InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reversal of Fortune ❯ Reversal of Fortune ( Chapter 1 )

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Reversal of Fortune
On a grassy hill in the feudal era one night, Kagome, InuYasha, Miroku, Sango and Shippo sat watching the huge meteor. The sky looked like a silver fisherman's net, cast out to catch the stars.
“Its' beautiful,” whispered Kagome.
“Yes,” murmured Sango.
“Feh!” said InuYasha, and yawned. “I'm tired, let's go to sleep we have a long journey tomorrow.”
“You always know how to ruin an amazing moment,” grumbled Shippo from Kagomes lap.
The hanyou got up and walked back to their camp, and soon everyone followed. A large tree hung over the camp and he jumped into its overhanging limb - Kagome and Shippo in her sleeping bag beneath him. Across from her Sango and Miroku settled down to sleep.
The next morning, Shippo woke first. With a yawn, he stretched and his little hand encountered a mass of silver-white hair. What, had InuYasha slipped into Kagomes sleeping bag with her?
At the same moment there came an ominous sound from where Sango and Miroku slept. With a start, Sango woke up and opened her right hand.-gasping as a kazaana began to form on her palm. The sound woke up Miroku beside her. Quickly he grabbed her hand and shoved it towards the ground. Then they stared at each other, pale and shaken.
“What's going on?” said InuYasha, jumping out of the tree.
They all looked up at him in amazement - he was human.
“What are you staring at?” said InuYasha, and suddenly noticed his condition. “Feh! It's not the new moon!”
All the commotion finally woke up Kagome. She parted the long mass of silver-white hair in front of her face, and then gaped at her clawed hands.
“Hey Shippo,” said InuYasha, “where's Kagome and who is that hanyou in her place?”
“It's me InuYasha,” said Kagome, raising a hand to her face and feeling the fangs in her mouth.
“What the hell is going on?!” exclaimed InuYasha angrily.
Something dawned on Miroku, and he looked at his right hand and slowly peeked at it.
It was gone.
“Quickly Sango, give me your hand,” said Miroku.
Gulping, she gave her hand to Miroku. He quickly whipped the covering and beads off his hand and wrapped it around hers.
Kagome was touching the large white dog ears on her head.
“What's happened!” cried Shippo in distress.
“I don't care how it happened,” said InuYasha, “I just want things to change back!”
“So do I,” intoned Sango with dread.
They traveled back to Kaedes village, and the old miko stared at them, perplexed.
“Can you help us?” said Kagome with big, pleading golden eyes.
“I don't know,” said Kaede slowly. “Ye should stay tonight.”
That night they all slept in Kaedes hut. When they woke the next morning, everyone had reverted to the way they were before.
“Oh, thank kami,” said Sango
“Actually, that was kind of fun, being a hanyou for a day,” said Kagome
“You wouldn't say that if you were one for life,” grumped InuYasha.