InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Savvy ❯ Chapter Nineteen ( Chapter 19 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I still don't own Inuyasha. And as far as fanart requests go, for those of you that have asked, I'm not going to ask anyone to do them for me. But if you would LIKE to, I have a list of scenes I would like to one day draw, if I ever build up the talent. It's on my website. (
Also, I have to give you guys props. I was stuck on this chapter, trying to rework my original outline and cursing because nothing was coming out right. So, I decided to insert some of the things you've said you'd like to see, (a little more Sesshoumaru and the movie marathon, which I actually was going to skip) and it all worked out perfectly. Thanks! This is a cute little filler chapter, and I'm quite pleased with it. It also just goes to show how adorably pathetic our favorite couple can be.
"In The Cold, Cold Night" The White Stripes
"The Dolphin's Cry" Live
It was pouring rain when Sango watched Miroku's car pull up to the curb outside the club. Smiling at her husband's chivalry, she watched as he left the dry warmth of the automobile, umbrella in hand as he ran toward the door.
He was already soaked by the time he made it inside, smiling as he handed the umbrella to her. Sango thanked him, following him back outside and popping the umbrella open on her way to the car.
They conversed about their jobs on the way home, huddling together under the umbrella once they got to their apartment building. Once inside, Miroku stripped off his wet clothes, and they both changed into something more comfortable before settling on the couch together.
Finding the remote, Sango began flipping through the channels on the television as she settled herself comfortably against Miroku's shoulder. "Inuyasha said there was some sort of horror movie thing on tonight."
"Did you want to watch it?"
"I don't know; do you?"
"I've always like scary movies," he replied with a shrug.
"Yeah, because you always used them to try to get me to sleep with you," Sango retorted with a fake scowl.
Miroku looked ready to defend himself for a moment before he gave up, smiling unabashedly. "I can't help it!" he cried. "It was a fool-proof method!"
"Pervert," she muttered, but couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face.
"You know," he drawled slowly, and Sango felt his hand on her leg, easing steadily up her thigh, "we could just fast forward to my favorite part."
Sango's eyes slipped closed at Miroku's touch, and she wondered if he would always have such an effect on her as she turned to smile demurely at him, rising up from her seat to push him back against the armrest. "Screw the damn movies," she whispered.
Sesshoumaru sighed heavily, closing his laptop computer as distant thunder rumbled outside. Gathering the many documents he'd printed over the last hours, he placed them in his briefcase, trying to remember exactly how he'd ended up in such a line of work. His choice of career has once been a pleasure to him, using his preternatural senses to sweat the truth out of criminals on the witness stand. Now such work usually fell to his underlings, and he was forced to spend his days researching company mergers, or other such ridiculous tasks.
Leaving his office, he heard the quiet sound of the television down the hall in the den, and looked in to see Rin huddled in the corner of their sectional, her wide eyes fixated on the television. "Rin, why are you still awake?"
Rin let out a terrified little yelp before she looked over to him, her hand flying to her chest. "Sesshy, don't do that! You scared me to death!"
Entering the room, Sesshoumaru regarded the television with his usual bored gaze, watching as a comically made-up vampire sank his teeth into a shrieking victim. "This frightens you?" he asked her.
Rin smiled sheepishly, standing up and raising her arms over her head, stretching, which provided Sesshoumaru with a generous view of her taut stomach. Had it really been so many days?
Letting her arms fall back to her side, Rin tilted her head. "So, you don't like scary movies?" she asked him as she came closer, wrapping her arms around him.
"I've never understood the point of them," he replied, staring down into her hazel eyes, illuminated by the bright glow of the television.
"The point?" she laughed. "To be scared, of course."
"You like to be scared?"
"Well... sometimes it's sort of exciting. When you know nothing's going to happen to you, of course."
"What's exciting about it?"
"Well... I guess the risk of getting caught."
"I see." Sesshoumaru suddenly had an idea, leaning over to brush a gentle kiss across his wife's temple. "Rin?" he said quietly, his long fingers trailing up her bare arms.
She shivered. "Y-Yeah?"
The corner of his lips turned up slightly as he whispered in her ear.
Rin backed away enough to give him a lingering stare, then squealed as she scampered from the room. Sesshoumaru chuckled, wondering if she'd head straight for the bedroom, or actually lead him on a chase.
He was hoping for the latter.
When Inuyasha came up the stairs after work, he was surprised to find Kagome's door wide open. Peering in, he saw her on the couch, her brow furrowed as she watch TV. "Start without me?" he asked as he stepped in.
Kagome turned her head to look at him, nodding. "I was bored."
Looking around the apartment, he forced himself not to smile. "Why exactly are all the lights on?" Looking past her, Inuyasha could see light pouring out from the bedroom and bathroom, and she had every lamp she owned in her living room burning brightly, as well as the kitchen light, and the one under the hood of her stove.
Giving him a defensive look, she stood up, walking into the kitchen. "I got scared," she admitted.
Chuckling, he looked towards the television as she started the popcorn in the microwave. "This crap scares you?"
"You're the one who wanted to watch it," she grumbled.
"Yeah, because it's crap. It's funny."
"Well, excuse me for not being a big, scary hanyou who doesn't need to be afraid of the dark."
The clipped tone of her voice told Inuyasha it would be in his best interest to change the subject.
"You want me to get some of these lights while the popcorn's popping?"
"If you want."
Knowing he wasn't quite forgiven yet, Inuyasha obediently went to switch off the lights in the bedroom and bathroom before he started in the living room. Kagome left the light above the stove on, but turned out the kitchen light before grabbing the steaming bag of popcorn from the microwave and joining Inuyasha on the couch to finish the movie.
"So, what's this about?" he asked as she handed him the popcorn.
"Oh, it's a vampire movie. This girl doesn't know her boyfriend's a vampire, and he's killing off all her friends. He's after her now."
"Sounds deep," he replied tonelessly as he munched the popcorn.
Kagome didn't reply as she was drawn back into the horrendous plot of the movie, and the only sound for several minutes was the melodramatic violin music from the television, accompanied by the rustle of Inuyasha's hand in the popcorn bag.
Looking to Inuyasha, Kagome saw he was greedily hording the bag in his lap, and reached for it. Before she could grab it, however, Inuyasha held it out of her reach over the side of the couch. "Hey!" she cried.
"Get your own, wench," he told her, smirking as he moved the bag close enough for her to reach, and pulling it away again when she tried.
"That is my own!"
"You should probably make more than, because this bag is mine."
"Ooo, you big jerk!" she mumbled, but she was smiling as she tried snatching the bag again.
Inuyasha shook the bag before Kagome's face before jerking it away again, laughing. Kagome was intent on claiming her prize, however, and climbed right into his lap, her arm out for the bag.
Inuyasha's eyes widened with surprise, but it was nothing compared to his expression when Kagome's breasts nearly smashed against his face, avoided only by a swift turn of his head. She was focused only on the popcorn in his outstretched hand, however, not noticing her compromising position at all. Inuyasha had to suppress a whimper when she hopped a bit in his lap, trying to close the distance between her reaching fingers and the bag, and stomach slid against his. Was she trying to kill him?
"Got it!" Kagome cried victoriously as she finally managed to grasp the bag. "I win!" Maneuvering herself out of Inuyasha's lap, she settled against his side, with the popcorn between them, grabbing a handful and munching away, completely oblivious to what she'd just done to him. "Aww," she said sadly as she stared at the rolling credits on the television screen. "We missed the ending."
"That's too bad," