InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reversed ❯ Tying Up Loose Ends: Enter Taijiya ( Chapter 7 )
Disclaimer: mmm hai awe yong yow gah!!!
AN: Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for the long update. School was being evil. It gave me a lot of homework and extra curricular activities.
Poll: Should Sesshoumaru get a haircut, and a new outfit?
Yes haircut no new outfit
No haircut yes outfit
If he should get a new outfit describe it.
Review Responses:
Elementsofmine: Thanks for reviewing and the comment.
Sesshoumaru's Fluff is Mine: Yes, school is evil. Agreed I'm a freshmen but I do prefer sleep and video games. Yeah, I was going for the dramatic effect. -sigh- Man, I thought I fixed the tense problem, guess not. Well, as you can guess I'm weak at staying in one tense.
Kariisme: No, you're not gonna die. Yes, it was Miroku. Yes, you will continue to be in the fic but still as a demon. Anyway, I still thank you for your review.
Sukera: sorry bout the late update.
Reversed Ch 7: Tying Up Loose Ends: Enter Taijiya
[Continuing right from last chapter]
"He's…he's dieing. Hurry Kago-chan, do something," cried Yuki desperately.
Kagome froze upon the word dieing. She could not believe that the all mighty Sesshoumaru is dieing. It just seemed impossible to the miko. Just then, the Crescent Jewel glowed yellow as if indicating something. Kagome received the signal and started to hunt for one of the arrow injuries.
"Found it," uttered the girl.
Yuki and Yue caught the uttered phrase and disappeared into the oak tree, sensing something tremendous will happen.
"This will hurt a bit, but I know you'll be strong," whispered Kagome comfortingly into his ear.
She then moved her two palms over towards one of the arrow wounds. Her body began to glow pink. The pink shine began to grow as she injected a dose into Sesshoumaru's body.
When every inch of the dog demon's blood stream contained Kagome's power, he began to twist and turn painfully as the miko's purification energy began to burn away the poison as well as some of Sesshoumaru's demon blood.
Kagome quickly drew her energy out of the Western Prince's body; shining, once again, a bright pink light. Finally, Sesshoumaru's pain lessened and his thrashing slowed. Kagome's racing heart calmed after witnessing the positive signs of the dog demon's painful healing experience.
Soon, Sesshoumaru fell asleep; letting his fatigued body rest with Kagome unconsciously having his head on her lap as her finger traced his crescent moon mark lovingly. Within a few minutes she fell asleep with one hand on Sesshoumaru's moon mark and the other on top of his icy heart as if trying to melt its cold exterior.
"Guess we can't go down yet," chirped Yuki. "Kago-chan is starting to fall for Sesshy!"
"Agreed, Sesshoumaru-sama is falling as well for Kagome-san. Now the problem lies in how to get the two to confess," analyzed Yue.
"Yeah, well, we'll worry about that later. Now we have to sleep. You have no idea how worried I was about Sesshy," yawned Yuki with much relief as she made herself comfortable on a tree branch.
@@@I understand Yuki. I understand. Everyone was worried about Sesshoumaru-sama, even I.
With his thoughts finished, Yue, too, made himself comfortable on a tree branch.
"Kagome, Kagome," called Yuna softly.
Kagome lifted her heavy lids slowly as her dreamscape changed. What used to be a clearing with a big oak tree now turned into the woods. It seemed to be coated in blue yet keeping some of its original color. The tree limbs twisted and curved to form a path while the woods sparkled silver.
"Kagome, this is where I will train you with all that I know. You now know one of the five major categories. Today I will teach you Psychic, which incorporates the probing of the mind, mental defense, and mental offense," explained Yuna.
[AN: If you played Final Fantasy X or X-2, the woods I described are the Macalania Woods.]
"Hai," answered the miko.
Yuna then quickly waved her staff and the time stopping orbs appeared, hanging elegantly in the air.
"First, I will teach you to build a mind barrier, which is the whole of mental defense. After that would be mind traps, mind probing, and finally, mind power. That will be your lesson for tonight. Now meditate," directed the Crescent.
Kagome automatically went to her meditation position which was sitting Indian style.
"Imagine a barrier. Whether it is metal bars, a cage, or poles it does not matter," dictated Yuna as she sat right in front of Kagome.
