InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sacrifice ❯ A hanyou's ears ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mini lemon alert
Somehow, during the tine that she had been in the strange dog eared man's arms, Kagome had forgotten her nudity completely. Her bottom lip was bitten between her teeth as she looked up, her blue eyes fixed on his white puppy ears. Rising up onto her knees, her legs straddling his hips, Kagome stood on her knees and reached for his ears. When she moved, and stood on her knees, it brought her breasts to hang temptingly in front of Inuyasha's golden orbs, his eyes growing impossibly round as they fixed on her puckered dusky rose colored nipples.
When she reached up for his ears, the movement of her arms drew her breasts up and the hanyou thought his eyes would roll back into his head and get stuck there when he felt her questing fingers gently massaging at the base of his ears. Kami, even when she had her memory she never knew what that did to him! He opened his eyes as her gentle massaging of his ears drew a sensual purr from him, the sound rumbling in deeply in his chest. Seeing a drop of water slide slowly sensually down her breast to hang off the tip of her nipple, be it from the spring or his tears he didn't know, he opened his mouth, his tongue coming out to lick up the wetness and draw the dusky peak into his mouth.
Kagome gasped sharply at the feel of his hot tongue sliding over her nipple and even more so when his lips closed around it and he suckled upon her breast. She cried out softly, her belly tightening and a nearly unbearable heat settling between her legs as his hands lifted from his knees and settled on her waist as he held her to him and fell backwards to lie in the thick grasses as he continued to suckle her breast as she lay over him.
Kagome gasped again, her eyes falling closed when she felt wetness pooling between her thighs and his questing fingers going down to investigate it. She felt his mouth release her breast only to claim the other one as he slipped a single clawed digit inside of her tight entrance and his thumb rubbing at her hooded nub, her chest heaving with the intensity of the feelings he was invoking in her. She nearly screamed when he began moving his finger in and out her, adding a second one as he continued his assault on her breasts as he held her above him.
She fell weakly on top of him, crying out as her body shook and convulsed with the orgasm he brought her to just with his fingers and mouth. All of this because she had touched his ears, she thought with a sleepy giggle as she tucked her face into his neck.
“So, your ears are sensitive huh?” she asked with a sleepy soft giggle.
“Yeah,” Inuyasha chuckled as he held her with one arm and sucked the fingers that had been inside of her tasting her warm honey sweetness. “I didn't mean to - to take advantage of you,” he apologized softly only to find that she had already fallen asleep. “Keh, lazy wench,” he chuckled softly.
He kissed the top of her head before moving them back into a sitting position, Kagome once again settled in his lap as he removed his haori and dressed her in the red fire rat fur. The sleeves billowed down and covered her hands, making her seem so small as the haori that came around the top of his hips covered her to mid thigh. She seemed so very small dressed in his clothing and as he looked at her tears once again flooded his eyes. Kagome was back, she wasn't dead. He had her in his arms again and he was never going to let her go. Once her memory returned he was going to disprove her diary entry, he was going to love her as she had never felt love before. She was his mate, the only one there ever could be for him. Kikyou paled in comparison next to her and for a moment he wondered why the jewel hadn't claimed her life.
It was no matter; he thought as he crushed her in his arms against his chest and held her tightly. She was in his arms, she was alive, and he couldn't thank the kami or whoever allowed this miracle enough. Standing up, he cradled her in his arms against his chest and leapt into the tree above them to settle down for the night and sleep. He would take her upon his back in the morning and take her back to camp, back to the others, back to her family, and then alter back to her mother. Her family was here, with him and Sango and Miroku and Shippou and Kaede and everyone else. She had said as much in the many pages of her diary. This was her home; this is where she was meant to be, here in his arms, in his heart.
“Do you think it truly is Kagome, Miroku?” Sango asked as she walked with him to sit under the Goshinkobu.
“I don't know Sango,” he said as he rested his staff against the tree and sat down on the ground, the two watching as the sun finished its slow colorful rise into the early morning sky. “I hope it is, I truly do, but we've all read the last entry of her diary. The entry she meant as a Fare Well letter…if it is her, who is to say that she wishes to come back? If it is her Sango, how will the others, especially Inuyasha and Kaede deal her with it if she wishes not to return to us?”
“Then we convince her otherwise,” a male voice said from above them.
“Kouga, what are you doing here?” Sango asked surprised to see the wolf that had left shortly after reading the ever famous entry of Kagome's diary.
