InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reunion ❯ Chapter Six: Journey's Beginning ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Six

A/N: 6 Chapters and 14 reviews. Not too shabby. Thank you one and all for your reviews. I'm having a lot of fun writing this. The biggest problem I have is finding time to write. More's the pity! Anyway, I don't own Inuyasha & company, but if enough of us get together, maybe we can stage a hostile takeover! Enough with the bad jokes, onward and upward! Talley Ho!

Preparations for the journey went quickly since Inuyasha and his friends were accustomed to traveling on short notice. At first light, they met in front of Kaede's hut to say good-bye to the elderly miko.

"Fare thee well, Inuyasha. Guard the others well. Kagome, child, try to keep that stubourn hanyou out of trouble. Miroku, try to keep thy hands to thyself. Sango, exercise patience and don't kill Miroku. Shippou, behave thyself. We shall see thee in a few weeks." So saying, Kaede turned and went back into her hut.

"I'm glad we went through the well and told my mom about this trip." said Kagome. "She would get worried if I stayed gone that long without telling her what was going on." Kagome had gone back to her time for different clothing and something nice to wear when she met Inuyasha's aunt. 'Jeans were much better for extended traveling!' she thought.

Daremo didn't approve of her new wardrobe but wisely kept his opinion to himself. He didn't want to risk Lord Inuyasha's anger again. He might decide not to come!

"At least she didn't try to keep us for a long time with the wedding plans." grumbled Inuyasha. "If my hair wasn't already silver, it would turn gray with all the fuss she is putting up."

"Well, she at least listened to you about Miroku doing the ceremony. Have you asked him yet?" Kagome indicated the houshi in question. He was edging nearer to Sango, and she was edging away from him! It was almost like a carefully arranged dance! Inuyasha shook his head. Kagome giggled. "You better hurry and ask him. He'll be unconcious soon if you don't."

"Hey, Miroku!" yelled Inuyasha, interrupting the dance before it's final steps. "Get your tail over here! I have a question for you."

"Sango!" Kagome called. "Would you come with him, please? I have a question for you, too."

Miroku paused and let Sango go before him. After she passed, he smiled slightly and fell into step a few paces behind her, taking the opportunity to watch her walk from the rear. Kagome watched this new dance with amusement. She sighed and shook her head. Maybe those two would sort out their feelings like she and Inuyasha had, that is , if Miroku survived that long! The two traveling companions stopped next to Inuyasha and Kagome.

"What did you wish to ask me, Inuyasha?" asked Miroku.

"And what did you want with me, Kagome?" inquired Sango.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome and smiled before looking at Miroku. "As you know, Kagome's mother is planning a wedding for us." At Miroku's nod he continued. "Well, Kagome and I have been talking about this and we would be honored if you would come through the well with us and conduct the ceremony."

Miroku was dumbstruck. He opened his mouth to say something and closed it again. He cleared his throat and tried again. "The honor would be all mine, my friends! It would give me great pleasure to start you on the path of unity." He reached out and clasped Inuyasha forearm in a warriors handclasp. Inuyasha returned the handclasp with a grin.

Kagome smiled at the interchange between the friends before looking at Sango. "And you, my dear friend, I want to be my maid of honor."

Tears came to Sango's eyes. Not trusting herself to speak, she just nodded her agreement and hugged Kagome. And this started Kagome crying too.

Daremo had watched and listened to this by play. He cleared his throat to get Lord Inuyasha's attention. "Forgive my intrusion, Inuyasha, but I thought you said that the Lady Kagome was your mate."

"I did."

"Then, what are these plans for a wedding you are talking about?"

"That isn't really any of your business, now is it?" Inuyasha asked

"Forgive me, my Lord. I was just trying to prevent any further misunderstandings between us."

"Oh, go ahead and tell him, Inuyasha. It's not like it's a big secret." said Kagome.