The young miko did what she was told. An image of a fence appeared within her mind.
"I have it, shisho."
"Now channel your energy into the barrier."
The criss-crossed wires are now filled with Kagome's purification energy.
"I did it."
"Good, what you just created was a mind barrier. It should be weak, and to strengthen it you must channel more energy to the barrier, but that action would decrease the amount of energy that you would have left for battle."
"Then what should I do when I have to fight while defending my mind from mental blows?" asked Kagome innocently, dropping her barrier.
"Simple, you fight and defend. All you have to do is increase your amount of energy. Now strengthen your mind barrier," instructed Yuna.
Kagome quickly reconstructed the energy fence then let her energy flow towards the barrier. Immediately, the thin wire like thread of energy fattened as it was being fed with its food.
Sensing that her pupil did what she was told, Yuna gave a satisfied sigh.
"That is enough. I assume you know how to create a mind barrier now."
"Hai," replied Kagome.
@@@This girl, she learns so fast and so well. She does things so efficiently. Regular people would need at least a week to even channel their energy into an imagined image properly.
"Kagome?" asked Yuna.
"Hai," replied Kagome absent mindedly.
"What is sixty-five multiplied by five?"
Kagome gave a confused look then proceeded to do her mental math.
@@@I guess she's not as efficient as I thought; at least in the field of math.
"Anyway, moving on to mind defense!" exclaimed Yuna as she shoved her thoughts aside.
Hours seemed to have passed inside the timeless dreamscape as pupil and instructor went by their job methodically.
"Kagome, you are incredible! You have learned everything within the psychic category in such a short period of time," commented the Crescent's Soul whole heartily.
The young miko gave a blush of deep red hue, "Yuna! You're embarrassing me."
The seemingly older women gave a chime like laugh, "My dear Kagome, I wonder how Sesshoumaru-sama will feel or say when he sees your beautiful face accompanied by your lovely blush," teased Yuna.
"YUNA!" cried the girl once more, "he will feel nor say anything because he doesn't care a thing about me. I'm just the wielder of the rosary that hangs around his neck! Which, might I add, he detests," exclaimed Kagome as her face became even redder, somehow feeling a pang of pain when the words `he doesn't care a thing about me' were spoken.
"Oh really, well, lets not dawdle on this subject now. You need rest. Now sleep."
Yuna slowly faded away as the time-stopping orbs of gold disappeared, letting time flow as well as reverting Kagome's dreamscape back to its original clearing.
@@@Kagome, Kagome, do not jump to conclusions about the dog demon's feelings. He gives you respect, and something even more will sprout out of his respect. It has already begun since the night of the crescent. You must wait patiently.
Then the essence of Yuna faded completely into, what had become her home since the beginning of her creation, the Crescent Jewel.
The sun's rays danced upon Sesshoumaru's eyelids and body, causing him discomfort. Slowly, the demon awakened, only to find himself completely healed and his head laying on top of Kagome's lap with her hand over his heart and moon mark. Trying not to disturb the sleeping form, Sesshoumaru brushed away the girl's two soft hands and rose into a sitting position, admiring Kagome's features for the first time since they met.
"Beautiful," whispered Sesshoumaru.
Before the dog demon could elaborate even more about Kagome, she awoke.
The girl felt empty without the silver headed demon lying in her lap, but she ignored the feeling and ran up towards Sesshoumaru, giving him a compassionate bear hug, thoroughly surprising the demon.
"Oh you're alive, you're alive. I knew you would live," cried the girl as tears of joy rimmed her chocolate brown eyes.
Sesshoumaru returned the hug hesitantly, even more surprised by Kagome's words than hug.
"You…you were worried about me?"
Kagome nodded her head positive.
"But why?"
Kagome withdrew her hug then proceeded to dry her eyes, leaving Sesshoumaru to feel a bit chilled without her warmth.
"I…don't know. I guess I care for you. After all you weren't as cold hearted as I thought you would be," replied Kagome truthfully.
Again, Sesshoumaru was surprised. For the second time in his life, the girl has cared for him. For the second time in his life he felt the special warmth inside his heart. Warmth stronger than the one he felt that night at the riverside.