“I left one of my wolves here to help guard the village until mutt face came back to himself. He told me about the locket and Inuyasha's departure. I came to see for myself if it was true, if the hanyou returns with her I'll have my answer.”
“Do you still love her?” Miroku asked the wolf youkai.
“Yes, but not as I used to. When I saw Inuyasha fall apart,” he said as he sat down in front of them. “I knew I didn't love her as she should be loved, as he loves her. The funny thing is, her letter said that he was one of the reasons she gave her life to the jewel. All of the men I lost to Kagura were returned to me, that walking corpse was brought back to life,” his distaste for Kikyou still alive within him. “Your brother returned to you, so many things.” Suddenly Kouga began laughing. “You'll never guess one of the rumors I heard on the way here.”
“What was it?” Sango asked mystified by his amusement.
“There is a rumor that not only has Sesshoumaru's arm been restored to him, but also his father.”
“What?” Sango asked as she shook her head clearly not understanding.
“It's rumored that the previous Inu no Taisho has been restored.”
“How?” the taijiya asked nearly breathless in her astonishment.
“The miko who made a wish on a jewel. It's also said that they're on their way here.”
A startled squeak woke Inuyasha from a more peaceful sleep then he could remember having since Kagome's disappearance. The hanyou woke and smiled, chuckling silently at the girl dressed in his haori that was currently clinging tightly to him, her face buried in his shoulder that would peak out over it to the ground far below them only to return quickly to his shoulder once again. Making himself comfortable as he settled back against the tree, he used one hand to pet her hair as the other arm remained wrapped around her back.
“It's not that bad you know,” he said amusement clear in his voice. “You always loved to sit up in the trees with me.”
“It's not being up - here that's the problem,” she said as she peaked over his shoulder again only to squeak in surprise when he lifted her, twirled her around, and sat her down between his legs her back to his chest and his arms wrapped around her stomach. “It's waking up expecting to be able to roll over only to discover that I'm up here.”
Inuyasha laughed at her wide eyes and hugged her tight around her shoulders as he sat up and rested his head on top of hers.
“About last night,” he began slowly and moved his head when he felt her move hers to look up at him, her cheek resting against his chest. “I didn't mean,” he had to close his eyes and stop for a moment, the memory of his chaste kiss with her and the taste of her when he looked at her lips, it almost too much. “I didn't mean to take advantage of you,” he said as he stared into her eyes.
Kagome smiled and blinked slowly as she looked up at him. The memory of the night before and his assault on her senses played through her mind and she heard him growl softly behind her as her eyes closed with the pleasure of the memory. The girl opened her eyes lazily as she looked up at him, her eyes smiling softly as they questioned the rumbling sound issuing from him.
“I can smell you,” he groaned softly as the soft growl continued unheeded from his chest softly as he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply.
“Smell me?” she asked softly as she looked up at him and bit her lip, a move that would prove to be the hanyou's undoing.
Kami her smell was effecting him bad enough already, the memory of her taste wasn't helping any either, but did she have to do that? It had been hard enough before to resist kissing her when she would bite her lip, especially when she would bandage his wounds and look at him, her eyes all full of worry and a love she couldn't hide.
Inuyasha groaned softly before claiming her lips, she was too close, too temptingly close not to. His hand held her cheek, his thumb brushing over her high delicate cheekbone slowly, softly like a comforting whisper. Kagome broke the kiss suddenly as her arms wrapped around his neck and she tucked her face into the crook of his neck as her body shook with sobs. Frightened that he had done something wrong, Inuyasha crushed her close to him and stroked her hair as he rubbed her back.
“What? What is it?” he asked her worriedly.
“I don't know,” she sobbed overcome with emotion she didn't fully understand. “I don't know, it just…it feel so intense…my heart hurts…it's like I've been waiting forever for that kiss.”
She had, he thought softly as he held her to him. Kissing her hair he rocked her gently as they sat high up in the tree. He held her until she stopped crying, until she calmed and grew still in his arms. A soft moan pulled from her seconds before she yawned, spent by her tears. He cradled her in his arms, nuzzling his face into her neck as he held her.
“Are you ready to go back home?” he asked after a few long moments. “Are you ready to return to the pack?”
“Take me home,” she begged him softly and it was like old times again as he knelt on the branch in front of her and helped her climb onto his back before leaping off through the meadows on their journey home.