InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ robes of a different color ❯ strange bedfellows ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Robes of a Different Color

Chapter 2 Strange Bedfellows

Disclaimer- Inuyasha and the associated characters still do not belong to me, <sigh>.

Shippou and Sango stared back in shock.

'I was so surprised when my attack had worked so effectively that I didn't even notice…' Her mind scattered

'I didn't…they're not!!..." She could hear her heart throbbing in her ears.

"HOUSHI-SAMA…" She croaked, eyes glazing.

"INUYASHA..." the small group lifted their voice in unison, desperately trying to locate their fallen friends.

Suddenly off to their right, one of the larger chunks of flesh began to move.

"MMMmmmmmm." Sango looked at Kagome. Kagome with a silent nod knocked an arrow and carefully took aim.

They slowly moved closer to the undulating blob, which appeared to be moaning. Shippou jumped off of Sango's shoulder and scamper back towards the tree line, shooting nervous look back towards his two companions.

A black gluey hand emerged from beneath the blob and wiped away the stuff from the top revealing Miroku.

"My dearest Sango, my eternal thanks, but if you wouldn't mind lowering your weapons I'm quite sure this creature," gesturing to the little bits of monster, "is dead."

With a visible sigh the girls lowered their weapons.

"Thank Kami!"

Sango and Kagome rush to Miroku to help free him from the sickening ooze.

"But where's Inuyasha?" Kagome asked with a brow furrowed.

"I'm afraid that the smell has rendered our friend insensate." Miroku stepped aside to reveal a vaguely Inuyasha shaped blob, quiet moans and spastic twitching.

Miroku stooped to retrieve his staff, "Well I suppose I will have to drag Inuyasha farther from the clearing, the smell is too much for the guy to bear." The tall muscular man grabbed the inu hanyou beneath each arm and began dragging him toward the forest and away from the repulsive smell.

Shippou emerged from the safety of the tree with Kirara close behind stopping just shy of Miroku.

"Oh Miroku, we're so glad…we thought…" the small kitsune boy stopped speaking screwing his face into one of disgust.

"You guys STINK!"

"Well thank you for your astute assessment, Shippou, but that is in fact the problem," he said, arching a meaningful glance at the incapacitated Inuyasha.

"We're nearly a hundred yards from the remains of that stinking creature and Inuyasha's condition remains unchanged."

Shippou quirked his face into a smile, "that's because YOU stink, you and Inuyasha stink," the boy said with a giggle.

"Hmmm…?" Miroku studied the kitsune child quizzically.

"Of course, you're both covered…it's all over your clothes." Kagome explained with an exasperated sigh, as they had all failed to discern the obvious.

"Hmmmm..." The monk stopped, bringing an ooze covered hand to his chin, a look of intense contemplation changed his face. "That does present a problem; Inuyasha is too heavy for me to drag to the nearest spring…"

Giving the girls a meaningful look, " Kagome-sama, perhaps you can be of assistance…"

"You want me to help you to drag Inuya…" she cut in, but was stooped mid sentence with a dismissive wave of Miroku's hand.

"No, no," He said shaking his head, "despite your many charms and talents, I fear your added strength at such a distance would not be sufficient…" He trailed off.

Kagome and Sango continued to look at the monk with confusion.

"Certainly my strength..." Sango began, but was also cut off.

"What I propose is much easier, Kagome-sama…"

He turned his gaze to look Kagome straight in the eyes, "Perhaps you would be so kind as to remove Inuyasha's clothes…"

Sango's jaw dropped and Kagome blushed a furious red taking a step back from the boy twitching on the ground.

Miroku's face remained a picture of innocence and virtue; he began to go on, stepping forward to explain.


The girls stepped back in unison, turned on their heals, and began to stalk away.

"We'll be back at the camp." Kagome managed to choke out.

Sango turned her head to look over her shoulder shooting the monk a withering glare " Don't come back until you clean those dirty thoughts from your head, hentia," she then turned forward again to catch up to her friend who had already disappeared into the forest. Shippou rolled his eyes at Miroku before scampering after the retreating girls, Kirara hot on his trail.

Miroku watched the retreating girls a wistful smile played across his boyish face.

There is nothing quite like the sway of an angry woman's hips.


"Well I guess it's just you and me Inuyasha."

Miroku stooped to remove the soiled clothes from his friend.

I tried Inuyasha, but Kagome just wasn't biting today…

Well well, I guess it was too much to hope that a half demon would be wearing small-clothes beneath your hadoki

Miroku smirked as he carefully extricated Inuyasha from his soiled hakama. A mild look of shock creased the monk's usually unflappable visage.


My my my Inuyasha, those assets are certainly wasted on you; I half expected that you were a eunuch; perhaps you are scared you'll hurt someone with…

Miroku quickly stood taking the naked boy's clothing with him and retreated to a nearby tree to await Inuyasha's return to consciousness.

"Uhhhh…" The silver haired boy brought his hand to his forehead.

I feel like I've been hit with a two ton boulder… and that smell… His hand travels down to search for any damage to his body, and then stopped as he reached his chest. The other hand shot up, patting his body as a shocked and confused look creased his face. Shooting furtive looks around the area he spied Miroku off a bit to his right carrying his clothing.

