InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sadame ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Authors Note: Nothing special but I give you a new chapter of this story. Don't get any ideas from this chapter... no wait... get ideas from this chapter. That was what I was having when I was writing it. I know that things may seem confusing right now but bear with it and in the end you will have a story too look back on. I really like writing flashbacks and dreams because I have every bit of control of them and can add details as I see fit. Like always, I will go to bed now... if I can find it, had one of those restless moments and I redecorated my whole room. Everything. Now to see if it was worth it. Next chapter will be up in a week or less.

Summary: What was and what is.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any other character in the anime or manga. This is purely fan service.

Pairing: Sess/Inu. If you don't like the idea of homosexuality, or even less incest, then I would be happy if you leave without making any fuzz about it.

Warnings: m/m, Mpreg, Incest, mention of violation/rape. More may appear.

Glossary: Kekkai - Barrier, Hanyou - Half-demon, Ningen - Human, Youkai - Demon, Shikon no Tama - Shikon Jewel, kitsune - fox.

Read, Enjoy and Review. All feedbacks of encouragement, joy, happiness and constructive criticism are welcome.

By Monkan

Chapter 5

Sesshomaru leaned forward so he could nibble on the collarbone in front of him. The sound of pleasure coming from his lover aroused him even more. The feeling of skin against skin was driving him mad and he wanted to feel so much more. He felt hands reach up to his hair and fingers wrapped themselves into the silky strands. Without much effort he was brought up to eye level and a wet mouth covered his.

He let out a low moan as he let the others tongue enter his mouth, but he wasn't about to let the other one be the dominant one. He pushed forward so they lay on the soft bed and he was on top. His teethes nibbled on his partners lip before demanding entrance again. A battle erupted between them and neither was ready to give in, until Sesshomaru slipped one of his thighs between the others legs and he took complete control over the kiss.

The other man pulled back from the kiss and gasped loudly. A smirk travelled over Sesshomaru's lips as he began to gently rock against the others body. The friction between their skin was almost enough to bring him to the edge. Those warm hands once again began to trail over his body, touching and caressing his skin. It almost made him purred at the sensation it brought.

His tongue started to lap at the sweat drops that had formed on his lovers face.

"...more... I want more..." was the whisper to Sesshomaru and he was more than willing to comply too the request.

He brought them up to a sitting position and not before long Sesshomaru lowered his lover down onto him. A cry of pleasure erupted from his lover’s throat and Sesshomaru had to cling to every bit of self-control he had to keep from doing the same. When he was all the way inside, his lover arched his back and pushed down to, if possible, feel it even deeper inside.

The sensations was beginning to take over Sesshomaru's mind and he didn't know how long it was before they were both lost in the wild instincts that overpowered them.

Claws scratched over his back, drawing blood. However vaguely, he was sure his own claws were doing a similar work. When they reached their climax, both landed once again on the bed, this time Sesshomaru was under and his lover rested against his chest. Both unwilling to let the other go, Sesshomaru tilted his lovers head upward so he could easily kiss him. The simple kiss was returned with affection until they broke apart.

"I love you, Sesshomaru."

Sesshomaru petted his lovers silvery hair lovingly, "I love you too... InuYasha."


When he opened his eyes he sat slowly up in bed and didn't even look around the room. He stared down at the cover that covered him from the waist and down. The sun was just beginning to rise and the light had barely made it inside his room as he raised his amber eyes and looked outside at the fading darkness.

"Even in my dreams you continue to haunt me, InuYasha." he whispered to himself.

Knowing there was no use in wasting time the Daiyoukai got out of bed and got dressed. His thoughts trailed toward his dream. He didn't normally have erotic dreams for there was no need for them for someone in his position, but then again he didn't normally dream about the past. It was really rare, since he had lived for so many years it still felt like a very long time ago but in reality it had only been last year. He wasn't one to think about trivial matters such as feeling old but recently his thoughts had come to this conclusion. Even for a youkai at his young age, deep inside his heart he felt tired, like he was on the edge of death.

It wouldn't show on the outside so he was torturing himself on the inside. Just a few months ago, he had had InuYasha in his life, in his arms. He had felt more at peace than ever before.

"I really... HATE YOU!"

Those words still echoed in his ears. No matter what he couldn't put them aside and something told him that he would never forget the pain those words brought.

