InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Round and Round ❯ Round and Round ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
and Round

Round and round they danced, gazing into each other's eyes. In this moment only each other mattered, not the entire room full of people staring at them would even faze them.
Round and round they danced around the large, beautifully decorated room. Her powder blue dress gracefully flowing with their movements, her silky black hair whipped around in an elaborate braid, her chocolate eyes shining with affection. His normally matted silver hair, now combed, Cute dog ears twitching ontop of his head, his gold eyes staring at her with adoration. His black boots lightly thudded the hard wood floor as they gracefully moved together in perfect rhythm.
Everyone stared at the dancing couple. Seeing how in love they appeared. But no, merely childhood friends, sharing one last dance before the young lady moved to the neighboring kingdom. And marrying the prince who loved her. No, they couldn't love each other. The young woman's parents stared, not to happy at the way they stared into each other's eyes. They can't be in love. The girl was to marry a prince who lived far away.
The young man and woman, stared longingly at each other. They had been friends since the day they were born, they could not be separated. They just couldn't. So many hard times they helped each other pull through. When his parents died, she was there, when her younger brother died, he was there. No. They couldn't be separated. For without one the other did not feel whole.
The last time they would ever see each other, for at dawn she was leaving. The mere thought of being without her broke his heart. He couldn't live without her. And then it dawned on him. He loved this girl with all of his being. It took the thought of never seeing her again for him to realize that. And now how would he continue on with his life, knowing that the only girl he ever loved was happily married to another man? He felt his chest tightened and his stomach churn.
As she gazed at him, she could feel the slight sting of tears forming. No. She would not cry. She would be strong. But not happy. Oh no. How could she? The only man she would ever love, she would never see him again. Instead she would wake up every morning beside a man who loved her for her beauty, not caring about the person inside. She would bare his children, not of the man she had fallen in love with. This man she danced with, she had loved ever since she could remember, he was always there. Always and now he would never be there again when she needed him. And she would never be there when he needed her.
She didn't want to cry, yet a lone tear streaked down her lovely face. His strong hand gently wiped it away, caressing her cheek. She leaned to his touch, closing her eyes, marveling at his warmth. He gently stroked her cheek, loving the softness. She was beautiful in every way, in body and mind, and he loved her body and soul. Another tear came and she hoped it was the last. She wanted to be strong. Again his hand wiped away her tear. He didn't want her to be sad. He wanted her to live and be happy. She rested her head on his shoulder knowing that this was the last time they would be with each other.
As the night progressed, the attendants to the dance began retiring to their rooms, yet the man and woman remained in each others arms, standing in the center of the large room. Knowing that she had to leave, he hugged her tightly to him and she returned the hug. They let go with their hands holding each other. The man decided that this was his last chance to tell her how he felt. He slowly leaned towards her and she leaned up to him. They met in a chaste kiss, one that soon turned passionate. After all they could never be together. They broke, their noses touching, they looked into each other's eyes. Tears one flowed freely from her eyes and a single tear from his.
"I love you with all my heart and I will always be with you Kagome." He whispered. She hugged him tightly never wanting to let go.
"I-I love you to, I don't want to marry that man. I want to marry you Inuyasha." She cried into his chest. He held her rocking back and forth. They knew they could no longer stay in their embrace no matter how much it hurt to leave. They shared one final dance.
"Good-bye my love. Perhaps someday we will meet again. Maybe in another life we could be together." He said sadness filling his voice. Oh how he wished they could run away together. But her marriage kept her kingdom from invasion, from war. Her parents cared not about her sacrifices and did nothing to console her. She was marrying a complete stranger who fell in love with her beauty and would be nothing but an object in his eyes.
But not this man in front of her. He loved her, her mind, not just her beauty. And she loved him more than anything. She would gladly give up everything to be with him. But she couldn't let her selfishness cause a war.
"'Good-bye, I'll never forget you. I love you.'" She cried.

A man sat in a chair in his warm home. Outside snow fell and wind blew. Again his thoughts wandered to her. The only woman he ever loved. He never married, no woman could ever compare to her. He dreamt of her all the time for the past four years. Four years of sadness and loneliness. Four years of wanting something he could never have.
He heard of the prince of the neighboring kingdom's wife. A real beauty he heard. Silky black hair, chocolate eyes, soft pale skin. He wondered, did she still think of him? A part of him hoped so, hoped that she loves him as much as he loves her. But another part hoped that she had forgotten him, for he grieved over their separation and he did not want her to be sad. He wanted her to live and love and be happy, even if it meant without him.
He heard they had children. He knew they were as lovely as she.
woman sat with a baby in her arms, and two boys staring at her with love. Her husband standing beside her.
"The man and woman danced round and round, knowing it was their last dance. Love filled their eyes, as they met in a kiss. When they broke, they confessed their love for the first and last time.
'I love you with all my heart and I will always be with you' whispered the man.
'I-I love you to, I don't want to marry that man. I want to marry you'. Replied the woman.
They danced one final time, wanting to savor their last moment together. And finally they said their good-byes.
'Good-bye my love' said the man 'perhaps someday we will meet again, maybe in another life we could be together'."
"'Good-bye, I'll never forget you. I love you' said the teary eyed woman." The woman looked to her sons.
"Mama?" Asked the older one.
"Did she ever forget him?"

The End.