InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sad Ending ❯ One-Shot

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Author Note: I do not own any of these characters. I do love Rin she is one of my favorite
characters from Inuyasha actually and even with that in mind I've realized that as much as I love
fanfics with happily ever after's, there are barely any Rin/Sesshomaru fanfics with a sad ending
or at least not that I have found, well not that there are many Rin/Sesshomaru fanfics to begin
with. But since I'm not good at writing complete fanfics, been trying to brake that, or long ones
I'm starting about 50 years later which is actually really old for a human in that time period I
think, that and she also probably lived a very sheltered life with Sesshomaru. I'm not good with
ages. Please forgive me I'm already going to feel bad about my own fic as it is but I'm already in
a somewhat sad state as it is so I guess that's why I can't think of anything really happy.

50 years later.
" sweet and gentle Rin..." Sesshomaru whispered. The taiyoukai's appearance hadn't
seemed to change at all really after all the years. Sesshomaru looked down at the fragile form of
his mate lying asleep in their large bed. She looked so peaceful...and tired... and old. He had
watched the energetic little human girl grow into a beautiful and still very energetic small
woman. Sesshomaru had fallen in love with the human and no matter how much he scolded
himself he couldn't resist the innocent human. He had taken her as his mate and gotten over
some of his coldness towards others, Rin had easily destroyed his emotional barriers towards
herself. But his little human girl didn't seem to have that much time left.

Looking down upon Rin he thought of their children who would grow up to be strong and
powerful and respected... and hopefully happy. Happy and full of energy like their mother.
Smiling Sesshomaru thought of how Rin had used to act around them. He could always find her
in the middle of some game that left them all breathless and exhausted. Or on another long walk
in the gardens.

A small look of sadness crossed Sesshomaru's eyes for a fleeting moment as he also remembered
stuff closer to her present state. She always tired, she couldn't play any of the exhausting games
their children seemed to love, and just sat and watched them at their play from the sidelines.
Sesshomaru had also noted as time passed she took them on less and less long walks around the
gardens and just sat in the shade of a cherry tree or somewhere else relaxing and talked with
them, getting brought small presents from their daughters like a crown of flowers much like she
used to make for him while their sons picked a flower for her every now and then.

Rin now retired earlier and slept later then she used to. Sesshomaru realized he talked to her
more now then he had in a span of the first decade of his knowing her. She seemed to take great
pleaser in those talks with her dear lord Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru looked down at her face, that
unlike his had changed with time, he saw the deep wrinkles and thinner paler skin. Rin's hair
now a pale white/grey framed her changed face insted of her lively black color of her youth. Even
in sleep Rin looked exhausted, Sesshomaru realized and couldn't help the slight stabbing feeling
he felt in his heart, his Rin looked like she was always in pain now. Sesshomaru looked down
and his eyes lost focus as he thought, he could feel her life force leaving her every minute that
went by, he swore it!

Sesshomaru looked up when Rin gentle laced her small time worn and wrinkled fingers through
his larger and still quite young looking onces. Sesshomaru tighted his hold only slightly as he
looked back up into her face. Sesshomaru was met by gentle dark brown eyes ever gentle. Even
in childhood her eyes had been filled with such endless kindness and they where filled with even
more now if possible. But sadly one of the things Sesshomaru loved so much about her eyes was
that the sparkle was fading, his Rin was dying. "Rin?" Sesshomaru questioned when she started
to close her eyes. "Oyasumi nasai." Sesshomaru whispered it would appear she still needed sleep.
Rin shook turned her head towards him and cracked her eyes open only slightly, the brown orbs
not having focus as she whispered, "ja ne...sesshomaru-sama." Sesshomaru shook his head and
held her hand more firmly seeing the sadness that appeared to be in Rin's unfocused eyes.

Rin softly started to hum as her eyes started to droop again as she began to sing softly. Rin's song
got softer and weaker every line that went by.

"In the mountain.
In the forest.
In the wind.
In a Dream.
Where are you, Sesshoumaru-sama?
With an ally like Jaken-sama.
I will wait alone until you come.
Sesshoumaru-sama, please join me some day..." Rin changed the last line softly as her eyes
closed and her breathing stopped her hold on Sesshomaru's hand loosened but his tightened as a
single tear drop fell to be fallowed by many many more as the demon lord truly and openly
mourned the death of his beloved mate. Not caring who saw he was cried cursing the swords at
his side not even Tenseiga could save her he learned that a long time ago.

Amanda: *cries* why did I do that?!?!? My own writing made me start to tear up as I was
Sasha: I hate you.....
Amanda: *more crying* I KNOW!!!