InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ revealingRelationship ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, Rumiko Takahashi does. If I did own the show I would own Koga!!
“It isn't fair.” Inuyasha said.
They had defeated Naraku over a year ago and Inuyasha was living with Kagome in her time. They were walking from school one day when Inuyasha started complaining,
“I don't ever get to drink anymore. In feudal Japan I drank with Miroku until I dropped dead.”
Kagome nodded her head, “Inuyasha if you have to wait till you're 21 to drink here. You could get in serious trouble if you don't wait.”
Inuyasha started to pout. Kagome told him, “Think about it, only 3 years left.” “Yup.” Inuyasha replied.
They continued home talking about jobs.
They had finished high school.
A/N: Sorry it was so short I had no other ideas for a prologue. Next chapter will be funny.