"Feh. Alright, alright! Okay, Daremo, here's your explanation. Kagome and I haven't officially mated yet. We have things that must be done first but as far as I am concerned, she is my mate and I will defend her with my life. And, while I'm explaining, I might as well tell you that the kitsune pup," he indicated Shippou, who was playing with some of the village children, "is our adopted son. Treat him as such."

"As you wish, my lord Inuyasha. Thank you for the explanation."

"Don't thank me, thank Kagome. And stop calling me lord!" Inuyasha said the last with some exasperation.

"As you wish, Inuyasha. Now, if everyone is prepared?" At their nods he turned and headed for the horses.

"I'll get Shippou." Kagome left the group to catch the kitsune.

"Miroku, Sango, wait a moment." The two paused. "I want you to remember your promise to me."

"Which one is that, Inuyasha?" asked Sango.

"The one about Kouga." Inuyasha said quietly.


"I don't see any of you telling Kagome that she should tell Kouga off. When he comes around, it upsets me greatly."

"That's different!" protested Miroku. "Kouga has not threatened to kill Kagome! Kikyo has."

"Your right. Kouga hasn't threatened to kill Kagome, he has threatened to kill me. But I guess that's alright!" snarled Inuyasha.

"He's just posturing! He means nothing by it!" said Miroku.

"You don't really believe that, do you? Sango, you know demons, enlighten this fool!" ordered the irate hayou.

Sango looked uncomfortable with the turn of this conversation. "I think that Inuyasha may be right, Miroku."


Draws deep breath "Demons get very aggressive when it comes to mates and potential mates. If they think that their claim is threatened, they have been known to kill rivals or percieved rivals." explained Sango.

"But his threats don't matter because they are directed at me, eh, Miroku. You've heard him make the threats but since they were made at me, you chose to ignore them!"

Miroku paled slightly, realizing that he had done his friend an injustice. "I'm sorry, Inuyasha. I just assumed that it was similar to how men act over a woman.

End flashback

"We will be traveling through his territory and I may have to fight him. I don't want your help if that happens, just keep his pack off me."

"Very well, Inuyasha. We will stand beside you in this, but remember, Kagome doesn't understand. In her time, people don't kill for mates." Miroku warned and Sango nodded agreement.

"Yes. In some things, she is very mature. But in others, she is very naive."

sigh "I know. I would just as soon resolve this without having to kill that wimpy wolf, but I don't think that will happen. Maybe Kagome will see the truth but I don't know."

"Quiet! Here she comes!" hissed Sango.

"Come on, guys! I've got Shippou! Let's go!" called Kagome.

The group turned and walked to Daremo and his support. Daremo looked at them apoligetically. "I wasn't able to secure rides for you. There are no horses available for purchase."

"That's alright, Daremo. We have ways of transport." Sango said as she called up Kirara.

"You can keep up with horses?" he asked, skeptically.

Sango nodded at Kirara. Kirara transformed into a large cat. Daremo shouted an oath and grabbed for his sword. Sango chuckled. "Kirara will have no problem keeping up with your horses. Miroku will ride with me."

Daremo looked a Kirara, warily. "Okay. That takes care of you and the monk, but what about you, Inuyasha and Lady Kagome."

Kagome smiled and pulled her bike from behind Kaede's hut. "We will be riding this."

Daremo's jaw dropped. "What in the seven hells is that?"

Kagome giggled. "It's called a bicycle. And I can use it to keep up with your horses, as long as they walk. I can even keep up at a trot for short distances. Anything longer than that, Inuyasha can carry me."

Daremo shook his head. This was going to be an interesting journey! "Very well. Let's go."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The first day of travel was uneventful except for the discussion between Inuyasha and Daremo concerning Sesshomaru. Daremo was determined to deliver the letter from his master to the Demon Lord of the West. Inuyasha could care less. He wasn't interested in deliberatly looking for his brother.

"Inuyasha, I must deliver this letter."

