InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Remember Me ❯ An Explanation ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Two

She was hanging precariously on the edge of the rock hanging over the waters edge, one hand grasping a branch so she could lean over without falling. Her shoe scraped against the rock as she moved to get a better view of the water. Nothing. She couldn't see anything.

Inuyasha was going to kill her.

She leaned forward more to look. The damn thing had to be there somewhere. She had to wait a good five minutes for the water to stop moving before she could see down into the clean blue liquid.

Something sparkled a few inches to her left.

She shifted, tugging harder on the rock. “Ahh...” The branch gave more than she expected, she flailed her other arm to get her balance back. Once she was steady she lowered her free hand into the water and started to feel around her goal. Something brushed by her submerged hand but she ignored it and continued reaching for it.

“'s gotta be...somewhere.” She leaned forward more but immediately stopped as she heard and felt the branch in her hand snap. There was a moment of weightlessness before she started to fall in slow motion toward the water. She braced for impact, her eyes squeezed shut, aniticipating the wetness, the branch still in hand.

Wetness never came.

She opened her eyes, looking straight to the branch gripped for dear life in her hand then traveled up toward the other hand gripping it. Huh, that doesn't look like Inuyasha's hand. She thought idly. Finally her gaze fell on the familiar emotionless form of Sesshoumaru. Looking up at him like that flashed something in her mind. Something like a memory but it was gone quicker than it came.

Sesshoumaru tugged the branch a little pulling Kagome up-right and steady then they froze. The just stood there for a moment, staring at each other in what she would later describe as a companionable silence...when she deluded herself into thinking that she was nervous only because of the upcoming wedding.

“Erm, thanks for coming Sesshoumaru. And perfect timing I might add.” She gave her best smile but as usual it had no effect on him. He merely nodded slightly then looked down at the rock she had almost fallen off of.

Kagome frowned slightly and followed his gaze. It was his way of asking her what she was doing. Funny, she thought, how well she'd learn to read him. She stood on the rock again and looked down at her previous goal.

“Ah...AH! NO!” Kagome made a lunge for the water but was quickly and easily thwarted by Sesshoumaru.

“Are you mad woman?” He asked, the closest to emotion he'd ever shown.

“The fish is getting my shard! Sesshoumaru, let me...oh hell.” She frowned and stopped struggling. “Great.  The fish got my shard. Inuyasha's gonna kill me.”

Sesshoumaru's eyes flicked from Kagome's face to her neck where she usually kept the shards. The half ball was still hanging around her neck. He quirked a brow at her.

“I was purifying that one. We had just gotten it. Oh, Inuyasha's going to be mad.” Kagome sighed. Sesshoumaru bit back a snort.

“Why am I here, miko?” Kagome started and turned worried eyes to Sesshoumaru.

“I thought...well didn't Miyouga-jiji...that is-”

Sesshoumaru interrupted. “I know about your marriage, woman. I was asking why you brought me to it.”

Kagome's confusion left and was replaced by a smirk. “You owe me, remember?” She gave one last regretful glance to the water where her shard was just stolen then headed in the general vicinity of Kaede's hut.

“That is not an answer.” He replied.

“According to me it is.” She quipped.

“Kagome.” And she stopped, turning slowly to face the youkai lord as the stirrings of a memory whirled around her head.


“I hate it when you do that. It makes me feel like I'm in trouble.” Kagome curled her knees up against her chest and stared over the fire at cave entrance. Sesshoumaru lifted a brow as if to say she was in trouble.

“How do you mean?” He asked instead.

“When you use my name. You only say my name when you're annoyed with me or angry.” She paused then added as an afterthought, “Or both.”

Sesshoumaru glanced at the woman next to him, wondering when they had become so...companionable. A month ago she'd tracked him down in a murderous rage of revenge and now she was traveling with him to `save' Inuyasha. He nearly snorted at the though. He was helping a human save his hanyou brother. It was a laughable situation if he gave into such emotions.

End Flashback

Kagome blinked slightly as if blinking away the remnants of a dream. She glanced toward the village then back to Sesshoumaru.

“I think it's time you ask me why, Sesshoumaru.” She said softly, her gaze unwavering. “Or for me to ask why. You choose.”

He paused, seemingly considering it then settled on a decision. “Why, Kagome?”

It was her turn to pause. “I honestly don't know. There's something in me that wanted you to be here. It was almost as if you needed to be here.”

Sesshoumaru shook his head slightly. “No, Kagome. Why Inuyasha?”

He heart sank to her stomach, her feet feeling like dead weight, she turned wide eyes to Sesshoumaru. Her gut response was to joke “Would you rather it be Miroku?” but then he would have said her name again and that unnerved her. Next gut response.

“Why do you ask?” She asked softly, her voice not sounding like her own.

“Do not play dumb woman. Answer the question.”

“I love him.” She said just a little bit too quickly. Sesshoumaru took three quick steps then was instantly in front of her. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her closer to his face as gently as he could, considering his strength.

“I do not believe that anymore than you do.” He said in a low dangerous voice. Kagome winced slightly, the guilt obvious on her face.

“I'm not finished here Sesshoumaru. I still have shards to find. Everyday it's a toss up of whether or not the well will let me return here. I can't abandon Inuyasha and the others to their fate if there's a way to stop it.” Kagome's eyes looked off, vague as if she weren't really focusing on anything.

“What are you suggesting?” He said cautiously.

“I'm not suggesting anything, Sesshoumaru, I'm doing. I have to be bound to something in this era just as I'm bound to my era, my family. If I had something that was in this era that I was bound to, that I
had to come back to...the well couldn't deny me passage and would continue to work with the Shikon no Tama to connect my worlds.”

“And you would be bound to...”



Revi ews and criticisms welcome. Flames will be turned into my migraine medicine -- cuz at least that's helpful whereas flames are not...I think you get the idea.

Standard disclaimer applies. I own nothing...quite literally.