InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Saving the World: One Hanyou at a Time ❯ Harsh Light of Day ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Nine
Harsh Light of Day
Buffy watched Kagome climb over the side of the well and was filled with a jealously greater than any she'd ever felt over a pair of designer shoes.
Earlier Miroku had the unpleasant job of explaining that only Kagome could go through the well.
Buffy knew he was lying. She was certain that the damned dog-assed demon moved freely on both sides of the well. It had something to do with the stupid Shikon no Tama.
God help Inuyasha when she figured it out. She knew Miroku was only acting on his orders.
So here she was; dirty and tired watching Kagome hop through time to a home that no doubt contained a bath, a washer, a dryer and a bed. Sure she could and no doubt would, bathe in the hot spring with Sango.
But Buffy really wanted to bathe in peace. It had been a hard day and listening to Kagome and Inuyasha fight the entire way to Kaede's hut had worn down her very last nerve. That and if she caught the monk spying she was going to break both his legs.
Buffy yawned and decided it was pointless to mope around the stupid well. It wasn't as if her reluctant host would change his mind anytime soon. `If we ever end up in Sunnydale I swear to God he is sleeping on the freaking roof!' Later she would discover Inuyasha was quite fond of sleeping on roofs and other uncomfortable places.
The other's referred to Kaede as Grandmother. Buffy first thought she was ancient but then after close study and some quick counting she realized Kaede was maybe 56 years old. While that wasn't young she was far from an ancient crone. Her appearance and the others deference to her was a reminder that this was another world; where people, women especially, aged quicker.
Buffy wondered if it would be easier to be a slayer in this time where death wasn't a just visitor as he was in her era, but a close family friend or neighbor.
The proclamation “Death is your gift” would've been less shocking if she lived in a time where death was an every day occurrence. At the time of her second death she was certain her gift to world would be her own demise. After the dreams of endless hordes of primeval vampire armies she was certain the gift was really to bring death to everything else. The first slayer meant death is her business, her specialty and the one true talent she possessed. On her next job application she should list death under hobbies, achievements and certifications.
Hell, the bug exterminator should give her a discount as a professional courtesy, after all in an odd sense they were in a similar business. She gave a dark grin. Willow was Microsoft certified but not Buffy. She was certified in wholesale slaughter. Of course like Schwarzenegger in the movie True Lies, she only killed the bad guys.
But even that was disconcerting. The worst thing about slaying was how it changed you. She'd seen it affect her friends too. Buffy found out from Xander after she came back that Giles killed Ben without a second thought. She understood why Giles did it. But this was the same man who believed in justice, order, structure and the system. Of course the Council had abandoned, fired and replaced him. But he'd been changed by the constant presence of death and that bothered her.
Willow too had hardened to the death and destruction that seemed to follow them. Of course this might be because she caused her own fair share of it last spring. Even Dawn didn't run when Buffy asked her to, she wanted to stay and watch. The only person who kept the whole thing in perspective was Xander. There was the time he went after Spike with an axe but hey no one's perfect.
Buffy pushed aside the door hanging and entered the tiny one room hut. Kaede was stirring a stew pot that hung over the fire. It smelled odd but edible. After listening to Miroku wax poetic on the delicacy of fried and poached eel Buffy ceased asking what was in the food they offered her. She just sniffed and if it smelled okay than she ate it.
Kaede was alone for the moment and Buffy sat on the mat to watch her cook. No one had cooked for her since her mother died and she wanted to appreciate it properly.
Kaede welcomed Buffy earlier but it was obvious she did not know what to make of the blonde girl. Miroku explained she was a warrior like Sango and that seemed to help. Kaede was friendly enough and Buffy decided to get to know her. `Anyone with the ability to irritate Inuyasha has gotta be a friend of mine.'
“Kaede-sama, how long have you known Inuyasha and his band of yea old merry men?”