Unknowingly to himself, a part of his heart has been freed from its icy casket.
Sesshoumaru savored the warm feeling within himself for as long as possible, even though he tried so hard to fight it, but that moment was short lived.
His two companions had dropped from the tremendous oak tree that he had rest upon before lying on Kagome's lap, utterly destroying his moment.
The two siblings pretending not to have witnessed what just happened, and calmly strolled up to both demon and human.
"Now that Sesshy is alright we should fetch Rin," offered Yuki, "I'm starting to miss that kid."
"Agreed, but do we know where the child and dragon is located at?" inquired Yue logically.
The question made Yuki think a bit, but Kagome just smiled and took a step forward, thoroughly standing in the middle of the group.
"We don't have to worry about where they are because I can find them," informed Kagome, dispelling everyone's concern.
Kagome closed her eyes as a pink glow surrounded her. She spread her energy out to a ten mile radius, sending a warm feeling to every creature within her energy. Concentrating on Ah-Un and Rin's ki, Kagome found that they are near a lake two miles to her right.
"Found them. Follow me," commanded Kagome.
The three trailed behind the girl, even Sesshoumaru who usually gives a few remarks before complying, followed without a sound of complaint. Instead, the dog demon, studied Kagome's every move, determined to find out why she gave him this warm feeling within his heart.
After two hours of lazy strolling, they found Rin picking flowers happily along the bank of the stream with Ah-Un keeping a close eye on her.
When the young girl laid her cinnamon brown eyes upon the approaching group, she gave a wide gap tooth smile, and began to run towards Kagome. She gave the miko a tight hug around her leg then turn towards Sesshoumaru to give his leg a hug as well.
Sesshoumaru entertained the thought of shaking the child off his traveling appendage, but refrained from doing so; not very intent on earning himself a `down' from Kagome. Plus the child wasn't really a nuisance.
Finally, Rin gave Yuki and Yue a hug then announced that she missed the three of them very much over the night.
"Enough, my brother awaits us," commanded Sesshoumaru as he, once again, headed towards Inuyasha.
"Miroku, how could you have dropped the antidote?" screamed Eritri.
Miroku didn't hear a word. He was sprawled on the floor too shocked at his mistake.
"Come on, hurry, we have to get to Inuyasha-sama!"
Drowned within his guilt, he blindly followed the shadow demon skilled in Ninja arts. The two easily found their lord in the throne room.
"What is it now?" barked Inuyasha gruffly as he lifted his head from the huge mound of paper.
"We…we have bad news," explained Eritri while dragging Miroku, who is still drowning in his guilt, into a kneeling position.
"Then spill it already," cried Inuyasha rather impatiently.
"I broke the antidote vile for Kayori's poison and now the antidote is gone," confessed Miroku mechanically.
Inuyasha is now enraged. He slammed his hands down to the table, jumped out of his chair, and rushed down to the infirmary where Kayori lay, who is trying to fight off the powerful poison emitted from Sesshoumaru.
"How the hell could you do this, monk?" yelled Inuyasha as he evolved into a blur of red that's headed towards the infirmary.
In moments Inuyasha was at Kayori's side. A few more moments passed and Eritri and Miroku arrived.
"Miroku, go and gather the materials necessary for the antidote," commanded Inuyasha.
"But I don't know how to make the antidote."
The truth to Miroku's words rang too true for Inuyasha. The Western Lord then quickly tried to summon, within his memories, the recipe to Sesshoumaru's poison antidote. Inuyasha had to dig deep towards one of his lessons with his father, where Inutaisho-sama had told his second son the formula to Sesshoumaru's venom.
Bits and pieces of the formula resurfaced into Inuyasha's mind as he told Miroku to quickly jot down the needed details. Soon every component of the antidote was recorded.
"Hurry and find the herbs," growled the hanyou.
"Inuyasha, some plants here are scarce and will require a few days to find. I'm afraid Kayori doesn't have the time," informed Miroku sadly, his face drooped low as his bangs hid his eyes.
"I don't care! Go and find the herbs! I'll make sure Kayori lives until the antidote is formed!" exclaimed Inuyasha, trying very hard to hide his rare tears for his most helpful general.
