InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reunion ❯ Chapter One: Inuyasha's declaration ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter one

A/N: I don't own Inuyasha. Or Kagome. Or Sango. Or any of the gang. This author's note will be a little long. I want to thank everyone who gave me reviews on my previous stories. I am not a review hog and I don't hold stories hostage for reviews. I write these stories for entertainment and to develop my writing style. (I plan on writing a novel soon. Not Inuyasha.) So reviews are not necessary, but they do stroke my ego so keep them up. I accept constructive critism well, so don't be afraid to tell me what you think. I won't get offended. And if you don't want to leave a review for public consumption, e-mail me at Now, let's begin.

Shippou sat at the edge of the well and sighed. Now he began to understand how Inuyasha felt when Kagome went through the well. Since Kagome and Inuyasha had decided to become mates, he never let her go through the well alone. Shippou sighed again. That left him without his favorite target for mischief. Suddenly, his nose twiched. He smelled Kagome and Inuyasha! As he turned and looked down the well, he was suddenly hit with a large yellow backpack. "Ahhh!" he cried as it fell on top of him. "Get this thing off of me!" he yelled. 'What does mama-Kagome put in this thing, bricks?' he thought.

Inuyasha leaped out of the well carrying Kagome in his arms. When they landed, he set Kagome down and she rushed to help Shippou. "Oh, Shippou! I'm sorry! Let me get that off you."

Inuyasha was laughing. "Kagome, wait! Don't help him just yet."

"Why not?!" Kagome demanded.

"Yeah," wailed Shippou, "why not?!"

Chuckling, Inuyasha explained. "Shippou, you are a youkai. Even a child youkai such as you should be able to pick up this pack."

"Inuyasha, your being mean to Shippou!"

"Yeah, your being mean to me! Make him pick up this pack, mama-Kagome!"

Inuyasha took on a more somber look. "Kagome, if we are to be mates, then Shippou will be my son. As his father, it will be my duty to raise him in the way of a youkai. He needs to begin testing his limits in strength, so that he can become stronger. I will be teaching him to hunt and to fight, as well. Sometimes this may seem mean, but I promise that I will never put him in life threatening danger."

Kagome's mouth dropped open. She hadn't really considered the fact that Inuyasha would be training Shippou. And she hadn't thought that he would adopt Shippou so easily.

"What's the problem, Kagome? Didn't you think I would train and raise him as my own?" asked Inuyasha, irritably.

Kagome shook her head. "I really didn't think much about it at all. I'm very happy that you want to raise him, though." Kagome stepped up to Inuyasha and kissed him on the cheek.

Inuyasha grinned and touched his cheek. "You heard her Shippou. Pick up that pack. Your father says so."

Shippou's jaw dropped. Then he closed his mouth and got a determined look on his face. He put his hands under himself and pushed up. Grunting with the effort, he slowly stood and pushed the heavy backpack to one side. He stood there panting from the effort with a look of triumph on his face.

Inuyasha smiled slightly, "Good job, runt. Now you can carry it."

"Inuyasha!" exclaimed Kagome. "Carry that bag!"

"No, mama-Kagome. I want to carry it. Papa-Inu is right."

"Papa-Inu?!" exclaimed Kagome and Inuyasha together.

Shippou grinned at Inuyasha and gripped the pack. "I've wanted to call you that for a while, Inuyasha. So now your stuck with it, papa-Inu." Shippou grunted as he hefted the backpack that was as big as himself. Grinning at his adopted parents, he started down the hill toward the village.

Kagome started to follow Shippou when she felt two arms around her waist, restraining her gently. Inuyasha leaned over her shoulder and kissed her on the side of the neck. Kagome shivered with reaction. "Stop that ..... papa-Inu."

Inuyasha chuckled. "Ya' know, I liked being called that. I could get used to it real quick. Of course, I wouldn't mind hearing it from pups of my own."

Kagome blushed. "Someday you will. But we're not starting now!"

Inuyasha growled in frustration. "I know, I know. But you can't blame a guy for wishing!"

