InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Room Raiders...My Sick Way ❯ THE GRANDE FINALE!!! ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Kikyo_Hater 
Disclaimer:I don't own inuyaha! or room raiders! or a car!nope, these things belong to rumiko takahashi, mtv, and the bank!
Unveiling of the contestants:
K-H- welcome to the final segment of Inuyasha Room raiders.
*mourns loss of great story*
Inu-I've had a f*cking screwed time here. Ill miss it. Feh. Not really.
k-h- well, lets show the comtestants inuyasha's house!
*Everone claps*
Three hooded cloaked figures ogle at inuyashas home. they rush inside immeadatly, and look through his stuff. The cloaked figures go over to the stairway in silent agreement.
upstairs is a king-size bed with dark red coverlets. Contestant #3 sits on the bed.
C3-sesshomaru-sama's bed was almost this soft. Good thing he never saw me lying on it.
C2-Oh! I think Higurashi would love this pink scarf!
C1- Ive done many things to find out about the inuyasha gang. Dont you usually call her kagome?
C2-yes! But-
C3-*censored* you idiot, thats red, not pink!
They continued looking through Inus stuff. the bed was red, the room's walls were green. Than came-the underwear drawer. He...had nounderwear.
C3-Just like his brother! Oh come back to me!!!
C1-oooh! Guys, lookie here, its his personal section!
C2- Look at all the love letters from Hir- Kagome!
C1- *reading*XL Demon strength condoms
C3- Wow thats even bigger than Sesshomaru-Sama's!
K-H- Time's up! Are you guys ready to meet Inuyasha?
C1- I know inuyasha.
*in secluded room*
K-H-Inuyasha, have you reached your decision?
Inu-Yes K-H, i have.
K-H- Well than, lets meet the contestants! Well, im lying-*contestants come out in hoods cloaks*- as you choose, the contestant will reveal their identity!
Inu-You know you're a crazy-a*s bitch, right?
K-H- Yep! Choose!
Inu-well, contestant 2 there was way too much pink in your room. contrary to popular belifs, pink & red dont mix. Please uncloak yourself.
*pulls off cloak*
Inu- HOBO?!! Who would of guessed he was a homo? But more importantly, why did you put a man on the show?!!
K-H- *grins* Erm... you'll see.
Inu- Umm...OK than... contestant#1, i thought you were 1 hot mama, but the whole black scheme reminds me of my arch nemisis-*uncloaks himself *- NARAKU?!!
Naraku-You cruel heartless bastard! *crying* Can't you see i've only wanted you're attention sience the day we met? I love you Inuyasha! But no, you always want that un-dead transvesdite bitch!!!
Inu- *gulps* 0.0 Kikyo's atransvesdite?Ok than, I choose contestant #3!
*takes off hood&cloak*
Jakken- I have a confession to make.
Inu-Why do you sound so much like...
Jakken- Well, you see Inuyasha, I was born a toad demon with the ability to turn human, I took to a human family. Well, after many years, I went to talk to the houshi Jackson Michael hes a dark monk, enjoyed molesting little boys. So I asked him, 'when I turned to my human shape, make me a woman' so i went back to the village with a new name. I kept watch over you, emploied by my milord Sesshomaru, as the priestess you used to love, *he morphs into human shape*-
Kikyo/Jakken-Yes. I am one and the same. And i think you are dead sexy!
*lunges @ inuyasha*
*arrow pins Jakken to tree byfavourite organ
K-H- No one touches my Inuyasha!
Inu-Thank you K-H! What can I ever do to repay you?!
K-H- *walking away with Inuyasha* Well a date with Miroku would be nice. ^.^
Inu- Done...^_^;
*credits roll*
Jakken/Kikyo- Let me down!Please! Its dark in here!!!!!!!!!!!!*tear,tear*
A/n: Done! Thank you to my 4 reviewers, I love you both! & 'Ditzy' my second personality! I would like to thank My coolest and best friend Tala- Or Archergurl713 for putting up with my constant stupidity! Take a bow! & Greg for giving me totally random ideas! You all deserve serious brownie points, as Queen_klu would say! Night y'all!~Aurore AKA Kikyo_Hater
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 07.21.2004 | Updated On: 07.21.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 20 | Visits: 295 | Status: Completed

Disclaimer:I don't own inuyaha! or room raiders! or a car!nope, these things belong to rumiko takahashi, mtv, and the bank!