Sesshomaru shook his head to get rid of his thoughts. He realized that he had been spacing out for a while now and knew it wasn't proper behaviour of a demon Lord. He couldn't show weakness in front of others.

He grabbed Tensaiga and Toukijin and put them at his side. A breeze from the window brought with it the smell of the forest and the urge to jump out the window and into it was strong but that was something that would remain a memory now. Only one person had ever managed to make him do it and other small things that brought different kinds of pleasure and bliss into his life, but no more.

"It's time I really forget the past." he said as the door closed behind him.


In a dark castle, hidden from the eye and the surrounding world lived Naraku. Where this castle was knew only he and those around him. That was Kagura, Kanna, Kohaku and InuYasha.

At the moment InuYasha was sitting next to the water in a lonely pond in a beautiful garden. It could be seen as beautiful if it wasn't the heavy air of death and darkness that loomed over every living thing. The half-breed was staring down at the water and the fishes that swam there. He didn't hear her closing in on him but more like felt it.

He looked over his shoulder and at Kanna who held her mirror and watched him with her white eyes. "Naraku wants to see you." she said in an emotionless voice.

InuYasha simply stood up and dusted of his clothes, patted Kanna lightly on her head before heading where Naraku's sent emanated from. Kanna was left standing; she didn't know why the hanyou had patted her head.

InuYasha didn't hesitate when he stood on the other side of the screen that separated him from where Naraku was. He entered and for a blank moment he almost didn't see where dark hanyou were in the darkness. He walked over to where Naraku sat and in how his shoulder muscles flexed he knew Naraku knew it was him.

A pale hand with slim fingers grabbed a hold of his wrist when he was sitting on his knees. Naraku brought it up to his mouth to kiss every knuckle and his fingertips.

It wasn't that he didn't know what was about to happen or the fact that he still hated it, it had just happen so many times already that he had stopped fighting back. There was no point anymore in protecting himself from the fate that would happen upon his soul. When Naraku summoned him it was to speak to him about ideas and small things but to also use his body and satisfy his craving of dominance another being in bed. InuYasha didn't even cry anymore when it came down to it but he still knew what Naraku expected of him and how he wanted it.

Naraku slid of the shoulders of InuYasha's kimono and touched the skin. The touch in itself was cold and slightly rough, it would never change no matter how often he felt it. So different from his love's touch. Yes, he could still remember his mates touch even to this day when his body was constantly defiled and violated. A pleasant memory that he drew his strength to go on but it was also a source of pain.

He winched when he felt Naraku's cold fingers grab a hold of his hair and pushed him down with his face first. InuYasha let out small sounds of whimpers and pleas. He felt a wetness run down from his neck and knew right away what it was. Blood from his mating mark. It bleeds every time this happened. A sign that he was with someone else than his chosen mate, a sign of betrayal. Most mates wouldn't stand the dishonour a rape or mark betrayal and take the easy way out. InuYasha didn't make that choice; he felt that he didn't have the right to anymore. Not after those days.

He felt how rough fingers scrapped against his cheek before touching his mouth and he opened it to let the finger in just as they wanted. His breaths came in pants now and his voice grew louder as he felt his body being torn apart from the sin it was enduring.

Others would no doubt see him as a whore or something far lower. How could they know what he had gone through to come to this point where he could no longer care what happened to him. When he knew he didn't deserve anything better than this. What did others know? He wouldn't ask or beg for their understanding because he didn't want their pity.

The groans from Naraku grew more intense and faster and he knew the end was closing in. The blood ran down his chest and over Naraku's other hand at his hips. InuYasha's hair fell around him as he prepared for the end. A ripping pain tore through him as he felt Naraku fill him with his essence. When the dark haired hanyou pulled away his skin was covered with sweat and he pushed aside InuYasha’s sweaty silver hair so he could see the mating mark. InuYasha didn't know if Naraku got a twisted kind of kick out of seeing his mark bleed or something but he could hardly care anymore. He felt lips, surprisingly warm with the thought of how cold his fingers had been, kiss his mark and next minute covered his own. He could taste his own blood on the probing tongue.

'I don't want you to see me like this!' was InuYasha's thoughts, 'So stay only with me in my memories, Sesshomaru.'

To be continued.