InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reunited ❯ Slow progress ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Reunited Chapter 3: Slow Progress
AN- I'm just going to do a little bit of her training with her grandpa, then I'm going to skip 3 years ahead. I know I'm going a little fast. But I'm being lazy today, sorry that I haven't posted in a bit.
When we arrived at the shrine, Grandpa was waiting for us, at the steps of the shrine. He called me over and threw this dust on me that made me sneeze, he said it was something to do with a purification. After he placed a whole bunch of spells on me, he told me to go upstairs into the bathroom, and hop in the tub.
Well I had no idea where that bathroom was so it took me a couple minutes to find it. Once I did I walked into the room, and boy did it smell funny. I step into the tub it was even stronger. Mom yelled from downstairs to bathe myself in it. So I did, after 10 long minutes of that funny smelling room. Mom yelled to me to get out and walk into the room left of me, and place the clothes that were lying on the bed.
So I step out of the tub, wrapped the towel around me, and walked towards the room I was supposed to put my training clothes on. When I opened the door to the room, it was painted a navy blue, her favorite colour, and had a computer, queen sized bed, a big closet and a night table. On the bed it had a note.
Kagome, this will be your room for your stay. I heard you liked navy blue, so I painted it for you. Hope you like it, if you need anything for your room ask me.
I placed the note back on the table and found my training clothes. It looked like a miko outfit. Wait a second… Am I… I'm a miko? (AN-A little slow -.-) I looked at the fabric closely and saw that the stitches were hand made. `How old is the outfit' I wondered. But I placed it on anyways.
“Kagome are you done yet?” Grandpa yelled from downstairs. “I'll be out in a second!”
After a few seconds I ran downstairs to find a whole bunch paper's with ancient Japanese writings on them. I looked at Grandpa and he said they were ofuda's (AN-If that's not how you spell it, tell me) and that they are good to keep people safe, and keep demons or miko's out. Only the person who cast them, can uncast it.
As the day went on, so did Grandpa's lessons. His lesson's bored me to death, but I did them for my mom, who was suffering, from leaving Tokyo, and helping me. Day after day, I did what Grandpa wanted my to, Grandma only spoke to my mom once, since she came. I feel sorry for my mother, that is why I'm doing this.
~_~_~_~ 3yrs later~_~_~_~
::Inuyasha:: (Diary)
I wandered the streets of Tokyo at the night time, I was mad at my friend, trying to hook me up with some skank. I ran down the street, I turned to the house I once knew was Kagome's and just stared at it. Memories flooded back into my mind.
Lately I've been thinking about her, it's been 10 years since I've seen her. I was thinking about her in the mall, when somebody called “Kagome! Hurry and decide!” I looked to find where that voice was coming from. I never found it, I was hoping that she would be there. But, I wouldn't know what she looked like. I laughed at myself.
My best friend Miroku, thought I lost it, and wandered off. I was left alone, in my own sorrow. I have no idea why I think about her, I'll see again, why bother trying.
::Kagome:: (Diary)
I finally went out of the shrine in 3 years we were shopping for clothes for school. I was so happy, that I took 5 hours juts to find some clothes, after that, my mom juts picked random things of the shelf. I would be placed in a school called `Shikon High' the same school, my papa Koji went to.
Tomorrow another day, another time, hopefully things turn out for the best.