InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sacrifice ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Well here's the second ch I hope you like it “speaking” /thoughts/ dreams
Ch 2
As Kagome was awaking she could tell she was on her back, she felt heat from a near by fire on her left and what she could tell to be a blanket on top of her. When she opened her eyes she suddenly rolled over hands on the ground and started coughing up water and blood. When she was done she looked around then got up and went to the fire.
Kagome was felling nauseas as she was heading to the fire and she felt her knees buckle. She closed her eyes to await the impact of the ground but it never came, she opened her brown eyes to be met with the golden ones of a hanyou.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome asked as he still held her
The hanyou kept looking into her eyes dazed by their beauty until the miko said he's name and snapped back to reality. Inuyasha sat Kagome down by the fire and said “um…your still hurt you shouldn't be moving”. Kagome then noticed the bandages on his chest and asked “Inuyasha what happened? Last I remember we were at Keades”
“We were at Keades but sometime during the night you screamed my name and ran out of the hut, I couldn't find you at first so I woke the other up and we started searching. It was about mid-day when I found you; you were on top of the water with cuts, gashes and an arrow on your left shoulder, I also saw Kikiyo and she said `I wont miss next time'. She had the arrow ready to shoot, when she shot it I jumped in the way so it wouldn't hit you, but it did. It went through me and hit you in the stomach, when I saw your face it was full of fear, pain, and sadness, then I guess we both passed out and woke up here.”
“Um…Inuysaha how long have I been out?” Kagome said as Inuyasha sat next to her
“Um I guess about two days”
Just then Sango, Miroku, and Shippo riding on Kilala came into the camp carrying herbs for the couple. They got off Kilala and headed to the couple as Kilala changed into her smaller form.
“Kagome do you feel better?” asked a worried Sango
“ Yeah I'm fine, but let me tell you guys the dream I had it was awful”
They all said ok and sat around the fire, Inuyasha next to Kagome Shippo in her lap Sango and Miroku across from them with Kilala in between the two.
“Well it started out dark and very cold I was alone, I kept calling out your names but no one would answer so I started walking not knowing where to go, just walking, then in the distance I saw a forest, Inuyasha's forest I kept walking and finally got to it. When I got to a clearing I saw Inuyasha with his head down looking at his feet so I ran to him. When I got to him he didn't look up his bangs were covering his eyes so I couldn't tell if he was alright, I asked him what was wrong but he didn't answer. I stepped closer to him and put my right hand to his check and asked him again. When he looked up his face was full of sadness, I stepped closer and hugged him. He hugged me back and then he stepped back to look in my eyes. Then his face kept coming closer till our lips met. I didn't move and I couldn't breath I tried to get away but couldn't move like I was paralyzed. Inuyasha kept trying to take off my clothes as I kept yelling for the real Inuyasha, and then he… he… he turned into….”
AN) well I hope you like it so far just e-mail me or review ok well the rating may go up on some chs I at least want five reviews before I up date ok well thanks;)