InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Runaway Love ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2

inuyasha, sesshoumaru. and kagura were in the dinning room drinking tea kagura had made.''so inuyasha...whats your problem, you seem to be upset about something''it was amazing how sesshoumaru was actually asking his hanyou brother what was wrong.

''you know, im not so confortable with you asking whats wrong considering you hate me but i just gotta get this out of my chest.Kagome saw me with kikyo and now she went back to her time and doesn't want to see me ever again, or thats what she told me before she ran off''inuyasha said.

''you know, you really need to start forgetting about that dead corpse, she is just ruining your love life, if i were you i would drop her like a rock''Kagura said with a smirk on her face.

''inuyasha, you just have to let go of the past and settle with what you have now or you will end up dieing because you don't have nobody to back you up in life''sesshoumaru felt like a damn phsicologist.

''i know that, but i just can't let kikyo go like that, she actually gave her life up for me, but then kagome is the girl i love, but sometimes i have doubts.''inuyasha said, he had some sadness in his eyes when he mentioned that.

''and thats why your gonna dump kikyo and go to kagome''kagura said.

''wa...what do you mean,?''inuyasha looked confused.

''i mean that you're going to kikyo right now, if you can find her and tell her that you don't want to be or die with her anymore, then you go to kagome and make up with her.''kagura said as she stood up.

''ok, but i dont know if its going to be as easy as it seems.''inuyasha said.

''sure it will just follow with your demon instincts and your heart, human feelings only slow you down.''inuyasha doubted the plan would work but knew he had to do it so he can finally be at peace with kagome.


kagome was in her room thinking of what she saw between inuyasha and kikyo.
'' could he, after all i've done for him,then again, i never licsen to his side of the story,ahhh what am i thinking why should i. he never liscens to me, and he never will so i should just stop living that life and focus on my own life from now on i have to forget about inuyasha for good''and with that kagome dozed off into a deep sleep.


kagome was looking out the window towards the well when she saw a light inside of it, kagome thought it would be inuyash aso she ran downstairs and out to the well.
''inuyasha?....ahh, i must be losing my mind, now im seenig things, do i really wanna go back and see inuyasha again?''kagome said as she closed the door to the well and turned around to see the sacred tree were she and inuyasha had first met.

kagome walked up to the tree and started thinking about all the good times she and inuyasha had in the fuedal era, all the sad times,happy and just plain creepy, suddenly kagome felt a tear on her cheek and wiped it off.
''im so dumb, how can i cry for something that stupid. all i was good for was for locating the shard for him, how can i be so foolish as to think that inuyasha would respond to my feelings for him.''kagome said as she went back inside the house.

''hey sis, don't you have to go back with inuyasha today?''souta said as he came down the stairs.

''why should i, its not like i live there with him or something!''kagome yelled at her little brother.

''ok ok, its not like im forcing you, i was just asking.''souta said as he waved his hands in defense.

kagome went to her room and lock the door, then she went int the bathroom and turned on the water.
''what am i gonna do?i can't go back to inuyasha, he'll just end up hurting my feelings again, but i can't stay away from him, i love him to much as ot just leave him like that''

kagome felt like she had the wight of the world.


just when inuyasha was about to give up on his search for kikyo he saw some soul collectors passing by so he dashed behind them.he came to an opening in the forest and saw the miko sitting on by the tree.

''kikyo...i need to tell you something.''inuyasha said as kikyo started to stand up.

''yes...what do you need to speak to me about inuyasha?''kikyo said, she was trying to hug inuyasha like last time, but inuyasha held her back.

''no...kikyo i can't, we can't be together anymore, you are dead and i have to live my life, i don't want to die with you anymore.''inuyasha said and when he was about t leave kikyo stopped him.

''why....why inuyasha have you fallen for kagome a simple copy of me, you are so pathetic as to actually fall in love with someone not of this time, but i will not let you leave me just like that, i won't let you live in peace with her inuyasha.''kikyo said and tried to hug inuyasha and try to drag him to hell by force.

''no kikyo let me go i don't want to go now please leave me alone can't you get it through your head,...get off''inuyasha yelled at kikyo and pushed her away and she fell on the floor.

''damn you inuyasha you are not getting away with this you promised, and you betrayed em like always, i know i could never trust you''kikyo said and disappeared into a fog.

''well at least she is gone so now i can go after kagome and tell her how i feel about her, that is if she even licsens to me''inuyasha tought and leaped towards the village.

''inuyasha, wheres kagome, she hasn't come back, i thought she was coming back in a day.?''sango said as she was coming out fo kaede's hut.

''uh i guess she hasn't come back then''inuyasha said with a sparkle in his eyes.

''then why won't you go get her you baka!''shippo realized what he had said to the hanyou and covered his head in defense.

''no...'i'll give her another day at least he needs it after all that fighting, it must've worn her out considering she doesn't deal with these kinds of things in her time''inuyasha said as he walked to the well without even hitting shippo.

''thats a miracle, how inuyasha didin't hit shippo on the head for calling him a baka, now i know that something is wrong with him.''miroku looked confused with inuyasha's attitude.

''yes, hes problably thinking about kagome for some problem they problably have cosidering he actually let her stay an extra day in her time without making such a fit about it.''sango said and walked off into the hut with shippo following. miroku decided he' d investigate inuyasha's attitude.

inuyasha was sitting by the well thinking how he's going to go up to kagome and tell her his feelings about her.
''what if she doesn't accept me after all the things i've done to her,man i can't live without her i need her with me, i'll go tomorrow just to think about how im going to confront her, i just hope she doesn't ignore me''inuyasha tought . he got up and walked to the sacred tree.

''hmm.i wonder whats on his mind he looks so sad,poor inuyasha i should speak to him thats what friends are for.''miroku sneaked behind inuyasha and hid in the bushes.inuyasha had sat at the roots of the tree

''i'll just wait here,that way i don't have to put up with the letchure of miroku and the brat of shippo.''inuyasha said as he looked up at the sky deep in tought.

''i'll just leave him alone, he diserves it.''miroku said as he gave up and walked off.


''hey kagome, are you going to school?''souta said as he walked in kagome's room.

''no, i don't feel like hearing my friends brag about inuyasha and how i should dump him for hojo, its not like im even his girlfriend or something,just tell grandpa to call and say i got a bad cold nothing so dramatic like amnesia or something.''kagome said and covered her head with her blanket trying to go back to sleep.

''ok then, i'll go tell mom and grandpa then.''souta said and walked out of kagome's room.

''man i can't get inuyasha out of my mind, i hate him for ever making me love him like this, hoe can i ever forget him if he's the only guy i want to be mine........what are you thinking kagome you can't have inuyasha and besides hes going to hell with kikyo so now i can finally leave the feudal era with no thought of ever going back....oh what the hell im going back even if its for inuyasha or not.kagome got up and walked to the bathroom to change out of her pajamas.

kagome was walking towards the well when she felt inuyasha very close to her so she walked to the tree and thought that he might be there.
''if i feel the tree may be i can feel inuyasha...yeah, i'll try.''kagome put a hand on the tree and she felt sadness, the sadness of inuyasha.

''could he be sad because i left him? he wouldn't even care hes problably already getting ready to die with kikyo or something , but at least i can go see him for the last time as a farewell or something.''kagome strted walking to the well and stopped on her tracks.

A/N:So.................i hope you guys are likeing my story i just couldn't think of nothing so i just came up with this,srry if it sucks.

love ya