InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Remember Again ❯ Last entry ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Please review and tell me what u think of my story.And I don not own Inuyasha . And if anybody has something to apply to me let me know please if there are any mess ups please let me know in the reviews. Thank you for reading my story . And if you havent read my other stories please do and tell me what you think!! THANK YOU!!

Back 2 The Food Fight:
Kagome sliped up on a big pile of ketchup and landed on Inuyasha .' Thank Kami for breaking my fall!' She had her eyes closed the whole time thinking that she was going to fall, but never touched the floor .She opened her eyes when she heard somebody yelp in pain as her head came in contact with the other body up under her . When she came in conyact with golden/amber eyes. She felt her cheeks burn from embarrassment , and suddenly she felt herself getting closer to Inuyasha's face like in a trance.'What is going on is she about to kiss me in front of all these people?!' Inuyasha's arms automaticly wrapped securely around Kagome's waist pinning here to him. Finally there lips met they were kissing passionately with their eyes closed. Everybody "Gasped!" "INUYASHA!!"Yellled an angry Inu Taisho."What are you doing!" He said more calmer than but was still mad." Young lady get up right now we're going home. “ But what did I do mother.” Kagome asked already knowng it was the ‘kiss’.” Young ladies don’t act that way Kagome as for your self you are not eligible to date so that was inappropriate.” She whispered so only her daughter could her her from human ears already know that the demons could here every word. “ Plus I have taught you better than that young lady and he is your friend we don’t do that with our ‘friends’.” She said with disapproval in her voice. “ Sorry Mamma can I go and apologies for my behavior then.” Kagome said in defeat. “No you shall not do such things we are going home now you will do as I say with no other statements lets go….”
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“And that was last time I saw him.”Last entry to Diary.

(a/n: Please review and give me some more ideas I might come up with another story if I get an idea but I never stay to a story if nobody likes .
What do u think will happen next? Please review