InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Runaway ❯ Rescued ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Well, I’m back once more to update what little I have anyway. I’m almost at 100 reviews, that’s so cool. Thank you one and all for your endless support. I’m sure all of you are wondering what’s about to happen to Kagome, well read and see....


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Chapter 6: Rescued


Kagome covered her eyes, fearing the worst as the sharp beak of the Ostrich youkai came down upon her, aiming for her heart.

At the moment it seemed as if it would be bleak, something seemed to shoot out of the woods towards the youkai.

“Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!”

Whip like slashes were imprinted themselves in the youkai’s neck. The giant bird stood there for a while, unable to make a noise because it’s esophagus had been severed. Finally, it fell to the ground limp and sprawled out like a doll. The red, life-giving essence seeped slowly from it’s neck.

The red figure landed gracefully a few feet away from the bird, their hair flowing smoothly behind them.

“Damn youkai..” They muttered, almost to them self.

Kagome slowly and wearily put her arm down and gazed upon the figure, who had their back turned to her.

“I-Inu...yasha...” She said weakly.

The ears on the figured twitched at the sound of his name. He slowly turned around to see Kagome.

She looked terrible.

Her clothes were tattered and stained with dirt and the cloth was wet with rainwater. Her hair was tangled and messed up and she looked so frail and weak as she lay there amongst the branches of the bush, the fallen leaves caressed her delicate form.


Inuyasha seemed to think to himself for a while.


“I’m glad you came, Inuyasha..” Kagome said weakly as she coughed a little.


“Are you hurt, Kagome?” the hanyou asked.


“No...” She replied weakly. “I think I might have gotten sick though.”


“Well...” Inuyasha began to speak, as Miroku and Shippou found their way through the bush.


Inuyasha turned to them.


“It’s about time you got here.” The hanyou crossed his arms. “I’m glad I didn’t need your help or anything.”


“I can only run so fast.” Shippou huffed.


“I certainly am tired.” Miroku huffed, putting his hands on his knees. “Is Lady Kagome all right?”


“She’s fine.” Inuyasha lied.


“She doesn’t look ok.” Shippou argued as he slowly walked over to Kagome’s chest.


The young kitsune looked at Kagome’s pale face and waved a little hand in front of her closed eyes.


“You ok, Kagome?’ He asked.


“Don’t wake her Shippou, she appears to be sick.” Miroku stated. “We should get her back.”


Inuyasha gave a silent nod and picked up Kagome in his strong arms. The girl seemed almost lifeless in his arms, and he wondered if she was truly going to be all right.


Inuyasha, Shippou and Miroku all walked slowly back to their campsite, which was quite a way away from where they were. Kagome could travel far in the few days she had been gone.




When they finally got back, they took Kagome inside of a small hut and Inuyasha covered her up in a blanket and laid her on a futon beside of a small fire in the middle of the floor.


All was silent and the only sounds that could be heard were the crackling and rustling of the fire. Inuyasha sat near Kagome, Miroku sat against the wall with his staff over his shoulder, and Shippou lay on the ground.


**I wonder if Kagome will be ok..** Shippou thought to himself. **She looks so sick. **


Everyone stayed completely still and silent throughout the course of time that took place. They seemed in deep contemplation.


Outside, the colors of the sky soon changed and the nocturnal animals began to come out. The birds made their beds and huddled in their nests while the owls and bats woke up. The little hut became darkened with the sky. Miroku lit a few touches inside.


As the time began to pass the guys slowly fell asleep one by one. Inuyasha was still awake while Miroku and Shippou slumbered soundly.


The hanyou glanced around, but his eyes eventually went to one thing in particular...Kagome. He was worried about her, since she hadn’t woke up yet.


**Why’d ya have to run away, huh? Don’t you die on me, you stupid girl...I still need to find more fragments of the Shikon no Tama, and I don’t know how I could live with myself if I let you die. ** Inuyasha thought to himself as he let out a sigh, still glancing at the frail looking girl on the floor.


She seemed to sleep so soundly for someone of her condition. Every once in a while she would let out a few coughs and roll over slowly, the blanket making small rustling noises with her movement.


Inuyasha was glad he came in when he did, Kagome was almost a gonner. If he hadn’t have jumped in when he did, she wouldn’t be laying there right now.


The hanyou’s golden eyes slowly began to blur. He shook his head, trying to resist asleep, but eventually his eyes slowly shut and his head gradually slid over to the dull wall and rested upon it. The silver haired boy fell into a light sleep.


All was silent after days of searching, and Kagome was finally back with her friends. She had learned her lesson. She wasn’t going to go off in the wild lands of feudal Japan anymore. No sir, it was straight through the bone-eater’s well for her. She knew how miserable she was now, and hoped, with the love of her friends, she may recover without any problems.


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Well, there’s that chapter for you, I hope you all are enjoying my little ficcy so far. I really appreciate your past reviews and I would love more, so don’t be afraid to click on the button and give me some kind words. Tell me what you think and what you like or dislike so far. Should I add another chapter, or wait a while, I’m trying to update every once and a while, so it shouldn’t be too long that I update again.




  &nb sp;