InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Saving what is unwanted ❯ Goodbye's and hello's ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha…but I'd like to! Then again, who wouldn't like to?
Kagome looked at all her friends. The well was going to close after she went through it. They all knew it. This was the final goodbye. The Shikon Jewel had been completed and Naraku was dead. Kagome's duty in the feudal era had been fulfilled and now it was time for her to go home.
She hugged Sango, “goodbye Sango. I'll miss you,” she felt her tears well up.
“Don't forget about us Kagome,” Sango had a smile on her face but inside the smile was fake.
Kagome hugged Miroku she would have said something but she felt Miroku's hand massaging her butt. She pushed back and glared at him. “You just had to do that one last time didn't you Miroku?” Kagome smirked.
“Couldn't resist,” Miroku answered then got hit in the head by Sango's Hiraikotsu. Kagome giggled.
Shippo leapt into Kagome's arms and held on tight. “Please don't go Kagome! Stay here! I'll miss you too much!” Shippo wailed.
“I'm sorry Shippo but I have to go,” Kagome gave Shippo one last hug then walked over to Inuyasha.
“I don't do goodbyes,” Inuyasha fehed. He really didn't want her to leave. Kagome pulled the sit necklace off of Inuyasha.
“Don't make Kaede put this back on,” Kagome smiled and put it in his hands. She kissed him on the cheek then leapt into the well and the light that came all the times before came again and the whole group studied the light knowing this was the last time they would ever see it.
“She's gone forever,” Shippo cried.
“You're a demon Shippo. Wait long enough and you'll see her again,” Inuyasha walked off. He knew the well wouldn't let him in now. He started running. Kagome was gone and because he was a half demon he might not see Kagome ever again. Shippo stopped crying and realized Inuyasha was right. He grew sad again because he knew that was the last time Sango or Miroku would ever see Kagome.
“What now?” Sango asked. For so long they had traveled together and never once had she thought about what she would do once this was all over. Miroku shrugged. He had always thought after this was over he would just go back to what he had been doing before. But now that way of life seemed to be forever impossible.
Kagome climbed out of the well and sighed. She looked back down the well and her eyes teared up.
“They're gone forever,” Kagome blinked and the tears fell from her eyes and streaked down her cheeks. She let her huge backpack drop to the ground with a thud. Souta had just gotten home from school
“Kagome! You're home!” He cried happily. Kagome wiped away her tears and turned to face Souta. “Inuyasha come with you?” Souta asked.
“No and you won't be seeing him ever again,” Kagome answered as new tears fell.
“You two get in a fight or something?” Souta asked. He didn't understand his sister's tears.
“No. The well's closed Souta. I can't go back and Inuyasha can never come here,” Kagome started crying fully. Souta stood there. Kagome's mom and grandfather came out.
“Kagome, what's the matter?” her grandfather asked.
“The well's closed,” Souta answered for his sister since she seemed incapable of even breathing. Kagome's mom knelt down beside Kaogme and hugged her. Her grandfather was unsure of what to do or say. After a while Kagome stood up.
“At least now I can live a semi-normal life,” Kagome smiled but it felt fake.
“Come on Kagome let's go inside,” her mother said guiding her gently to the house. Souta and the grandfather followed.
~Year later~
Kagome walked down the busy streets. She was sad but was busy now so she had less time to think about everything. She had been nineteen when the well was closed off and now she was twenty and well into the business world. She did job hop but she hadn't found the one she liked. Mentally she sighed as she walked into a building to try and get this job. She walked into the elevator and got to the boss's level and walked into his room.
“You're late,” he sneered. `Oh boy. This ought to be fun' Kagome thought sarcastically.
“Sorry I got-“she started.
“I don't care what your excuse it,” he interrupted, “now sit.” Kagome sat in the chair on the opposite side of his. She couldn't help but think that this was Sesshoumaru in disguise.
“Sesshoumaru?” she muttered. It had escaped before she could stop herself from saying it.
“Who the hell is Sesshoumaru? Are you even listening to me?” the man growled. `Okay so he's not Sesshoumaru. Even Sesshoumaru is nicer than this guy' she thought. The man talked on and on and in the end she got the job.
“How am I going to put up with him?” Kagome sighed, “I guess I have no choice.” She walked out. Her first day was tomorrow. Today all she had to worry about was what she was going to make herself for dinner tonight. Kagome got into her apartment and flopped onto the couch.
Inuyasha walked down the streets he was looking for Kagome. He looked like he always had when he was human. Only now he wore a white t-shirt and jeans. `Where could she be?' He thought and mentally growled that he couldn't drop to the ground and sniffed. Not that he'd want to because of all the dirty smells on the ground now. He saw Kagome enter an apartment building. “This way Shippo,” Inuyasha walked quickly. The sixteen year old fox demon ran to catch up. Inuyasha had aged a bit he looked around twenty, twenty one. Shippo caught up with Inuyasha and they looked for Kagome's apartment number.
“Number sixty six!” Shippo jumped at finding Kagome's apartment number. Inuyasha and Shippo immediately headed for Kagome's room. They knocked on her door and held their breathes as Kagome answered the door.
“This better be important,” she sighed and opened the door. “Inuyasha? Shippo?” her voice was full of hope. She hugged them both when they nodded. “It's been so long!” She cried.
“Even longer for us,” Shippo laughed. Kagome stood back and smiled.
“Shippo, you've gotten so big,” Kagome couldn't believe in front of her was Inuyasha and Shippo. Both looking very grown up. “Come in both of you!” Kagome stepped aside so they could get in. They walked in.
“Kagome we've got some news for you,” Inuyasha said with dead seriousness.
“What is it?” Kagome asked worriedly.
I'm ending the chapter there. I refuse to update till I have five reviews! Enough of this no reviewing shit!