InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Revoltionary Band ❯ Piece of Mind ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Wow! You guys really like it?! Thank you!SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG! And also want to send special thanks out to my good buddy Justene for helping me out music wise for stuff to come to the story, love much Justene! *hugs all reviewers and gives them Sesshoumaru plushies* Keep the reviews coming people, bounce ideas off of me; I love to hear from you guys. And put your email address in your review if you want me to send you a little reminder when I update. I feel so special, you guys really like me! *cries* I LOVE YOU ALL!

Disclaimer~ it's not the same. We're not the same anymore. I never owned InuYasha… *sings*

Revolutionary Band

Piece of Mind

Kagome sat at her aisle, sketching roses. Her room was a dark shade of blue, making her whole room dark and easy to absorb the light. She a queen size bed that had soft black satin pillows and comforters with Chinese calligraphy on it. A few random colored pencils were scattered on her bed, slightly puncturing the bedspread.

Clothes were scattered on the floor, but besides that her room was half way decent. Her desk was littered with charcoal, paints and paintbrushes, more colored pencils, old sketchbooks, empty glasses of water that were lined with dried paint. In the drawers there were old rags that she used to wipe her hands, and ones that had yet to be used. In big drawers there were small new canvases and new sketchbooks that were calling to be drawn on.

On her walls were pictures of art from some Japanese artist, then band posters of Rocky Horror Picture Show stuff and Nightmare Before Christmas, Bob Marley, Led Zepplin, AFI, Go On Red (1), The Matches (2), and some other local ska and reggae bands, and some anime. ^_^ She also had a computer at her desk with a black hat on top of it.

Kagome picked up a gold pencil and began to draw amber eyes in the bed of roses. She smiled dreamily, sketching in the irises. The phone rang, snapping Kagome out of her trance. She grumbled and picked up the phone.


{KAGOME!YOU IDOIT! Get your prancy ass down here!} She recognized the voice of InuYasha and rolled her eyes. Then he heard some bickering over the phone and then her dear friend Sango got to the phone.

{Hey,Kagome! How are ya? What you doing?}

"I was actually being very satisfied by drawing like I usually do, before I was screamed at by certain individuals."

{Uh huh, see all those big words prove that you need to come back to planet earth more often! Anyway, the band got a gig, it'll be at the Java house, can you be there soon?}

Kagome distinctly heard InuYasha say 'you better be here!' in the background but dismissed it.

"Yes, I'll be down there…" Kagome strained to hear InuYasha getting his ass kicked by Sesshoumaru. She giggled and continued. "I'll see you in a bit, k?"

{Ah, that's more of the language I like! Later!} Sango hung up the phone and turned to everyone. "Hey you guys?" The fight kept going, Miroku was going in for the kill on Sango's bum, and Rin was in the corner tapping her drum.

"GUYS!!!!" Everyone stopped and settled down and went to set up, slowly backing away from Sango. She smiled to herself.

"Now THAT'S what I call power."


Kagome stepped out of her house wearing a long black skirt, a black and red corset top and the black hat that sat on her computer.

She went to get her bike and started off towards the Java house.


Sango's POV

I sat at the bar, drinking some soda. Just because this is a java house doesn't mean that don't serve soda. Oh wait! Look, there we have it, the queen herself, the quietest girl in the world who won't make a move on her friend's brother… no, I'm sorry if you have guessed the dark mistress you were wrong, it was Kagome.

Immediately I noticed the sketch book in the girls hand. You know one day when she has to choose between the life of her loved ones and art, she'd choose art and say screw the rest of us.

She sauntered on over like she always does when she comes in here wearing that outfit. She always seems to get a boost of confidence, but you add Sesshoumaru into the mix and she is jelly. Like the strawberry flavored kind. It's red and jiggles like Kagome when she sees him. She blushes and then gets weak in the knees and turns into silly putty, and that's exactly what she looks like. SILLY!

