InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rising Sickness ❯ Numer Uno ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Drowning deep in my see of loathing

Broken your servant I kneel

It seems what's left of my human side is changing

Is slowly changing in me

Inuyasha tried to hold back his rising youkai blood, but he couldn't. The Tetsusaiga was broken, Kagome was dieing if not already dead, and Naraku was standing before him chuckling because this was all too amusing to him.

Looking at my own reflection

When suddenly it changes

Violently it changes

Oh no, there is no turning back now

You've woken up the demon in me

Slowly he began to transform. His claws and fangs grew longer and sharper, his eyes turned blood red, and purple stripes snaked their way down his cheeks. Suddenly, with a shrill cry, Inuyasha leapt into the air and began to tear Naraku apart. Naraku's feeble attempts to defend himself were all in vein and even after Naraku was dead and he was sure, he still couldn't stop himself. He turned to find Sango, Miroku, and Shippou hovering over Kagome's now lifeless body. That was it. That was the last straw. Kagome was dead. The one person who would accept him for who and what he was, the one whom he loved was dead, and he never got to tell her what he felt. That's when he lost it. And he went on a rampage that left all of his friends dead and he still wasn't finished.

I can see inside you the sickness is rising

Don't try to deny what you feel

It seems that all that was good has died

And is decaying in me

There was nothing left for him. He continued his rampage jumping from village to village killing all that go in his way. The Inuyasha that Kagome loved was dead. He died when she did. His kind heart was replaced by a burning desire to smell and taste the blood of a fresh kill.

It seems you're having some trouble

In dealing with these changes

Living with these changes The world is a scary place

Now that you've woken up the demon in me

Once his youkai blood was awakened there was no suppressing it. Not anymore. He had no one left that cared and no one that could stop him. He continued on like that, a mindless killing machine, until he too died.