InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Revoltionary Band ❯ Cause A Commotion ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Alright.I had to write more of this story in French class because nothing happens. Thanks to some people, I'll try to make chapters six pages long. And maybe make this chapter even longer because of how long it took and even after school ending I have nothing so I'm writing this chapter in like two days, wish me luck. I can't make any promises, but hey I can try to do stuff!

And right when I was at four pages writing this, my tummy started to hurt really bad so feel very lucky...ugh it still hurts now…*cries*

Whoboolangoo- Thanks for the suggestions *growls* lol love much, feel free to take up the offer I sent you in the email about the story.

Revolutionary Band

Cause a Commotion


Kagome's POV

You know, I'm tired. Just damn tired. It starts to get old when you're friends chase you down all day. Now here I sit, hiding behind a bush in a park, hoping, they don't find me like they have all freaking day.

This has to be one of my lowest moments.

"Mommy, why is that lady playing hide and go peek by herself?" I looked up and saw a small boy walking by, holding his mothers hand.

"Don't look at her honey, she's just a crazy bush bum." And she kept walking away briskly, the boy at her heels.

No, correction,

THAT was my lowest moment.

So anyway, they won't find me here. I got out my small sketch book from my back pocket. I started to draw the friendly bush that was in front of me, hiding me from the view of evil people that would come and try to make me sing. I softly sketched the lines of the small branches and began to place leaves around the branches. Ah, it's kind of peaceful sitting here.

It's times like these that make me happy.

I looked up and raised an eyebrow at the feeling on my backside.

What the hell?

Something's crawling…in my pants!!!

Looking on the ground, my eyes…met ants.

I do not like ants.

I screamed and jumped up slapping my backside to either rid myself of ants

Or kill the evil creatures.

"Oh Kagome! There you are!"

"AHHHHH!!!" I jumped back and saw Sango looming over me with a grin on her face. I really don't like the look on her face at this moment in time.

I know Sango, and the girl is truly evil.

It was now or never.

I looked from side to side and then back at her. I jumped from behind the bush and started to run. Sango was close behind me as I ran faster. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…

Must…get…AWAY!!!! I dodged a mother who had her baby in a stroller. She screamed as if I crashed into her and in reality, Sango ran into her.

Hah! One out of the way!


NOOOOOOO!!! It's another one! Turned around to see InuYasha coming after me! I kept on running looking back at him and his worried face. Why was he worrying, he wasn't being chased down like a dog!



I turned around as I tripped and fell right into a fountain.

Head first.

I groaned and rubbed my ankles and my head.

Another bad moment for yet another stalker day. Maybe I should save myself the trouble and the stitches and give in. It wouldn't be THAT bad would it?

Oh yes it would. Kagome what are you thinking? My standards, I have certain standard, nothing will get in the way of my art, I won't be distracted by things like this, I mean everyone's out to get each other in the industry anyway. But then again, the way this band is going, it may as well end up on the street begging for money. And I won't end up like that! WILL NOT END UP THAT WAY!

Plus, I'd have to face Sesshoumaru. Every tie we practice. He'd hear my voice. I refuse to subject myself to that or the mortification.

Then again, what's more embarrassing than falling into a water fountain and sitting in it with a bird on your head, sulking?

Sigh…Nothing at all.

"Ms. Incompetence, take my damn hand already." I looked up as the bird flew away and to my horror, there stood Sesshoumaru.

I glared up at him and flung some water at his pants. "I don't need your help." Thought he stilled pulled me by my arm, UNWILLINGLY MIND YOU! By my arm, to my feet and I stared up at him, stilling holding onto my arm.

Normal POV

Sesshoumaru stared down at the girl and let go of her hand. "Well if you didn't need my help, I would have thought you would stop making a fool out of yourself and get your lazy ass out of the fountain by yourself." Sesshoumaru smirked down at her as she said nothing, and looked away with a scowl on her face.

"What is it? You thought you would make yourself look cool by sitting in a fountain with a bird decorating your head? I wouldn't think so…"

"SHUT UP!" Kagome screamed and kicked him, but her leg was quickly caught by Sesshoumaru's quick…strong, muscely arms... ((*drools and faints* ahhh ::insert girly scream here:: )) Kagome grunted and hoped on one foot trying to tug her foot away with no avail.

"Say Sesshoumaru rocks your socks…" Sesshoumaru maintained his firm grip on Kagome's ankle and looked up at him as if he was insane. "No freaking way!!!" She gave one last tug before she fell over in one big heap, with Sesshoumaru still over her, holding onto her leg.

Kagome looked around and saw InuYasha, Sango, and Miroku watching her hopelessly. 'Some friends they are…' she thought and rolled her eyes. "Sesshoumaru rocks my socks…" she said in a completely defeated voice as her leg dropped the ground.

Sesshoumaru bent down on one knee and looked into her eyes as she sat up and stared back at him. Her breath got caught in her throat at the golden eyes staring deep into hers.

"So, can you save yourself the injuries and us the waste in time and just go ahead and be in our band already? And save my ears from bleeding at InuYasha's so-called voice?" Even as funny of a sentence that was, Sesshoumaru managed to say it all in a mellow tone without even cracking a smirk.

Kagome sighed in defeat and stood up and looked down hopelessly. "Fine, I'll sing…" She cringed inwardly at the cheers that were heard from everyone else. She shivered as she began to walk back to her home, to change. That is until Sesshoumaru came and dumped his jacket on her head.