The old woman looked up at Buffy and blinked her one remaining good eye. “Yea? What is this word yea? I don't like it, it's stupid. No one here talks that way.”
Buffy shrugged, “Fair enough.”
“I suppose you want to know more about Inuyasha?”
“Yes Mam, you know Inu. He's not exactly a chatter box.”
She surprised Buffy by laughing heartily. “That is very true.” She brought Buffy a cup of tea and sat beside her on the matt.
“Where are the others?”
Buffy thought. “Inuyasha has probably snuck back with Kagome to her home but doesn't want me to know about it. Miroku is in the village giving an exorcism and Sango went with him to preserve propriety.”
“So you are alone.”
Buffy sighed, “Yeah that's me, Miss. Popularity.”
“Don't be so hard on the obstinate hanyou.”
Buffy scowled, “But that was half the fun of being here.”
“He's changed a lot but he'd die before admitting it.”
“Really, how so?” Buffy leaned back against the wooden support pole and thought; `Ah once again more death, if that's what Inu wants I could probably help him with that.'
“He terrorized this village when I was a girl. He took my eye and killed my sister.”
Buffy sat up. “I had no idea. So, he's safe to around now?”
“No. He never was safe and never will be.”
`That figures….'
“He came here for the Shikon No Tama.” `Yeah here it comes!'
“He wanted to use it to become a full yokai. But my sister Kikyo guarded it. They were both powerful yet stubborn people and as a result spent a lot of time together trying to foil the other's plans.”
Kaede checked the fire under her pot. “Eventually feelings developed and Inuyasha agreed to allow Kikyo to use to Shikon no Tama to turn him human so they could be together. But Kikyo was nursing this man Onigumo. He gave himself to demons and used his new power to trick Kikyo into believing Inuyasha had betrayed her by stealing the Shikon no Tama. Kikyo went after him and penned him to the tree with her arrow. Kikyo died mere hours afterwards from the battle and he stayed there for fifty years.”
“I've accepted the past. Inuyasha grieves the death of my sister so I know he was as much as a victim as she was.” She gave Buffy a look challenging her to ask how she can give comfort to someone who destroyed her life.
Buffy didn't need to ask, after all Willow still lived at her house and Spike stayed in the basement. No one understood the definition of `recently evil' quite like Buffy.
“So why does everyone want the Shikon no Tama? What does it do?” `Slices, dices and makes Julianne fries?'
“It empowers yokai. One piece can increase their power ten fold. The whole jewel can make a monster invincible.”
`And that explains that. Had I been in Inu-boy's shoes I would've kept it from me too. I bet the shards allow them to travel through the damned well.'
Buffy sighed, “Of course it does. Why isn't there a jewel or mystical artifact that just lights up and looks pretty?”
Buffy lay on her mat. Her mind was too busy for sleep but her body didn't care and she was out the moment her head touched the floor. She awoke to a familiar voice.
“Are you awake luv?” came a loud whisper. She opened one eye and saw Spike kneeling beside her. He wasn't wearing his signature duster; instead he was shirtless and barefoot. His chest was still marred with healing scars. She glanced around the room and saw everyone but Inuyasha on a mat sleeping. `Damnit! I was asleep too. The First is getting weirder and bolder.'
Her hand reached for his foot and he stopped her. “No. No touching today, but later…Oh later, I promise. You mustn't wake up.”
“What is it then?” hissed Buffy.
He moved his lips near her ear. Buffy got a good look at his face in the dim remains of the firelight. Spike didn't look right. His face was thinner and his skull pronounced under his skin. He reminded her of her mother before the surgery that removed the tumor from her brain.
“It's worse than you know.”
“Yeah you keep telling me that. Find a new tactic.”
“The dog demon, I can't trust him.”
“Trust him with what? The severe kicking of your ass?”
Spike's lips parted and his jaw shook for a moment. “With you.”
Buffy's eyes went wide as she sat up. “What is this? Spike are you…a ghost?”