Miroku gave no more protest and sauntered grimly out the door, silently praying to all the gods that would hear, to keep Kayori's life for at least three days. He made for his room to retrieve his traveling gear as he immediately set out for the woods that contained all the plants he would need.
Back with Inuyasha, he sat with Eritri, motionless and grieved; both hoping that the general would live until the antidote is forged.
Later on, the hanyou went back to his throne room and summoned Rilik, one of the three generals that serve him. He did not particularly like this general. There was just something about him that discomforted the Western Lord, but Rilik was needed.
A dark powered demon of average height entered. He had long, jet black, wavy hair up in a high pony tail and contained blood red eyes. His features screamed gorgeous, but in a chilly way. He was dressed in his general uniform.
His entire outfit was silver with transparent gauze over it which served as armor since the gauze was made out of thin but sturdy wires. A one sleeved sweater vest covered his top body as a metal shoulder pad was strapped to his left shoulder by a belt. Another belt crossed his chest forming an `X'. The crescent moon marked the back of his uniform. He wore leather pants and combat boots with what seems like a half a vertical dress belted to his left side as belts overlapped at his waist. Topping everything off, his hand was covered with silver fingerless glove.
[AN: its Cloud's outfit in Final Fantasy VII Advent Children except that its silver with a gauze and a crescent mark at the back. -Drools- Damn, Cloud's hot.]
"You called for me, my lord?" inquired Rilik coolly as he kneeled on one knee with his head down and one of his hands on the floor.
"Yes, you are to watch over the castle for me for a week or until I deem necessary. Deal with the political crap and stuff. I need to watch over Kayori," informed Inuyasha seriously yet tiredly.
"Why not ask Asai? She is much more efficient in ruling than I am," questioned Rilik.
"Because I don't want her to. Now shut it," informed the hanyou, who wasn't in the mood to explain why he chose Rilik and not Asai, his other general, to take over for him momentarily. He just simply didn't think Asai had the heart to do the job efficiently.
With that taken care of, Inuyasha disappeared towards the infirmary.
Rilik gave a sly smirk after the Western Lord was gone.
"Fool, you have no idea what you have just bestowed upon me," whispered the male general as a soft laugh erupted from the pit of his stomach. "Now to search for a servant who could kill the wretched half demon for me. I shall be lord."
Without further delay, the traitor, Rilik, buried himself within the forbidden chamber of the Western Lands Information of the Citizens, where only the lord could enter. Since he was the temporary lord, he possessed the key. Rilik shivered in excitement as he entered the prohibited room. He marveled the simple yet elegant chamber. Rows and rows of record books lined the walls as a carved wooden desk sat in the middle, as if waiting to be put into use.
Immediately, he set himself to work. Skimming through volumes after volumes of human records, brightening whenever a potential human could do what he couldn't; kill Inuyasha.
For some strange reason, Rilik could not disperse of the idiotic lord. No other demon could. Only a human was able to harm the ham demon.
Countless times the dark powered demon tried to murder Inuyasha. Though he was stronger than the lord he could never get pass the mysterious barrier that erects around the hanyou.
By the time Rilik had gotten through most of the information, night blanketed the castle, and he had already discovered a promising candidate; Sango Moriya, best demon slayer of the Taijiya village.
"Time to pay a certain Taijiya a visit, kukukukuku," laughed the dark powered demon.
Rilik swept out of the information room and padded down towards the throne room to devise a proper plan to lure Sango into hating Inuyasha, into wanting to kill Inuyasha. He worked for an hour and came up with an ingenious plan.
Within the infirmary, the Western Lord paced impatiently, waiting for the results of recovery from Kayori. He had just given her the antidote to her father's poison. Though the antidote wasn't for Sesshoumaru's venom, it contained enough components to slow the poison's process within Kayori's body.
The hanyou's pacing was short lived. Kayori stopped writhing in pain, but her breathing was still labored. Inuyasha noticed the positive signs and rushed to her side.
"Looks like she'll live for a few more days; enough time for Miroku to brew up the antidote," muttered the lord to himself.
In a far away corner the Western Lands, the sun shined brightly in the sky as the Taijiya or Demon Slaying Village bustled busily like bees gathering honey. Smithies hammered away in creating armors or weapons. Young children set up their basics as demon slayer. Other older, more experienced, slayers were either training or out putting their good skills to use.