Kagome blushed even more. "Your not the only one wishing, but we agreed to wait until Naraku was gone and we were married."

Inuyasha let go of Kagome and got a slightly wild eyed look. "Your mother isn't serious about her plans is she?"


"Your going to be what!" Kagome's mother exclaimed.

"Mates." explained Inuyasha. "Don't worry. Dog demons mate for life, I will never leave her."

"That's not the point! You should be getting married!"

"Dog demons don't marry, they mate."

"Didn't your father marry your mother?"

"Well, that was different. Grandfather required it."

"Well, I require it too. Don't worry Inuyasha! I'll take care of all the arrangements." she began to mumble to herself, "Let's see. Who to invite? Aunt Yuka, of course, and ... " her voice trailed off.

"She's not serious, is she Kagome?"

"Yes, she is. And, to tell you the truth, I want a wedding."

"Oh, all right! But I want it small."

Kagome sighed. "Inuyasha, my mother thinks of a party of 100 as small. And she will go all out on this."

"Inuyasha!" called Asami. "I hope you don't mind an outdoor ceremony. We'll never fit everyone in the shrine."

Inuyasha made a strangled sound.

End flashback

Kagome laughed at Inuyasha. "Come on, silly. Let's catch up to Shippou."

Inuyasha groaned. "Will we at least have some say in this thing?"

Kagome looked over her shoulder at the depressed hanyou. "Maybe. If we're very polite and don't interfer with her ideas."

Inuyasha sighed and rolled his eyes.

"You know," stated Kagome, "we need to see if we can take the others through the well. They will be disappointed if they have to miss it."

Inuyasha brightened. "At least there would be someone there that I know."

They continued to discuss the wedding and the arrangements as they walked. Soon they caught up with Shippou. Inuyasha took pity on the kitsune and releaved him of the pack.

"I can carry it!" protested the kitsune but Inuyasha cut him off.

"I know you can. I just want to get to the village before night!" Inuyasha winked at Kagome over the boys head so that she would know he was teasing.

"I would have made it before night!"

"Weeelll maybe. Anyway, the sooner we get to Kaede's, the sooner we eat."

"In that case, what are we waiting for?!" exclaimed Shippou. He took off at a run. "Hurry up, you slowpokes!"

Grrr..."Wait till I get my hands on him..."

Kagome laughed. "If you can tease him, he can tease you." With that, she took off at a run too. "Last one there is a rotten egg!"

Inuyasha protested, "Hey, wait a minute! I've got this stupid pack!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Three horsemen approached the village from the north. The man in the lead held up his hand for the others to halt. He walked his horse to a farmer in the field next to the road.

"You there." the horseman said in a preemptory tone. "Where can I find Inuyasha?"

"The hanyou? What business do you have with that demon?" asked the farmer.

"That is none of your concern. And be more respectful of 'that demon' as you say. He is the son of a lord and a lady."

"Since his mother was human, she couldn't have been much of a lady!" said the farmer, insolently.

The lead horseman's face grew red with anger. Swiftly, he dismounted and stepped up to the farmer. He grabbed the front of the farmer's shirt and lifted him off the ground. "I should kill you for your disrespect. And may still do so. Now, where is Inuyasha?"

"Ch - check at Kaede's! That is where he usually stays. With the high priestess Kaede!"

The horseman shook the farmer. "Fool! Where can I find Kaede?"

"Go to the village! Ask anyone! They can point out her hut! I swear!"

The horseman threw the farmer to the ground. "That wasn't so hard now, was it?" His voice hardened, "Treat the young lord Inuyasha with more respect or I will return and finish this. Do you understand?"

"Yes, good sir!" the farmer said, fearfully. "I understand and I will, I promise!"

The horseman made no comment as he remounted and motioned for the others to follow him. 'Now to find this high priestess Kaede. Interesting that a demon is living with a miko. Oh well, that is none of my business. I just have to find Inuyasha.' With that thought, he and his companions entered the village.

A/N: I hope you like chapter one. Please let me know what you think. I am trying for longer chapters, so it will be longer between postings. Be patient.