A low growl rumbles in his chest, with deliberate care to keep his anger in check until the whole situation was understood, the now sitting hanyou carefully began to speak in a low dangerous voice.

"Why am I naked, monk?" Inuyasha nearly spat the last word.

"Please, Inuyasha, calm yourself."

"Start talking." Inuyasha growled as he glared suspiciously at the man.

"As you wish," Miroku sighed with a shrug of his shoulders.

He can't honestly believe I have indecent intentions towards him, just because I can appreciate a beautiful woman when I see one doesn't mean I'm some sort of…

His train of thought was interrupted as the angry hanyou seated before him voiced another low growl.

"When Sango destroyed the youkai we were covered with its entrails, the smell incapacitated you and since you are too heavy for me to drag all the way to the spring…" Miroku trailed off as Inuyasha seemed to grasp the situation, his shoulders relaxed and a look of embarrassment seemed to play across his face.

"Feh, I knew that…of course." The naked boy grumbled.

"I had a feeling you might feel that way, that's why I took the liberty of entreating Kagome-sama to assist in your defrocking."

Inuyasha shot Miroku a wide eyed stare, and gulped.

Miroku returned the look with his own serious gaze, nodding solemnly as he continued, "Of course she was reluctant, but finally agreed when she realized what a sorry state you were in. I assured her that you would not mind the intrusion as it was for your own good."

Miroku had lowered his voice and bent a little nearer to the blushing Inuyasha, " I'm sorry to say she became quiet frightened when we removed you pants, she believed that you had been attacked by some sort of large demon snake." Inuyasha looked stricken.

Miroku continued oblivious of his friends building anger, and his own impending doom.

"I explained, of course, that it was not a snake but your…"

"That stupid perverted man, how dare he suggest something like that?" Sango was still grumbling about Miroku's behavior while gathering wood for the fire.

"Are you really that surprised Sango-chan? I mean we really should have seen it coming." Kagome soothed.


"I'm only surprised that he didn't try to grope you as we stalked away."

"Stupid, good for nothing…." The young youkai hunter grumbled again as she changed from her black leather armor to her everyday kimono. She then sat; joining her friend by the fire.

"YOU WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A flock of birds that had nested in a near by tree took flight as the booming voice broke the calm. The girls looked up from the fire toward the sound of the disturbance.

"Well it sounds like Inuyasha's feeling better." Kagome sighed as she relaxed against a tree

Kagome hunched over her over stuffed yellow bag rummaging to find the bathing supplies.

"Shippou why don't you take these to the others so they can clean themselves properly?" The redheaded boy wilted slightly at the prospect of encountering an enraged Inuyasha.

"But Kagome…I…" The boy stopped as he looked up into Kagome's eyes and realized it was not a request.

"Come on Kirara, let's go." Shippou took the proffered soap and shampoo and bounded off toward the spring.

"Thanks, Shippou!" Kagome called after the retreating child.


"I told you, Inuyasha, I was only kidding." The handsome monk placated while trying to sooth the new bump on his head.

The tall goo covered man tried to catch up to the naked retreating hanyou.

"You better be, monk, or I'll give you another lump or two," Inuyasha called behind him not slowing to let the other man catch up.

"And for Kami's sake stay away from me, you smell disgusting."

"You don't smell so great yourself, you know," Miroku chided.

"Feh." Inuyasha picked up his pace and headed toward the spring stopping just short of the glade.

Miroku quickly caught up and stopped beside Inuyasha, giving his friend a quizzical look.

"What is it, Inuyasha?"

I can't smell anything over Miroku's stench, but I have a bad feeling about this.



Below he stirred. A flash of silver, the glint of teeth, toward the shallows he sped. Quietly, ever so quietly.

That's right you fools, there is nothing to fear, there is no danger here.

No danger here.

He sent his thoughts out; across the surface a small ripple broke the calm.

No danger here.



Inuyasha narrowed his eyes and scanned the quiet glade for the source of such a disquieting feeling.

There's no danger here.

After several minutes had elapsed the naked youth shrugged and turned to his companion.

"Feh, I thought I told you to stay away." An evil smile spread across silver haired hanyou's face, a playful spark in his amber eyes.

Quicker then Miroku could wonder at the evil smile he was scooped up and sent hurdling toward the center of the pond, clothes and all.

At last….

Inuyasha quickly followed his friend into the water, submerging completely to rinse the dark viscous fluid from his matted hair. The pond was deeper then it appeared and Inuyasha had gone deeper then he had originally planned. During the long swim to the surface he could see the trees and sky distorted, the sun lending no warmth, time slowed down. Inuyasha spine tingled, he sensed danger. A hollow feeling crept over him as he reached the surface and gulped for air.

" Miroku???"



Inuyasha was alone.




Next time: Inuyasha finds Miroku and something sinister happens… Chapter 3: The Pact.

A/N Fun with words

Hanyou - half youkai

Hakama- those are what Inuyahsa's baggy pants are called

I know, I was just about to get to a good part, but I'm going to leave you with a cliffy, and I'll end every chapter that way until I get some more reviews. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I promise interesting stuff is just about to happen.

If you see any weird mistakes let me know, thanks.

Read and Review: Please review…even if it's just to say "I read it." Or "You suck!" Share the love people.