"If he shows up, Daremo, I will introduce you to him. But I am not looking for him. We have a truce, but I still don't like him. We have tried to kill each other too many times."

"Inuyasha!" Kagome interrupted. "I wish you would try to work this out with him! He is trying to be civil around you!"

"He's just so blasted arrogant! It gets on my nerves! I feel like he is looking down on me, like I'm trash under his feet."

Daremo decided to defuse the situation before it escalated. He wasn't comfortable watching her use magic to subdue Lord Inuyasha. "It's time to camp for the evening. There is a clearing just ahead. We'll stop there."

Inuyasha brightened. "Time for some of that ramen, Kagome."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Honestly, Inuyasha! There are other foods than ramen!"

"But none as good!" insisted Inuyasha.

Daremo was puzzled. "What is ray-men?" he asked. "I've never heard of it."

"Something from Kagome's time. It is very good." explained Miroku.

"Lady Kagome? Might I ask you something?" began Daremo. Kagome had a distant look on her face. "Lady Kagome? Lady Kagome?!"

Kagome came back to herself with a start. "Oh! Sorry, Daremo! But there are two shards approaching us."

"I knew it! That wimpy wolf doesn't take a hint well, does he?" Inuyasha exclaimed.

"He's not so bad, Inuyasha! Besides, this will give me a chance to tell him that we are getting married!" Kagome said with excitement.

"Kagome. That might not be a good idea." cautioned Sango.

"He's my friend. He'll understand and be happy for me." assured Kagome.

"I hope you are right." Sango said doubtfully.

"Well, it might not be Kouga. The shards are moving slower than he usually runs."

"I'm ready, whoever it is." snarled Inuyasha.

"We should be seeing who it is soon. The shards are at the edge of the clearing."

They all looked at the edge of the clearing. Forms could be seen through the trees. The forms resolved themselves into figures that they recognized. Kouga was in the lead, his wolves around him. Behind him was several members of his tribe. It looked like a hunting party.

Kouga saw Kagome and smiled widely. He charged forward to scoop her up but Inuyasha stepped in his path. Kouga skidded to a stop. "Get out of my way, mutt. I'm taking my woman with me and you can't stop me!"

"She's not your woman!" shouted Inuyasha.

"She's not yours!" shouted Kouga.

"Yes, she is. Tell him, Kagome!"

"Kouga, please calm down! You, too, Inuyasha! Now, Kouga, I want to tell you something important. Inuyasha and I are getting married! Isn't it wonderful!" gushed Kagome.

Kouga's face grew still. "You can't be serious! You are my woman! You can't be in love with this filthy half-breed!"

"Kouga! I love him and I am marrying him! So, stop with the insults! Be happy for us!"

"You heard her, wolf! She is marrying me! Deal with it!"

"Over my dead body, mutt! I will take her with me this time and she will see that I am the demon for her not some half-demon!" So saying, Kouga reached for Kagome. Inuyasha knocked his arm away.

"Keep your hands to yourself! You will have to kill me to take her with you!"

"That can be arranged!"

The rest of Kouga's pack had arrived and were standing around watching the spectacle, grinning. His wolves were sitting around with their tongues lolling out, waiting for orders and eyeing the horses. Daremo and his companions were standing next to the horses with hands on their swords. The situation was getting very tense.

"Look, Kouga! There is no need for this! We can still be friends but only if you stop this nonsense and accept that I am marrying Inuyasha!"

"NO!" screamed Kouga. "You are mine and I am taking you with me! I should have done this a long time ago! Inuyasha! This time I will kill you and she won't have anyone else but me!" This said, Kouga dived at Inuyasha! And his wolves took this as permission to attack and went after Daremo and the horses!

A/N: This chapter is longer than I expected and actually kind of spills over into the next, but I got on a roll and couldn't find a place I felt comfortable stopping at. It's kind of strange because I'm not sure I like this chapter too much. But I had to have some filler, so I hope you don't hate it too much.