“Shhh…don't wake. He isn't like Angelus. He changes at will. He'll pull your guts from your chest while you have your bleeding back turned. He's not all hearts and thoughts. Buffy be careful. I know what I did…in your bathroom. I can't let go of it.”
Tears began streaming from his eyes. “Please come back to us. Thing are so wrong, I couldn't bear not to see you again...”
Her hand moved to touch his face and then her eyes opened and she saw there was nothing there. The fire burned low and everyone else lay sleeping on their mats. `God I hate my dreams.'
Kagura stood in the doorway watching the straw haired girl. `Her hair, it's so ugly. She's a foreigner. But she kicked the puppet's ass. I wonder why Naraku is fascinated by her. She is so small.'
She stroked her fan. `She's stronger than she looks. Inuyasha isn't here so she must be capable of defending herself.'
`It's stupid to stand here and do nothing. Inuyasha is away I should be attacking! Damn Naraku. He never tells me anything.'
A tiny pale hand yanked on her kimono. Kagura looked down. “Kanna? Yes it's time to leave. We will return soon enough.”
Buffy heard a noise on the roof. She opened her eyes and sat up. There were no other sounds. `Inuyasha must be back. He would sleep on the roof. Yeah, that makes complete sense. Abandon a comfy (okay in the 1400's comfort is relative) mat to sleep on the freaking roof.' She sighed then rolled over on her side and fell back asleep.
The dawn brought with it more than its usual rays of light and sounds of annoying birds. The morning stated with a loud crash. Buffy rolled off of her mat and her first thought was it figures. She stood and the motion awakened every ache in her body.
She saw Sango reaching for her Hiraikotsu. Miroku stood by the door looking out. “I have no idea what it is but it's big.”
Sango parted the door covering and sighed, “It's Yamata no Orochi the giant eight headed snake.”
Buffy shook her head. `It never ends.' “I've got experience in giant snakes but so far it's only been the one headed variety.”
“Inuyasha is already chasing it with the Tetsusaiga.” said Miroku. “No wait. Now it's chasing him.”
His head turned as he followed the action. Screaming could be heard from outside. “Whoa, now he's chasing the Orochi…wait. I was wrong now he's running again.”
Buffy came up behind him carrying the antique Tetsusaiga and put a hand on his shoulder. “Okay John Madden don't you think we should go out and help.”
Miroku grinned, “Yeah but this is kinda entertaining.”
Sango leaned against the Hiraikotsu. “He'd help you and you know it. Get your blue monk butt out there.” She leaned over and gave him a solid wallop on his own rear end. Miroku's eye widened and face turned bright red. He jumped and swung around to face Sango.
`Oh how the tables have turned!' Buffy bit her lip to keep from giggling. Kaede's voice came from the coroner. “Feel free to go on with out me. I'll be in here should you need me.”
Outside Inuyasha shrieked and howled some long combination of four letter words. It was followed by a sickening hacking sound and a loud thud. The air buzzed with excitement and the anticipation of a battle. Sango and Buffy's eyes met.
Suddenly Sango knew exactly what Buffy had meant by the sisterhood of slayers, even if she wasn't supernatural. Buffy grinned. “Hold up your hand like this.”
Sango did as Buffy demonstrated. “Now slap it to mine.” They high fived and Buffy laughed, “Great! Now let's do this!”
Miroku watched the girls jog out to meet Orochi. `Wow! I wonder what's gotten into them.' He followed them out the door.
Inuyasha stood with the Tetsusaiga extended yelling at the Orochi. Buffy was impressed that someone who probably had no sleep could be so energetic.
Buffy held the antique Tetsusaiga in her hands and felt it shake with power. Sango circled around the other side of the snake.
Orochi was as high as the tree tops and its heads moved like lightening. One head was lying twitching on the ground at Inuyasha's feet. Four more were dealing with Inuyasha while two others followed Sango. It was impossible to keep an eye on all remaining seven heads at once. There was only one way to kill it. Take out its body.
