung with all his might. The demon easily blocked it, using his swords pressure to push him back a few feet. Inuyasha landed on his feet sliding back on the ground and once again swinging his sword above his head. Suddenly, a swirling mass of mad wind began to wrap itself around the fang. “KAZE NO KIZU!!” he yelled out and smashed Tetsusaiga into the earth, creating three massive streaks of mad wind and power towards the demon. He just stood there holding his sword in front of him as if he could block it. “Dragons Strike.” He muttered, as a angry blue aura lashed out and sped straight at the wind scar. They then clashed and created a enormous explosion, a cloud of smoke that could have been seen for miles.
This continuous colliding of great power from the sword masters lasted for hours until Inuyasha finally had to use his new move. “ADAMANT BARRAGE!!!” the millions of crystallized spears shot towards the great demon, and shot him in many places…including his heart. The demons eyes winded, as he flew backwards and landed on the ground with a sickening crack from his ribs. He cried out in pain, he was growing weaker. Inuyasha was shocked and rushed towards the man. He kneeled down beside him. The demon chuckled and looked at Inuyasha.
“I'm quite surprised little brother. This Sesshomaru is amazed and has been defeated.” He suddenly coughed up blood and his eyes went blank. Inuyasha stared at him, suddenly realizing that he finally killed him…his older brother. But it wasn't feeling right. It…wasn't supposed to actually happen.
“Hey…Sesshomaru come on! Your joking right…you're not really dead right? You gotta open your fucking eyes so that we can keep hating eachother till were old and…FUCKING GOD SESSHOMARU MOVE DAMN IT!!!!” He shook his brother violently his eyes blurring from tears. “I can't kill you!! You're the fucking lord of the western lands!!! YOU CAN'T DIE YOU HEAR ME??!!! ASSHOLE, YOU CAN'T FUCKING DIE!!!!!!!!” He screamed as loud as he could, bawling next to his dead brother in a ball, his body shaking from his sobs.
“He's dead…I killed Sesshomaru…I really killed him.”
KDH4: Holy shit….umm…no flames please…I don't know why I wrote this….I like Sesshomaru believe me…Why did I kill him?