"Don't think your going home. We have to get started now; we'll have to change our songs and all the tones of everything with you here now."

Sango came up and began squealing and babbling on about how much fun it would be to sing in their band now. Of course Kagome thought that she wished that Sango could be in the band instead, if she thought it was so great. But besides that, every word anyone said to her, went in one ear and out the other, since all she did was stare at the back of Sesshoumaru's head, and get lost in the smell of his jacket all the way back to the musical garage.


"Do you have anything to contribute?" Sesshoumaru asked, back at the garage while InuYasha sat sulking in a corner, punching the wall.

Kagome had her knees pulled up to her chest, staring boredly at the wall. She had sat there, listening to Sesshoumaru complain about how much stuff they would have to change, how they would now have to get a saxophone player for some odd reason. Then there was InuYasha who had to go and get told off by Sango and Sesshoumaru about how he should be supportive about their friend and quit being so selfish…since he couldn't sing anyway.

"I have some songs…but they're at home so we can't use them!"

"Nope, I took the liberty to go to your house and get them" Sango said and came up and dumped random papers and books of Kagome's work. "That could be classified as breaking and entering you know." Kagome glared up at her.

"It could…but it's not so too bad for you." Sango grinned and shoved a song in Kagome's face. Kagome slowly got up and made her way to a guitar and picked one up. She turned on the amps and took a look at one of the songs she had been handed. 'Cause a Commotion...' she read to herself and tried to remember the beat she had thought to it.

Kagome sighed and began to strum the electric guitar, working up a fast beat for her to start singing to. She quickly looked up at Sesshoumaru, then down to the ground and began to sing her words.

"In the crowd, a million voices scream, scream.

Rock the shoes of the grounds above of this town

Yeah the sound of the underground

Keep on walking like the stage was round.

Keep on moshing in the pit and cursing like your parents weren't around"

She sung and looked up to see Miroku joining in on the drums, and Sesshoumaru coming over to start up the bass. She smiled slightly. 'At least I can finally get to perform with him on stage…' she thought.

"Stress cause, to the socket

Plug your end and we will rocket

Bang your head to this notion

A kid like you can't cause a commotion

Cause a commotion

Cause a commotion."

Kagome nodded her head and looked up to see Rin walking in and taking her seat beside Sango, who was grinning like an idiot at Kagome and motioning over to Sesshoumaru and giving a thumbs up. Kagome shook her head at her hopeless friend.

But then again, who was the hopeless one here who ran away and went crashing into a fountain to get away from a little singing.

"In the crowd a million voices scream, scream

Rock your shoes of the above of the crowd of this town

I heard the sound of the underground

Keep walking the stage was round

I found the world was how you see it

So open your eyes

John in Philly"

Kagome began to loose herself, swaying back and forth, a small trickle of sweat falling down her forehead. Kagome went back into the chorus and took the opportunity to do her guitar excellent guitar solo that she had worked up to be the bridge of the song.

Rin and Sango were skanking near the couch and giggling, yes giggling as they did it. "Stress cause, to the socket

Plug your end and we will rocket

Bang your head to this notion

A kid like you can't cause a commotion

Cause a commotion

Cause a commotion"

Kagome ended the song and sighed, out of breath from the high feeling she had just moments before. Miroku and Sango came to pat her on her back, telling her how it wasn't that bad. InuYasha came up to his friend and gave her a quick hug. "Fine, I admit it, you're good…evilishly damn good…" and he went off, into the house to be by himself and sulk.

Miroku hugged her and went in for the gropping, but Sango chased him out of the garage and then Rin followed just for the sake of following.

Kagome put the guitar down and went to sit on the couch and look over her scraps of papers and half-heartedly looked through them. She felt a weight on the couch and looked beside her to see Sesshoumaru. She gulped and went back to looking through the papers, still feeling half excited from performing, even if it was little, and a run through.

"You were pretty good…but don't let it go to your head." He began and reached over for one of her papers, but ended with his and slapped away. "Don't touch…and thank you…"

"We'll have to change a lot of things you know…thanks to you."

"I'm sure you can blame the rest of the group for wanting me here." Kagome frowned at where this conversation was going. "I would appreciate it if you would say something more positive, if that's even possible with you." Kagome put the papers down and looked up at him.

His eye twitched and went on. "…Anyway, we'll need to find someone to play the saxophone as you already know, and I know you can read music so go ahead and write out the sheetmusic---"

Kagome put a hand in front of his face and pulled out some papers in the pile of all the notes for her music.

"Well then…I guess that's taken care of. So…"

Kagome nodded "Yeah…"

Everyone else came walking in, though Miroku was kind of on his knees. Kagome shook her head and pulled out a random blank piece of paper from under the couch. "You even keep art supplies hidden in my house too?" Sesshoumaru thought to himself to look more carefully at hiding spots in his home when Kagome nodded. Kagome began to sketch out a saxophone and an ad to put around the neighborhood saying that they were looking for someone to be in their band.


Yeah I'm really sorry about taking so long you guys. And I know this probably could have been longer, but I tried and now it's summer, so I'll try to put out more chapters, and I'm telling you, read those other stories, you'll like them! And please review those stories and this one, but please, don't go into how long this chapter took to get up, I already know, love, support and hate is accepted otherwise!!!!