Inuyasha leaned in and took a stab at the snake's torso. Do snakes have torsos? Buffy wasn't sure. The hot blade of the Tetsusaiga was deflected by the snake's tail. It learns quickly, we can't afford to draw this out.
Sango drew back and lobbed the Hiraikotsu. It slammed into Orochi's side and Buffy heard a loud crunching noise that could only be the cracking of snake ribs.
Two heads shot out at Sango. The creature's movements were like lightening and she just barely rolled out of the way in time. One head struck the dirt so hard it was momentarily stuck and had to dislodge itself.
Buffy jumped and felt the antique Tetsusaiga spring to life in her hands. It was larger this time but thank God, still manageable. She lifted it high and cleanly severed the head from it's now bloody stump.
The free head turned and struck her across her back. It was aiming for her throat or any body part it could get a grip on but missed. The force of the blow sent her spiraling across the ground. Buffy braced herself and she slammed into a large tree.
Inuyasha's chin raised and he watched the tiny blonde girl fly over the ground toward the tree.
He howled “Kag-… BUFFY!”
But it was just too late. Miroku was unfastening the prayer beads on his right hand and heard the mistake.
“Good one Inuyasha.” He smiled as he freed his hand.
Sango went to check on Buffy but she was already pulling herself to her feet. She stretched and turned her neck. Sango heard the popping of her neck and collar bones.
“Are you okay” called Sango.
“I've had worse.” Buffy bent down to retrieve her Tetsusaiga.
“Good. Look.” She pointed to Miroku who was carefully sneaking up on the Orochi. Buffy watched him stretch out his hand and realized his plan.
“Let surround this thing!” Buffy spread her feet and took a defensive position where she stood.
Sango nodded and pulled the Hiraikotsu onto her back. She ran behind the snake.
Inuyasha was still dodging heads. He ducked and saw Buffy standing on her own two feet waiting for Miroku. `Damn, that girl has as many lives as cat.' Relief filled his belly and he advanced on Orochi. `Okay Miroku, now is not the moment to take you sweet fucking time!'
Miroku opened his hand and revealed the black void on his palm. Buffy wasn't able to see it from where she stood and while she knew that was safer she was still dying of curiosity.
Orochi was caught by surprise. It flew off the ground and bent in two as Miroku was standing by it's side. The snake's heads flew in all directions trying in vain to grab on to anything it could be use as an anchor.
Sango yelled, “Now!”
She launched the Hiraikotsu at the snake's back and made a direct hit.
Buffy swung the Tetsusaiga slicing into every part of the snake that was with in reach.
Inuyasha lopped off another head and reached out for the next one.
Miroku closed his hand before the snake reached the void. It fell meeting the earth in a ground shaking impact.
Buffy glanced around and saw villagers gathering on the distant outskirts of the battle. At first they were worried, after all the Warring States period was pre-homeowners insurance, not that Buffy had any herself. Her insurance fired her shortly after she was brought back. Something about being a high risk and deformed motorcycle gang vandals.
But once the snake started dropping heads the spectators began to close in and cheer. `Guess this is their version of Monday night football.'
Miroku quickly surveyed the sky line for Naraku's poisonous yellow jackets. Then he opened his hand and Orochi flew back off the ground.
Buffy ran up and took off another head. Her arms ached but the sight of the snake head bouncing at her feet was oddly satisfying.
Inuyasha backed away from the snake and raised the Tetsusaiga. The snake still had four heads and was going strong but it was slowing down. He concentrated and saw the parting of the winds.
Sango saw him and yelled to Buffy, “Get out of the way.” Miroku sealed his void and hit the ground.
Buffy ducked and ran as she heard Inuyasha call out, “Wound of the Wind!”
`Lucky for Inu-boy over there the snake didn't seem to notice he was announcing his intentions.' She'd never get used to the way he did that.
