InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reincarnation Isn't Always a Good Thing! ❯ 25 ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Shouri sat in her room, pouring over her homework. They were studying something called 'algebra', and she had absolutely no clue what was going on.
'The y-intercept is related to the what? What's a y-intercept!?' She sighed angrily. This was all her twin sister's fault! If that selfish bitch hadn't run away, then she- Shouri- wouldn't be failing in school, Mommy and Daddy wouldn't always be yelling at her or fighting between themselves, and she would still have someone to cook for her when Mommy and Daddy weren't home.
'It's not FAIR!' she thought, throwing her pencil down and crossing her arms. She buried her enraged expression in her arms, and thought of better times.
"Hey, I have homework! I don't understand any of it! The teachers never explain ANYTHING!" Shouri complained. Mahkoto looked up from where she washed the dishes.
"Can I finish this first?" she asked tiredly. Shouri shook her head.
"I'll do them later. I need help with my homework!" Mahkoto smiled and set the dish down.
"Promise to finish them before Dad gets home?" Shouri nodded impatiently. "Then I'll leave the soapy water in there for you. Wat's the homework?"
*5 explainations of the same thing and three fights later.*
"Done! Now I just have some things in my science class to study. We're studying the moon!"
"Don't forget about the dishes." Mahkoto reminded her. "I'm going to play solitare. Bye. If you need any help, I'll be in my room."
"Our room, and I won't forget!" Shouri said, going to town on her work. She quickly finished, and picked up her reading book.
'What about the dishes?' she wondered. 'Ah well, I can do them later.' She began reading, and was quickly absorbed into the story. She didn't even notice teh door open.
"I'm home!" their dad called, then entered the kitchen area.
"Who left these dishes in here!?" he shouted. Soon, Mahkoto ran down teh stairs, hearing her name being called.
"Yes?" she asked, then notice the dishes still in teh sink. "wha-?" she started, but was cut off by her dad.
"Shorui told me that you cooked. What do I always say? You can cook, as long as you clean it up!" Her dad was angry, that much was clear. "You're just saying, yeah, piss on you dad! You just waited for me, the slave, to come home and clean up after you!"
"No, I was-" Mahkoto stopped and looked at her twin sister.
"You said that you'd clean up! I cooked for you, under the impression that you'd wash the dishes......"
Shouri folded her arms.
"But I had HOMEWORK! All you were doing was playing solitare! And besides, you cooked." Shouri said.
"Shouri, if you promised your sister, you should clean up." dad said, then picked up his bag and walked to the room that he and their mother shared. Shorui just stared after him, flabbergasted.
"It's not fair! She cooked, she should clean up!" Shorui started whining about how there was all this stuff that she wanted to do, and finally Mahkoto took pity on her.
"Fine, I'll clean up. But only this once- next time you have too." As if by magic, Shorui's tears stopped, and she looked at her twin with a look of complete adoration.
"Thank you big sissy!" she squealed, hugging her sister tightly, even though Mahkoto tried to fend her off.
"Offa me." she said loudly, distangling herself from her sister's embrace. Shouri dropped her arms and smiled again, going to their room. Mahkoto sighed and got back to washing the dishes.
Shouri looked at teh cards, neatly arranged and ready for someone to play.
'Ohh.. I love solitare!' she thought, and began the game.
*5 minutes later*
"Huh? Shouri! I was going to play that!" Mahkoto said. "Can I have the cards back, please?" Shouri just looked at her.
"No. I'm playing with them!"
*End flashback*
Shorui sighed. Those were teh good old days, when she could just relax, kick back, and ord- ask, she means ask!- ask Mahkoto to get her a drink.
'It's all her fault!'

Mahkoto sighed. For the first time in a long while, she felt lonely. She didn't really know why.
Of course, she had said goodbye to the first people that had talked to in a month or two.
'That has nothing to do with it!' she claimed to herself. ' I don't need friends. Friends betray you. Getting stabbed in the back hurts worse because you don't see it coming.' Still, she couldn't get rid of the sense of loss.
She looked at her wrists. They felt lonely too. She used her nails to lightly scratch at the surface, not breaking skin.
The lonely feeling by her wrists intensified, but was now more like an itch. She scratche dharder, rubbing her wrists until they were red from the friction.
No blood.
She leaned against the cave wall.
'I shouldn't miss them. They probably don't miss me. Kagosha doesn't. Kotan certainly doesn't. Nakago I barely know, and Santu won't.' She sighed.
'Maybe I should drown myself. They probably won't come back now that they're rid of me.' She actually got up and walked to the waters edge and went in, but as soon as she dunked her head and waited, some self-preservation instinct kicked in, snd she was back at the surface. She just laid on teh grass, wet and cold, not bothering to move.
'Why do I do this to myself?'