InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rude Awakening ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: As always I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters, although I know that we all deep down wish we did….\
It was a beautiful morning, the birds were singing the sun was warming her skin and the gentle breeze was coming in from her partially open window. I snuggled deeper into my pillow not ready to leave this paradise quite yet. I was partially stunned when my pillow moved…….
No, that can't be right, pillows are inanimate objects it must have been my imagination… Snuggling my faces deeper into my pillow I realize that it doesn't feel like my pillow, instead, it feels rather warm and hard…. Trying to fully understand the situation I was in I tried to awaken the rest of my body, I was definitely next to something warm-
No I was definitely next to SOMEONE….moving my legs I realized that they were currently tangled in someone else's…. Lazily I opened my eyes and found that I was currently lying on someone's chest…..and we were DEFINITELY naked……What the hell?
The white sheet was carefully tucked underneath my arms while one of my hands laid on this person's chest and the other was lost in the mass of limbs…..Under closer inspection I noticed the sculptured abs and the very faint silver hair on the well toned body…
Last night's events came back in full force which explained why her body didn't seem to want to move. Last night had been one hell of a ride because it was the first time she'd seen Inuyasha in 2 weeks. She had tons of interviews in Kyoto and Osaka that her mother had taken the opportunity to visit relatives and thus turned it into a two week vacation.
One that her hanyou mate was not to pleased with, especially since they were still “newly mates”. Apparently once two mated they were to spend the next 3 weeks in deep seclusion getting to know the other better and to help deeper their bond. I had to leave only a week after mating so when Inuyasha found out I was back he took no time in picking up where we'd left off….And now my body and mind were so out of commission I doubt I'd ever get out of bed.
Trying to get a glimpse at my love I used my remaining strength to peek up at him, his wonderful torso, his neck with love bites from last night, his beautiful silver hair fanned out about him his fluffy tail….
I snapped my eyes to his face and saw that it was not my beloved Inuyasha but …….OH DEAR GOD….
I felt like screaming my body was convulsing what the hell??? “AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!”
Then my eyes snapped open and I'm back in bed right where this whole thing began, legs tangled, my head on a chest with my hand propped against it, an arm wrapped around me, silver hair….
I willed myself to look up to pray that this was just a freak nightmare. What I saw made my eyes tear up. It WAS my beloved Inuyasha….
I clung to his chest thanking Kami for letting it all be just a nightmare.
Okay have no idea where it came from but wanted to write about it anyway.