InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Return to the Place Where I First Loved You! ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Return To The Place Where I First Loved You!
By Gogina
A/N: I just got finished watching the episode “Return to the place where we first met”. My heart immediately went out to Kagome and I was inspired to write this.
It was hard to look directly into his eyes and not be able to look away. My love for him swelled up in my heart as I tried to keep the fear and trembling out of my voice. I would just stay in the background, watching and waiting, not knowing if he'd return. Trusting he would. Kikyo was one lucky woman, stealing the heart of the only man I've ever loved.
My heart pitter-pattered in my chest as I realized it was him. He had come to say good-bye. I had always known this day would come, but did it have to be so soon?
I swallowed as I responded, “Yes, Inuyasha?”
His eyes. Oh God, his eyes. They were enough to lose one's self in, but they'd never look at me the way they looked at Kikyo. I blinked rapidly, freeing myself from his `spell'.
“Kagome, I'm sorry,” he whispered, taking a step closer to me.
I shook my head, warning him not to come any closer. He could regret it later, getting closer to me. I already regret it.
“No, Inuyasha,” I said, “it's me who should be sorry. I invaded on your's and Kikyo's lives when I had no right to. I'm just glad things worked out for you.”
He was still giving me that same look. That I'm-worried-about-you -and-not-leaving-until-you-give-me-a-straight-answer look.
Inuyasha, please, just go. Don't make this harder than it already is.

“What about you, Kagome?” he asked, stopping. “Will things ever work out for you?”
What was I supposed to say? He had asked me one question that I didn't have an answer to.
“I'm sure they will eventually,” I replied, softly. “Please, Inuyasha. Be happy. I'm happy for you and that's all that matters. Kikyo is lucky and I'm lucky that I've had this time to spend with you.”
“Kagome . . .”
Good-bye, my heart cried out as I turned and walked away. Inuyasha will never know that he took more than my friendship with him when he went off to be with Kikyo. He took my very existence.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed.