InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reunion ❯ Chapter Thirty-eight ( Chapter 38 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Thirty-eight
A/N: Hi, guys. Time to see what new mischief I can bring to our hero. As always, I don't own Inuyasha.
Takara was angry. Angry at Sesshoumaru for kidnapping her and angry with herself for not resenting it as much as she should! 'By the gods, I should be fighting him, but, for some reason, I can't bring myself to!' This thought confused and frightened her. Sesshoumaru had brought about strange feelings in her everytime she was around him but fear had never been one of them. On deeper reflection, she realized that she wasn't afraid of Sesshoumaru. She was afraid of her feelings. She had never felt this way about any of the men or demons who had courted her before.
Courted. That was the problem. That was the reason she was mad at this dog demon lord that held her. 'He's just taking it for granted that I will be his mate!'
'Don't you want to be?' asked a voice in the back of her mind.
That brought her up short. 'I don't know!' she thought back, in exasperation. 'He makes me feel things that I haven't felt before, but that doesn't give him the right to take me away from my home without my permission!'
'So, he should have asked you first?' the voice asked her, sardonically.
'Yes! I mean, no! Ooohhh! I don't know what I mean!' Takara's attention from her internal debate was distracted by a stiring in her arms. She looked at the child that she held with a surge of affection. Rin was looking back at her and smiling.
'Now this is strange.'
'Strange?' asked her voice in her head. 'We have been grabbed by a very handsome demon lord, surrounded by a ball of light, blasted through the roof of our home, and are now flying through the air away from said home and you are just now finding something strange. This I have got to hear!'
'What I feel for this child. I have not known her but for a few hours, and yet, it is as if she where my own!' Takara tightened her grip on Rin and felt Rin snuggle in closer. A fresh surge of unexplained emotion went through her. 'I have always loved children and have wanted my own, but I have never felt this way about a child before.' She turned her gaze away from the child to the demon who held her. 'Or, a man.'
Sesshoumaru noticed the woman in his arms regarding him. He did not smile, but his expression softened in amusement at the spark of anger he saw in her eyes. His heart beat increased slightly in anticipation at the thought of arguing with her. He had always loved the fire that had been in her. She had never feared him and, while she had always been a dutiful mate, she never hesitated to let him know if he had done something to get on her bad side.
And, it didn't hurt that the mating after such arguments had been intense.
'She is not Takara.'
'Yes, she is.'
'No, she is not. She is the reincarnation of Takara. Do not make the mistake of thinking that this woman is identical to our mate.'
'I do not care.'
'I do.'
'It matters not. I have her back now, and I will not lose her again.'
'Think, baka! Use your brain instead of your instincts. If you continue on this course, you will drive her away.'
That thought brought him up short, in his mind. 'Impossible.' he protested. 'She loves us.'
'Her soul loves us.' corrected his internal voice. 'The body and mind that houses that soul is attracted to us, but it has not developed the depth of emotion that we seek.'
'Then I must make her love me body and soul.' he thought back. The answer he received from his internal arguer surprised him.
'I concur. But, we must not rush this. We must court her as we did the first time.'
'I do not wish to wait that long.'
'Nor do I, baka! But I would rather wait that long than lose her again because of our lust.'
'A-HA! I knew you wanted her!'
'I do not deny it.' The cool, rational part of Sesshoumaru's mind began to reassert it's control. 'But I will not let it rule me.'
'Wait!' His emotional side ressisted. 'If you are not careful, YOU will drive her away from us as well.'
'How so?'
'You are too controlled, too dispassionate. She will think that we have no feelings for her and that will drive her from us!'
The rational Sesshoumaru contemplated this. 'There is truth in what you say.' he admitted, grudgingly. 'What do you propose?'
Sesshoumaru's emotional side surged with excitement. 'Some of both of us. What we were in the beginning with Takara.' He felt his rational side think back on that time.
'But we were so .... awkward.'
'Not that far back!' Emotion shuddered at THAT thought. 'I meant to after we had won her. When we were relaxed, content, and in balance.'
'Meaning that we have been unbalanced.' Ration thought in amusement.
'It was necessary for our survival.' Emotion countered. 'I could not deal with life without her, but now that we have her again we can be ourself once more.'
'And, what of our brother?'
Emotion was startled. 'What brought that thought up?'
'If we are to be whole, we must think of other things besides our mate. And, how we are going to handle them.'
'Let us deal with the mate first, then we will think about our brother.'
'Very well. But we will have to deal with it.'
'Eventually.' Emotion sighed. 'Well, we need to get this over with. Let's land and try to explain this to Takara.'
'I wonder if this body is as hot tempered as the last.' mused Ration.
Emotion grinned. 'I hope so!'
Ration shook his head in disgusted amusement. 'I forgot how much of a hentai you are.'
Takara felt their descent. She began to tense in anticipation, unsure of what was going to happen when they reached the ground. As the light faded from her vision and she became aware of her surroundings, Sesshoumaru gently lowered her to the ground and released her when she had her footing. He stepped back from her and looked at her with a bemused expression on his face. She returned his look, unsure of what to say. Part of her wanted to attack him and demand that he explain himself then return her to her mother. Another part wanted him to explain without questioning him. And, a third part of her was seriously wondering if he was going to try something and if she would fight him if he did!
