InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reverie Town ❯ Dream ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok… I know… I haven't been updating my other fanfics… I have no idea but I'm more of a regular crossfiction than original fanfiction… I like to put my own characters too! So I made a large crossover with all the anime I know. This I think I can finish or at least update more often than my others! So enjoy!!!
Chapter 1: Dream
Times City… A place where everything is normal and nothing exciting happens here. It's a remote city on an island surrounded by the ocean, off the coast of Synchron Continent. It's not much but it is really peaceful. The only thing weird about this place is the white foggy mist that rolls in once in a while. It's so thick that you can't see the ocean or the sun or the moon. There are rumors about the fog but I don't think they're true. Over the hills, across the sea, there are other cities, other countries that I know nothing about. Though I grew up here and could care less about other places. It's boring at times but there was this one really weird thing that happened in my life… It all started that one-day…
“Waah! Ama! Koji hit me!!!”
A redheaded young boy, about the age of seven, ran into the arms of an elderly woman. Another boy, about 16, turned the corner searching around for his little brother. He was tall and lean, yet muscular, with an almost luminescent glow to his ivory skin, and his unruly black hair covered one of his sharp piercing brownish red eyes. He jerked his head towards his grandmother's direction and glared at the little boy in her arms.
Koji didn't get the chance to react before his grandmother sent a blow on his head. “How many times have I told you not to hit your little brother, Drizzle?” she scolded. Koji did his best to ignore Drizzle's snickering while he willed away the gray spots from his vision. His face marred with a scowl, he tried to explain himself.
“I would stop hitting him if he would stop telling such stupid lies!”
“I'm not lying! It's true! There is a little yellow cat with big red eyes and two tails living in the cellar!”
“There he goes again! He's 14 for god's sake!”
Drizzle had such a big imagination and sometimes Koji wondered if his imagination was affecting him in the real world. That's why, he believed Drizzle should get a beating once or twice a day. Grandmother Hikari kneeled down and placed her hands on Drizzle's shoulders, smiling sadly. “Are you sure it wasn't just a little cat?” she asked. “Positive!” came his reply. She fixed the hat he wore and stood up. “Ok, ok. I'll get your big brother to check it out after he comes back from school, all right? Now get ready for school.”
“What? But Ama!”
She looked up at her eldest grandson, “Don't worry about it, Koji. Just go downstairs and help your grandfather in the kitchen before you leave. There are so many customers today.” Koji didn't object and was out of sight. Drizzle followed and he was gone, too. Grandmother Hikari sighed again, “Those two are such a handful…” She glanced over to a picture on the mantle piece above the fireplace, sadness visible in her eyes. “They really do act like their father sometimes.”
The sounds of a knife hitting a wooden board, clattering dishes, frying pan hisses and people hurrying in and out of the kitchen entrance was very alive. Koji took his exit to the back alley after saying his goodbyes to his grandfather. His grandfather owned a famous restaurant called Times'-Haven. Their motto was, “if we don't have it, you probably made it up!” They cooked every kind of dish known to man with a better pinch of flavor to it. It was true. Their five hundred paged menu proved it, too.
The last bell rang and several hundred students of Clearwater High left the campus after 4 p.m. The classroom was pretty empty except the cleaning committee who were hard at work with the exception of Koji. He flopped down on a defenseless chair, yawning and stretching. Without warning, a broomstick met his face.
The broom dropped to the floor with a loud clang. He rubbed his nose as he fought back tears that swelled up in his eyes because of the pain. He looked up to find a snickering boy wearing an orange bandana, ruffled blonde hair poking out from the front and his uniform showing off his muscle tee holding his own broomstick. “Han! What the hell was that for?!” he yelled. Han smirked as he began to sweep the floor. “The teachers maybe gone, our classmates don't seem to care that you're not working but today is a day for you to work!” Cursing under his breath, Koji picked up the broom and started to sweep the other side of the room.
At half passed 6 after coming home, pure sweat and exhaustion seeping from the body of one irritable boy, made his way down the cellar, a backpack full of things he liked when he was bored in school in one hand and the other, a flashlight. The thick white fog rolled in early. There was no sign of life forms on the streets and if there were any, it would be hard to tell. As he made his way down the cellar stairs, he jumped the last step and started to rummage through all the stuff.
Several minutes later, there was still no sign of a two tailed cat. Han watched Koji look around, cursing to himself at the stairs. He waited a while before saying anything so he could acknowledge his presence. Koji turned around and almost jumped at the sight of him. Koji scowled and Han burst into laughter at his expression. “What're you doing here?” he asked coldly.
“Relax. I'm here cuz I'm bored and I don't want to go home to my annoying sister…” He stated as he climbed down the last remaining stairs. “Watch out for the last step.” He warned as he turned his back to him. Ignoring what he said, Han stepped onto the last step and CRASH! “Aargh!” He yelled. The crash sent dust flying up in its wake. When it cleared, Han's leg was stuck between two broken floorboards. He winced at the pain.
