InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ryo High ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

<b> A/N: OMG! All of your reviews were awesome! I just love you guys; you make me want to just keep writing! Thank you so much for your reviews, they really keep me going! Now onto the story…
<center>Chapter 2</center></b>
The first two periods of the day went rather slow for Kagome; she still had the asshole hanyou on her mind. When lunch came around, she, Sango, and Rin all gathered around to start their lunch time gossip.
At first all three girls were really into the conversation, but Kagome quickly drifted into her own thoughts. She was still a little pissed about being called a bitch so early in the morning when she hadn't done anything to deserve it.
Noticing Kagome wasn't paying attention Sango called out to her. “Kagome!”
When she didn't respond Rin got a little worried and waved her hand in front of Kagome's face. “Kag are you alright?”
“Hmmm…yeah I'm fine. Sorry I was just thinking about something.”
Sango smirked evilly. “You wouldn't happen to be thinking about a certain hanyou gang banger, would you?”
Kagome blushed a light shade of pink. “No…”
Sango and Rin started to giggle.
Kagome started turning a little could almost see the steam coming out of her ears. “What are you two laughing about!”
“Oh nothing…” They replied still giggling.
“Grrr! You two aren't helping!” With that a pissed off Kagome got up from her seat, but when she turned around she slammed right into something…
“Hey! Watch where you're going wench!”
Getting up from the floor she was about to apologize until she saw exactly who she ran into. She has run right into Inuyasha.
“Would you stop calling me names! What did I ever do to you!”
“I can call you whatever I fucking feel like, got that bitch!”
Kagome had her hands clutched into fists at her sides.
“Quit calling me a bitch! If you call me that one more time I swear you will regret it!”
He practically growled at her. “Oh yeah! Prove it, bitch!”
Before Inuyasha could say another word Kagome's fist connected with his right cheek.
His mouth gapped open and he put a hand up to his injured cheek.
Kagome glared at him. If looks could kill there would have been one less hanyou in the world. “Serves you right!” With that she stormed out of the lunch room. Everyone sitting in the lunch room at the time was just starting at what had just happened. Someone dared to defy the leader of the Knights…
Inuyasha's eyes tinted pink. “That bitch is gonna pay!” He growled and with inhuman like speed he was on Kagome's heels.
Practically running out of the lunch room Kagome went into the school's library to finish her lunch period. Before she could even sit down or pick a book out she was slammed up against one of the book cases.
She gasped in shock when she saw Inuyasha in front of her. His eyes were a light shade of pink, his fangs were bared, and there was no space between them.
“Don't you ever dare challenge me again!”
He didn't even give her a chance to reply, he crashed his lips roughly against hers. She gasped in shocked and tried to push him away, but he took her gasp as a mean of entrance and shoved his tongue into her mouth. He grasped her forearms tighter and deepened the kiss. He swirled his tongue in and around the sweetness of her mouth.
She stopped struggling and melted into his heated kiss. He pushed away from her, breaking for air. “Don't you ever hit me again...” With that he bent his head down to the crook of her neck and lightly kissed her pulse. In a blink of an eye he was gone, and the fourth period bell rang.
<b> A/N: Sorry to leave you all on a bit of a cliffy, but I didn't know what else to write. If anyone has any ideas for the story please tell me in your reviews or e-mail me. Also suggestions are welcome.
Until next chappy,