Yet as secret as the village was, a pair of scarlet eyes trained itself upon it. The stalker laughed an evil laugh.
"Sango Moriya, you shall be mine to manipulate, kukukukuku."
Rilik's scarlet eyes turned gold as he shifted into Inuyasha. He leaped out of his hiding place with a look of passion for killing then slaughtered the village. The demon slayers fought back hard giving Rilik some cuts and bruises but nothing more. One after another felled under the claws of the assumed Inuyasha until the only ones left was Sango and her little brother, Kohaku.
Sango just stood in the middle of the village hugging Kohaku with a horrified look as Rilik approached her. She couldn't believe that her village of trained Taijiya had just simply died under the claws of a single hanyou. Yet the time for thinking unbelievable things was not now. Rilik was now within fighting distance.
The young Taijiya told her little brother to hide as she sifted into battle stance, readying Hiraikotsu, her boomerang like weapon.
Rilik cackled, "You cannot win, Sango Moriya. I will slay both you and your impertinent brother."
Sango shook in rage and her voice quivered, "We'll just see about that, hanyou!"
With that, she rushed towards Rilik. He dodged and sent his claws against her torso but missed for Sango quickly side stepped. She pulled out her katana at an incredible speed and aimed for Rilik's torso, nicking it as he jumped up into the air. Sango growled and launched Hiraikotsu, catching Rilik in the stomach. He dropped but landed on his feet.
"Heh, you're good little lady. At least better than the others, but not good enough," commented Rilik.
He quickly charged towards Sango at an incredible speed, wounding her deeply in the chest but not mortally then bounded away.
Rilik smirked as he shifted back to himself, looks, clothing, everything besides the Western Lord's insignia at the back of his uniform. Then headed back towards Sango, he acted as if nothing ever happened, acted as if he was innocent, acted as if he had never morphed into Inuyasha.
When Rilik arrived at the ruined Taijiya Village, he found a wounded Sango on the ground leaning heavily upon her brother who was frantically trying to stop the blood flow while hot tears streamed his face.
"Kami, what has happened?" cried the general in a concerned voice, running towards the pair. "Who did this to you, young lady?"
Sensing no hostility in the seemingly nice man, the siblings nodded as Sango spoke forcefully, teetering on the edge of consciousness.
"A…hanyou wearing…all red…silver…hair…amber eyes…slaughtered…the village," choked the young female.
"Him," said Rilik in a feign whisper while looking away towards the West.
"Who, mister" questioned Kohaku who apparently caught the whisper.
"Inuyasha, Lord of the West. I do not know why he raided your village or why he let you live. Perhaps your village was an eye sore to him."
Rage well within Sango to a higher notch, sustaining her from unconsciousness, as she was informed that a half demon killed her village for no solid reason.
"I'll kill him!"
Rilik shook his head negative, "No, you need to be healed of that nasty wound that you received."
He pulled a small vile of clear liquid from his belt and made Sango swallow it. The taste of the potion was horrendous, but once it went past her throat she felt a tingling sensation, signaling the concoction was working rather well.
"Now rest."
"But Kohaku?" asked Sango.
"I'll take care of him."
Sango nodded in agreement, trusting fully in the stranger, and then arrived into the world of dreams. Once the Taijiya was asleep, Rilik and Kohaku carried her to a nearby tree for her to lean on.
"Now you rest too. This is probably the worst you have been through. You need energy to get through your grief," said Rilik.
Yet there was no need for the general to tell the young boy to rest for he already was snoring loudly against the tree trunk while his cheek glistened from his tears of grief.
"Kukukukuku, this is working perfectly," chuckled Rilik as he, closed his crimson eyes in weariness.
"How long until we get to the castle?" questioned Kagome to Yuki?
"About another month: two weeks on the road and another two getting through The Maze Forest."
AN: I'm terribly sorry for the extremely late update. As I said in my bio, I was consumed by school and didn't have much time to write, but I hope the length of this chapter was satisfying. So anyone want to try and guess who Rilik really is? IF you guess right keep your mouth shut. Anyway, move your mouse to the nice little purple button down at the bottom left hand corner and send a review! Chapter 8 should be out around Christmas where I get my break. YAY!