I looked around and saw Miroku hanging around some girls who were dressed in black with huge cups of coffee in front of them. First off…just no. I mean who does he think he is? They couldn't possibly go for him anyway even if he is in the band. Secondly, who the hell drinks huge mugs of coffee like that at this time of night! What are they, insane?

They're laughing and he's laughing with them. Must…regain…control. You do not care about what that possessed hentai does. Yet my feet are moving, no! I should be focused on the shy Kagome who was walking my way but before I knew it here I was in front of these girls. And I stared at him for a second. And he stared back at me with a grin on a face and I smiled back at him.

Right until I felt his hand on my backside.

Oh hell no.

It's on now!

I grabbed the good for nothing, sorry excuse for a man by the collar and pulled him up to meet my eyes, our faces just inches apart. "Sango...I didn't know you cared! You really want to be mine?!" He batted his eyelashes at me. Oh Gods this was sickening.


I threw him across the room and he smacked right into the wall, and lucky for me it had a nice shiny sharp metal object sticking out of it. I looked down and noticed the look of horror on the two girls faces. I raised an eyebrow.



Kagome and I sat on a couch in the shadows of the back of this place as a beat of trumpets and guitars played lazy melodies that bounced off the walls. Kagome sat there, with her legs draped over my thighs, looking quiet mysterious with her black hat tipped slightly over one eye.

As her best friend, she is a very beautiful person to me. Though, she seems to be so fucking stubborn. We both know very well that she has the hots for Sesshoumaru and she won't do anything about it. But instead she paints herself into oblivion of beautiful works of art to express her feelings of longing with distinct traces of amber eyes.

I glanced over at her and there the princess was staring out into space. You'd think she pay attention to me, but no, she just sat drawing little pictures of couples making out in the corner. See those fools have t courage to make with people they don't even know! And Kagome sits there like potatoes!!!! "Dude what is with you?" I broke the silence as she looked up at me in a daze all of its own.

"I don't know what you're talking about" She said quietly.

"My ass!You sit here like a PUNK and draw pictures of people who have no common decetny to get a room and you won't even make a move for you damn self!"

She glanced at me and said "You're the one to talk with your isses with Miroku."


That hurt.

Kagome completely forgot about me and began to hum the la-da -la-da -da of the music beginning to doodle.

"Kagome?"I waited for her to respond but all I got was her singi9ng the lyrics being played by our lovely friends (except for InuYasha who can't sing and makes our ears bleed). I grinned and poked my loving friend in the eye.


"Anyway, little miss space out, wanna go out and dance?" I started to get all enthusiastic before she shook her head. I growled; this is starting to get annoying! Hey…what could this be? I looked down only to see her writing what looked to be song lyrics. I nodded as I began to read them. They're pretty damn good too…I shall have to be talking to Sesshoumaru now won't I?

I looked into her face and in her eyes and saw her smile. How sweet. Too bad I'll have to ruin this happy moment. Kagome looked up and smiled at me and I grinned. Kagome raised an eyebrow in uncertainty. I tore out the page and ran towards the door. It took a while before it registered to Kagome what had happened. I grinned at her as I caught up to Sesshoumaru coming off the stage.

I looked over at her, horror written all over her face as I handed him the page and pointed to her.


Hm I could have kept going but it needed a cool note to end with like a cliffie! So I'm very sorry for taking so damned long to update but now updates are getting even slower cause long term finals projects like biting at me. Damn Catholic school, its evil. BUT you can occupy yourselves by reading Shield of Hate which no one and I mean NO ONE has read, people stopped reviewing at chapter 3 and its stuck at like 14 reviews and its up to chapter 5 or 6 and I have that story all written up. So go there read that until I update and remember, for that story and this one leave reviews to be nice please! Thankies

Love much


(1) This is a local ska band in Oakland. They are very kick ass, and one of the guitarist, Noelle lives 3 doors away from me.

(2) This is a local rock band in Oakland that is ten times as kick ass and this dude Justin, *drools* is Noelle's brother so he lives three doors away too. *walks down to their house and peeks through his window* ^-^ hehe!