InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reincarnated ❯ Chapter 1. Kagome's Reincarnation, Kaya ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks for the reviews! Here's chapter 1 of Reincarnated.
By the way, InuYasha now lives in the US. And sorry for Inu's OOCness
Chapter 1. Kagome's reincarnation, Kaya
A young girl of about 14 or 15 was sitting on a park bench crying. She had light brown, curly hair and Eden colored eyes. She was currently living in NYC, NY. The reason she was crying was because her boyfriend had just broken up with her. They had been going out for 6 months tonight, and he chose tonight to break up. It turned out that he only had been going out with her because he was dared to try to get in her pants within 6 months. He never loved her like he told her; he was only dating her because of a stupid, perverted dare. As she sat there crying, she failed to notice a figure walking down the street her bench was on, walking in her direction.
(InuYasha P.O.V.)
500 hundred years…it has been 500 years since Kagome died…after Sango and the other's had said their “goodbye's” and “rest in peace's”, I took Kagome back through the well to her own time and family, where I helped make a beautiful shrine where we buried her. We also made a beautiful memorial for her back in the Feudal Era, right by the Goshinboku. Now, 500 years have passed. I now live in NYC, NY. I have only a few scarce friends, but it's enough for me. My friends say that I'm as cold as my brother sometimes. It really pisses me off. I'm still the same hanyou as I was in the Feudal Era. I just…I've just built a wall around my heart, never letting anything or anyone get close to it. As I walked down one of the paths in Central Park, I noticed a young girl sitting on a park bench, crying. I wanted to just walk away, but neither my mind nor my heart would let me. I walked over to her and said:
(Kaya P.O.V.)
“Are you ok?” a masculine voice said. I looked up to see a young man standing in front of me with a handkerchief in his hand, which was stretched out towards me. I looked at the handkerchief for a moment, then slowly took it from him and wiped my eyes. “T-thank you” I said quietly as I gave him back his handkerchief. “You keep it,” he told me as he put it back in my hand. “Could you tell me what's wrong?” he asked me as he looked into my eyes. “M-my boyfriend, Kevin j-just b-broke up with m-me…” I told him slowly. I had no idea why, but I knew deep down that I could trust him. “He to-told me that he…he…” I chocked on my words. He put his hand on mine. I felt my cheeks heat up. “It's ok, you can tell me.” He said. I looked into his eyes and said “he…he said that…that he n-never really loved me…that he only dated me because of a stupid dare!” I said as I started crying again. “Where do you live?” the man asked. “I live right off of Time Square with my brother Kyle. He's 21. Our mother and father died when we were very young.” I said, tears still in my eyes. I still had no idea why I was telling this man this. I mean, he was a complete stranger! “If you don't mind me asking…” I started. “…What's your name?” I asked. He smiled slightly. “InuYasha. And yours?” he said. “Kaya. Kaya Sasaki.” I replied slowly. Even though I had only just met him, I had to admit, he was the most gorgeous guy I'd ever seen! He had long black hair that reached his lower back and purplish-gray eyes. (A/N: he put a sealing spell on a bracelet, sealing away his demonic features and senses.) Around his neck was a rosary. At that moment, the only phrase that ran through my mind was ` “Love at first sight.” `. He stood up straight and reached a hand out to me. “Let's get you home shall we? You wouldn't want your brother to worry, now would you?” He said with a slight smirk. I smiled slightly and took his hand so he could help me up. On the way to my apartment, I tripped and managed to sprain my ankle. I thought that he would leave me, but to my surprise, he lifted me up and put me on his back. I got so comfortable, that I fell asleep.
(Normal P.O.V.)
After about 15 minutes or so, InuYasha finally found Kaya's apartment. He knocked on the door. Very soon, a very troubled looking young man opened the door. He was about to say something when he spotted Kaya, asleep, on his back. He quickly led InuYasha in and to Kaya's room. InuYasha put Kaya carefully down on her bed. While he was tucking her in, he noticed a familiar person in a picture on her nightstand. In the picture was Kaya wearing a princess costume (for what he guessed was a play) and next to her, dressed as a prince was…Kouga. His blood boiled. Kouga was Kevin?! The one who broke this poor girl's heart?! He was just about to curse out loud when he noticed something about her. Her bright smile, the way her eyes shone with happiness…wait a sec! was this girl…Kagome's reincarnation?!
How is it? I'm sorry for Inu's OOCness. It just fit this part of the story. Well, I'm working on chapter 2, so it should be up soon. Please review!