InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sadame ❯ Chapter 13

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author Note: Hello, I'm already back with new update. I was out of town for a week and I didn't waste it like I should had, I may take a long time when it cames to updates but I will to 99% never leave a story unfinished. In some way or another, I will always finish it. Prepare to get chocked by this chapter.

Summary: The last step to sorrow and regrets.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any other character in the anime or manga. This is purely fan service.

Pairings: Sesshoumaru/InuYasha, (past lives) Lawra/Raian, (non-con) Naraku/InuYasha.

Warnings: m/m, Mpreg, Incest, mention of violation/rape.

Read, Enjoy and Review. All feedbacks of encouragement, joy, happiness and constructive criticism are welcome.

By Monkan

Chapter 13 of 14

It had been two days since they found the first key. Sesshoumaru's body had healed mostly but the ghost of the aching pain still in his body. Their journey to the mountain in the East had gone a little slow but finally they were close to the top where they would most likely find the last key, at least according to their instincts.

Surprisingly they had encountered few demons that attacked them, most of those in the area seemed to keep away for some reason and the last hour as they climbed the eeriness of the mountain was keeping them away.

"I don't like this place. It gives me the creeps." InuYasha said as he held into Sesshoumaru's arm.

The older youkai looked at his brother for a second. He could understand InuYasha's uneasiness. It even affect his nerves but he couldn't, wouldn't stop now.

"It's al right, InuYasha." he answered. "Just a little longer and we will be there. And then we can return our family to what it should had been."

A stab in InuYasha's heart made him unconsciously hesitate in his steps for a second but it was enough for Sesshoumaru to pick it up and he halted and turned around.

"What's wrong?" he asked with his normal calmness that betrayed nothing of what he was feeling.

"Do you blame me?" the hanyou asked carefully.


InuYasha turned his head so that he didn't have to see his mates face. "Do you blame me for what I've done to our family? Not did I lose one but two pups. One because I couldn't protect her but the other because I was scared." he turned his head even further and looked down in shame. "I killed one of out pups. You must feel some hatred or anger toward me for doing it."

Sesshoumaru was now completely facing InuYasha who continued to look away despite he knew he should look up. But he didn't want his brother too see his tears.

There were such a long pause InuYasha felt uneasy what his brother's response would be. "I was angry." InuYasha flinched even though he expected it. "I was angry because you didn't tell me."

InuYasha's eyes went wide and hesitantly he looked up and was surprised to see a gentle but slightly angry feature on his beloved's face.

"I don't want to lose you, that's why I can forgive what you did. Although I'm angry never having known any of my pups existence or deaths until now, I'm more angry that you didn't tell me about it. That you had to carry the pain of their passing alone or the fear that I wouldn't accept a child of our blood, I thought that I had convinced you that I love you so much that I won't let you go."

"But you let me go." InuYasha countered. "When I lied to you, you let me go without even asking why."

"Because I can't hold onto you if YOU hate me. I never thought I would hear you say those words to me. Even before our mating you never said you hated me. The shock of hearing those words after loving you for so long was greater than you can imagine. And out of pride I didn't call out to you. Even if I lost you I tried to cling to life, in hope that you would return. I held onto what little I had left of myself even if it ate me away inside each night you weren't there in my arms."

InuYasha was taken back by Sesshoumaru's words that he didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry." was all he could say weakly.

Sesshoumaru took a step forward and his shadow fell over half InuYasha's face, he reached up with his other hand and leaned forward until their lips touched. InuYasha opened his mouth to let in his mates tongue and moaned as he was swept away for a brief moment. His lips tingled when they let go and he stared up into golden shimmering eyes.

The hand lingered and gently brushed through his white hair before falling down to InuYasha's neck.

"I love you, that's why I chose you as my mate." said Sesshoumaru. "No matter what mistakes or wrongs you do or how much you say how much you hate me that will never change."

Their youki reached out to each other and they could feel their bond and the affection between them.

"Let's go." the Daiyoukai said before once again leading the way up to the top.

Strangely enough, the eeriness around them wasn't as scary anymore but it still lingered.


The both brothers stood before a statue, much like the one on the mountain in west this one was made of some material that they didn't recognize. But the difference from the last statue this one wasn't showing any hostility by holding a sword or looking as if he would strike them down right where they stood.

Although this one was sitting down on his knees and held his hands forward while he had a peaceful expression on his face. Over his shoulders and down his body was he covered by a kimono without any pattern except for around the edges of his sleeves and the neck.

The long hair was stuck behind his pointy ears, claiming his youkai origin. It spilled around him and just like the other statue it looked like the youkai was almost alive. Contrary to the area around them that consisted of stones and dirt.

In the youkai's hand laid a jewel. It's shining blue purity was almost like water in his hands.

InuYasha felt the pull on his soul to take the stone and as he stepped forward he felt more and more intrigue by the statue.

He reached out when he was close enough and his fingers touched it.

Next to Sesshoumaru appeared the youkai from the other mountain, his body coloured and his blue hair falling around him as he mouthed a single word.

In less than a fraction of a second the youkai was gone but Sesshoumaru didn't have time to react.

The air was sliced and blood sprayed out from InuYasha as he stared wide eyed, questioning what just happened.

"INUYASHA." Sesshoumaru said loudly as he jumped forward and caught InuYasha as he started to fall. Somehow in the jump he accidently dropped the jewel he had held onto and as the jewel in InuYasha's hand fell to the floor it was as through magic the jewels picked up each other and melted together.

Sesshoumaru reached up and pressed his hand against the gapping wound in his mates throat. His fingers coated in his blood. He felt a tingle of fear but knew that as long as the shards were there InuYasha wouldn't die.

A slight clirr drew the youkai's attention and his head snapped to the side and he stared at the shikon shards laying some distance away from them.

His blood froze with the horrifying realization that followed. He snapped his attention back to InuYasha and it was only then that he noticed that his mate's eyes were glazed over and his head had lulled to the side, his body remained unmoving and limp in his arms.

"InuYasha?" he shook his mate, "InuYasha?" but got no answer. Not even through their bond could he feel the life of his mate. The total and complete blank that met him was almost making him insane.

"This can't be true. This can't be true." Sesshoumaru chanted over and over again as he tried in vain attempts to wake InuYasha but the body was already cold, the skin a bluish hue and the blood had stopped flowing as it dried up.

He wasn't aware of anything around him until something big slammed down next to them.

He looked up in an instance and stared at the gigantic royal gate that had appeared before him. It's massive stone doors was decorated with various ancient runes and insignias that he didn't recognize.

The gate slowly opened without making any other sound than the scrapping against the ground but then there were a blazing light that surrounded him and he instinctively held onto InuYasha's body, refusing to believe or letting go.

To be continued.