InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Room Raiders InuYasha style ❯ Koga's room ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Room Raiders Inuyasha style chp.3
Koga's Room

Kagome was driven up to an anpartment building and Koga's room was the whole first floor besides the stair way.
When she walked in the appartment was neat.
She walked into the bedroom however and there was a a case of beer on the burrow.Well I don't like guy's who drink but lets check around first.
Kagome took the black light out of the silver breif case and turned the lights off in the room.
Oooooooooooooooo!she's gunna take take some alone time on your bed Koga!(I will blank out anything that I think will affend people but these two have to be perverts to make this work I am sorry to anyone reading!)
Inuyasha knocked them both out and payed atention to Kagome's gentle voice.He enjoyed her soft speaking.I hope she picks me!Inuyasha thought.
Kagome put the black light on and scanned the bed for stains.
DISGUSTING!There were big bloches of white residue on the bed!
Kagome ran out of the room and outside.