Koji keeled over from laughing. “I waaaaaaarrrrnnned you!” he mocked. Han glowered darkly at him as he held the wall for support. “Just help me out, you smart ass!” he demanded. Koji sighed and smiled as he walked over to his situation. The boards were creaking and as he came closer to Han, the more he put pressure on the old boards until it completely collapsed on them without warning. They screamed and yelled as their visions blackened and all went silent.
The first thing Koji noticed, as his awareness slowly returned to him, was not the deadly silence that filled the glade he occupied, nor the nauseating migraine steadily creeping its way in on him. It wasn't the extreme discomfort of dust up his newly broken nose. It was the extreme discomfort of his position. He was on his stomach; his face eating dirt and Han who was still unconscious was upon him, mumbling to himself.
He tried to utter a word but it was just a moan. Han said nothing and fell to the ground as he pushed him off. He sat up, trying to get a feel of his surrounding. He placed his hand on his throbbing head staring at the heavens from which they fell. “Where are we?” He had to ask himself. He looked down to the now awakened blonde haired boy. He then realized, they were sitting on grass. He looked around carefully just a confirmation of his surroundings. They were in midst of a forest somewhere he of course did not know.
To his dismay, he was stuck in the middle of nowhere with an idiot who hasn't realized where they were. He got up and went over to gather his stuff that had fallen from his backpack and strapped it to his back. “Yo! Koji! Where the hell are we?” To the voice he really didn't want to hear at the moment, he began to walk with him following. “He-!” “Shut up… I have no idea where we are… Now let's come to the fact that we fell from my cellar but we ended up in a luscious place like this in which the likes I've never seen before… Do you understand?” He explained irritably.
Han had to think for a moment for it to process through his brain before, “Nope, not in the slightest.” Koji winced. Han took to the front with an overconfidence of an untrained monkey. “Don't worry though!!! I can get us out of here!” Koji smirked and relaxed, placing his hands inside his pockets. This might be interesting. “Well show me, Han, if you can steer us out of here as if it were a cereal box.” He ignored the sly remark the smart mouth had and continued on.
It was a good ten minutes before Koji's interest in Han's directions failed. “You don't know where we are going, do you?”
“Shut up! I know exactly where I'm going!”
“Riiight… Explain to me how the middle of nowhere is Times City.”
“Shut up!!! I know exactly what I'm doing!!!”
“News flash! This is NOT Times City! Retard…”
Han stopped in his tracks and turned to face Koji. “It was your fault we're stuck here in the first place!.”
Oh if words could kill.
“Get off my case, you retard! You're the one who led us somewhere maybe even further away from civilization!”
“That was clever. Did you come up with that all by yourself? Or did you loosen your bandanna enough to help you think it out the night before?”
They continued to trade vulgar insults to one another for several minutes before Han lunged at Koji. He knew this would happen and simply stepped aside, rolling his eyes. Thanks to the fights from the past, Koji was a pretty formidable opponent to his peers. Once Han had pulled his face out of the dirt, the first thing to catch his eye was the footprint he had landed in. “Footprints!” He said with glee.
Koji looked down and lifted his foot seeing what Han must have seen. “You idiot those are our footprints!” Han got up and pointed to the footprints he found. “Oh yeah?! What about these bear-like-“
Of all things to land on his head, drool smothered Koji's muddled heap of now damped black hair. The liquid fell to his shoulders, down his arms and in frustration, tried to shake some of it off as he glared at the petrified friend of his. “Now what?” He turned around then saw what had caused his mishap and the silence of Hatake Han. Standing ten feet tall the large Cyclops demon with a rather T-rex tail stared at his new dinner. He licked his eye now staring into Koji's. His eyes expanded with fear but his damned ego and pride held him back from running.
“B-boss… what do we do?! And what the hell is that thing?!” Han gestured with his finger after Koji had gone silent. “Boss?” He was shaking with anger and fear then curled his hand into a fist.
With the sudden outburst, Han fell to the ground having something else to fear. In response, the demon yelled. Koji cleared his throat and ran as he explained for the sudden cowardice act. “But on the other hand, I only fight scums and idiots… not big weird lizardy things. RUN!” He got the message and stumbled to his feet now passing Koji.
Han tripped over an outspoken root and hit his head on the tree up ahead. Koji gasped and ran over to his fallen friend. The dazed look on his face only told Koji one thing. Beat the crap out of him to wake him up before the demon came. “You bastard, get up!” No use. It was just making it worse but he was panicking enough not to notice. A chill fell on him as he slowly turned around to meet the claws of the demon sending him straight into a tree.
Is this the end? He thought, Great… I'm gonna be eaten alive! The footsteps of the demon approached predatorily, abundant amount of drool fell and there was such little hope for its prey. He was losing his focus on things but somehow, his body managed to stand trying to face this wrath that was place upon him. This isn't good… I-I'm going to pass out… I won't… It's just a dream… All I'm doing is dreaming…but it hurts so much… NO! It won't end like this…. I'm dreaming… I'M JUST DREAMING! He clenched his fists and looked up to the blurry surroundings he now possessed. A cry was heard.
[To Be Continued]