Unveiling of the contestants:
K-H- welcome to the final segment of Inuyasha Room raiders.
*mourns loss of great story*
Inu-I've had a f*cking screwed time here. Ill miss it. Feh. Not really.
k-h- well, lets show the comtestants inuyasha's house!
*Everone claps*
Three hooded cloaked figures ogle at inuyashas home. they rush inside immeadatly, and look through his stuff. The cloaked figures go over to the stairway in silent agreement.
upstairs is a king-size bed with dark red coverlets. Contestant #3 sits on the bed.
C3-sesshomaru-sama's bed was almost this soft. Good thing he never saw me lying on it.
C2-Oh! I think Higurashi would love this pink scarf!
C1- Ive done many things to find out about the inuyasha gang. Dont you usually call her kagome?
C2-yes! But-
C3-*censored* you idiot, thats red, not pink!
They continued looking through Inus stuff. the bed was red, the room's walls were green. Than came-the underwear drawer. He...had nounderwear.
C3-Just like his brother! Oh come back to me!!!
C1-oooh! Guys, lookie here, its his personal section!
C2- Look at all the love letters from Hir- Kagome!
C1- *reading*XL Demon strength condoms
C3- Wow thats even bigger than Sesshomaru-Sama's!
K-H- Time's up! Are you guys ready to meet Inuyasha?
C1- I know inuyasha.
*in secluded room*
K-H-Inuyasha, have you reached your decision?
Inu-Yes K-H, i have.
K-H- Well than, lets meet the contestants! Well, im lying-*contestants come out in hoods cloaks*- as you choose, the contestant will reveal their identity!
Inu-You know you're a crazy-a*s bitch, right?
K-H- Yep! Choose!
Inu-well, contestant 2 there was way too much pink in your room. contrary to popular belifs, pink & red dont mix. Please uncloak yourself.
*pulls off cloak*
Inu- HOBO?!! Who would of guessed he was a homo? But more importantly, why did you put a man on the show?!!
K-H- *grins* Erm... you'll see.
Inu- Umm...OK than... contestant#1, i thought you were 1 hot mama, but the whole black scheme reminds me of my arch nemisis-*uncloaks himself *- NARAKU?!!
Naraku-You cruel heartless bastard! *crying* Can't you see i've only wanted you're attention sience the day we met? I love you Inuyasha! But no, you always want that un-dead transvesdite bitch!!!
Inu- *gulps* 0.0 Kikyo's atransvesdite?Ok than, I choose contestant #3!
*takes off hood&cloak*
Jakken- I have a confession to make.
Inu-Why do you sound so much like...
Jakken- Well, you see Inuyasha, I was born a toad demon with the ability to turn human, I took to a human family. Well, after many years, I went to talk to the houshi Jackson Michael hes a dark monk, enjoyed molesting little boys. So I asked him, 'when I turned to my human shape, make me a woman' so i went back to the village with a new name. I kept watch over you, emploied by my milord Sesshomaru, as the priestess you used to love, *he morphs into human shape*-
Kikyo/Jakken-Yes. I am one and the same. And i think you are dead sexy!
*lunges @ inuyasha*
*arrow pins Jakken to tree byfavourite organ
K-H- No one touches my Inuyasha!
Inu-Thank you K-H! What can I ever do to repay you?!
K-H- *walking away with Inuyasha* Well a date with Miroku would be nice. ^.^
Inu- Done...^_^;
*credits roll*
Jakken/Kikyo- Let me down!Please! Its dark in here!!!!!!!!!!!!*tear,tear*
A/n: Done! Thank you to my 4 reviewers, I love you both! & 'Ditzy' my second personality! I would like to thank My coolest and best friend Tala- Or Archergurl713 for putting up with my constant stupidity! Take a bow! & Greg for giving me totally random ideas! You all deserve serious brownie points, as Queen_klu would say! Night y'all!~Aurore AKA Kikyo_Hater
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 07.21.2004 | Updated On: 07.21.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 20 | Visits: 295 | Status: Completed