Rin broke the silence with a squeal of delight as she took in their surroundings. Takara finally took notice of the field that they had landed in. It was full of wildflowers and Rin was insisting on picking some.
"Please, milord?" begged the child in Takara's arms. "I won't go far. There are so many pretty flowers here, I don't have to. Please?"
Sesshoumaru sighed in his mind as he envisioned garlands of flowers from his ward, but he kept his face impassive. "Do as you please, Rin. Keep within my sight."
Rin squealed again and twisted in Takaras arms to be set down. When Takara had set her on the ground, she grabbed the hanyous hand and began to drag her with her. "Come with me, Lady Takara! Let's pick some of the pretty flowers for Lord Sesshoumaru!" Before Takara could answer, Sesshoumaru spoke.
"No, Rin. She may not pick flowers with you at this time. I must speak with her."
Rin smiled brightly at Sesshoumaru. "Hai, milord!" she said as she released Takara's hand, turned and skipped into the field, stopping occasionally to pick a flower that caught her attention.
Takara watched her skip away. She turned to face Sesshoumaru with a smile on her face. "She is a special child, isn't she?"
Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow slightly, but said nothing. As the silence stretched on, Takara felt a slow burn build. "You had something you wanted to say?" As the silence stretched on, the burn built at a faster pace. "An apology, perhaps?" she prompted. "Or, at least an explanation."
"I never act in such a way that needs an apology. All my actions are justifiable, and therefore I have no need to apologize." Sesshoumaru stated with assurance. His eyes took on an amused glint as he watched Takara's mouth drop open. "As for an explanation, I am not in the habit of explaning my actions."
Takara closed her mouth and growled in anger. "Then it is time to learn some new habits!"
'Here it comes!' Emotion thought.
'We didn't go too far, did we?' Ration asked.
Takara took a step up to Sesshoumaru. "How dare you take me from my home?!" She began to pace in front of the demon lord as she shouted. "Just because you are a lord doesn't give you the right to steal me from my mothers house. And, it doesn't give you the right to call me your mate! You could at least ask me before making such claims!"
Sesshoumaru's heart skipped a beat. "What did you just say?"
Takara stopped pacing and reviewed what she had just said in her rant. She paled, slightly. "I-I-I said that you could have asked me before making such a claim." she stammered. Then she squared her shoulders and faced him. "You could ask me to be your mate. Or do you just take what you want from a woman, claiming her against her will?"
Sesshoumaru's face became cold, all hint of amusement gone. "I will return you to your home." he said, flatly, and turned his back to her, going after Rin.
Takara was thrown off balance by this sudden change. One moment he had seemed to be enjoying their argument, and had been amused by her anger. Now, he was closed off. She thought about what she had just said and then remembered what her mother had told her about her aunt. 'Oh, no!' she thought, in anguish. 'I never meant to imply that he would rape a woman!' "Lord Sesshumaru! Please, wait!"
He continued to walk toward where Rin was gathering flowers.
Takara ran until she was in front of him and dropped to her knees in front of him. "My lord, please forgive me!"
He stopped in front of her. She raised her head to look at his face. His face was still and expressionless, but his eyes ..... his eyes told another story.
They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. Takara looked into that window and began to cry at what she saw there. "My lord, I never meant to hurt you. I spoke in anger and never meant to imply that you would take a woman by force, that you would rape her." Takara saw him flinch at that word. "My mother told me of my aunt and that you were her mate." Takara paused. "She told me of how she died." Fresh tears fell from her eyes. "I am so sorry, my lord! Pease forgive me!" She bowed her head again and wept.
Sesshoumaru slowly dropped to one knee before Takara. He reached out with his hand and took one of hers from her knees and then stood, drawing her up to a standing position, as well. "Do not kneel before me." he said, softly. " I do not require it."
Takara threw her arms around him and cried into his shoulder. Slowly, hesitantly, he raised his hand to her hair and began stroking it. He even went so far as to raise his hand enough to stroke one of her ears. She shuddered under his touch.
Emotion noticed the shudder. 'You know,' he said, as he stroked her ear again, 'these ears may not be such a bad thing after all.'
Ration shook his head. 'Hentai!'
"Why do you make me feel this way?" Takara asked, in a whisper.
"What do you mean?" countered Sesshoumaru, still stroking her hair.
"I barely know you. I only met you yesterday." She raised her head and turned her face to look at his face. "But I feel as if I have known you for all my life and that I have loved you for all that time."
"Loved?" asked Sesshoumaru, in shock.
"Hai. I love you, Sesshoumaru."
"Now isn't this a pretty picture." A cold voice interrupted from behind Sesshoumaru.
'I know that voice!' thought Sesshoumaru as he spun around to see Kagura standing with soldiers flanking her and Rin by her side.
A/N: I'm going to put on my bullet proof vest now. I hope that you have enjoyed this little romp. Sorry for the delay in posting but the hampster that powers my pc died and I had to defibrelate the little fellow. In the process, I lost all my stories. I would cry but I'm a guy and we don't do that. We smash things instead. Anyway, I was able get my computer up and running for now, until we get our new one out of lay-away. I have a lot of catching up to do so we will see you soon. Take it easy, Fyrloche.