The Tetsusaiga shook with white waves of energy and the Orochi and ten or so trees were cut down and obliterated. It reared up its last four heads and screamed as it fell into a snake shaped pile of ashes.
The air filled with black ash and dust. Buffy pulled the collar of her shirt up and over her mouth. She heard Sango coughing. Breathing was risky at best. And the ash stank of fried snake.
`Us one, giant eight headed snake nothing. Man I wished I had one of those camera cell phones! I couldn't call anyone but I could've snapped a picture of that thing for Giles. He'd loved it. Maybe even wanted to stuff it.'
The bystanders cheered, jumped around and started clapping. `Hmph, we could have sold giant foam fingers and made a fortune.'
Kaede stuck her head out of her only slightly damaged hut. She surveyed the pit that stood where her front yard used to be. She shrugged. “Oh well. I've always wanted a Koi fish pond.”
Inuyasha stood at the edge of the crater carrying the Tetsusaiga across his back. “Yeah well I ain't helping you do it.”
Kaede cut her eyes at him. “Oh yes you are. You made this hole.”
“Keh, whatever.” He rolled his eyes. “It's not like I don't have anything more important to do then help you with a damned fish pond.”
“Inuyasha,” said Kaede gently, “this quest will not go on forever.”
He looked at his bare feet and sighed. “Yeah I know.”
Buffy frowned. Was it just her or did he sound sad?
Miroku strode up and stood beside her looking down into the hole. Buffy grinned and turned to him.
“So Miroku?”
He was feeling very heroic and was ready to bask in adoring female attention. Miroku smiled and answered. “Yes Buffy.'
“I was wondering…?”
His grin grew wider and he put his hand on her shoulder.
Buffy continued. “Can you drop by my house this fall? That black hole wind tunnel would rock during leaf raking season.”
He frowned and dropped his hand. `Oh well monk, better luck next time.'
Sango watched the exchanged and laughed.
Buffy added. “And you could save me so much money on my garbage bill too. And help me clean out the attic and there's still water in my basement…”
Miroku turned to Kaede. “So when did you want to start on this Koi pond?”
Buffy sat finishing her breakfast tea. “Wonder who sent the giant snake?”
Miroku said. “Naraku no doubt, but I was surprised he or one of his puppets weren't here watching the fun. And his insects were absent too.”
“What are the chances that this was just one pissed off snake monster with no connections to Naraku?”
“It's possible”, he allowed, “But unlikely. Orochi came here looking for us. Inuyasha's outside right now shifting through the ashes with Kaede just in case there is a jewel shard out there.”
Buffy bit her bottom lip. “I kinda get the feeling that this could have been a test?”
Sango sat up. “A test?”
“Yes, I've had enemies test me before so I wouldn't be surprised.”
Miroku considered this. “I guess it's possible.”
Buffy leaned back against the wall. `I bet it was here to test me'. “When is Kagome coming back?'
Sango answered. “Tomorrow sometime, she had school.”
Buffy nodded “I remember school.”
“Does everyone in your era have to go?”
“Yeah and they get real testy if you don't go. I don't know how Kagome does it.”
Sango thought on this. “I think she gets in trouble over it.”
“Yeah I've been there too.”
“If it was required but you couldn't go what did you do?”
Buffy frowned and closed her eyes. “I survived graduation, that's when I met my second giant snake but later dropped out of college. There were just bigger things going on in my life.”
A crisp male voiced added “Don't let Buffy fool you. She was never much for her studies.”
Buffy's head jerked up and she saw Giles standing in the doorway of Kaede's hut. Tears ran down her face and left black trails in the ash on her cheeks. She jumped to her feet and ran to him.
Buffy collided with him and threw her arms around his neck.
Giles embraced her in a tweed hug and let out a very English “Oomph” as she squeezed the air from his lungs. She had no idea how he'd gotten there but he was there and it was the best thing to happen to her in a long time.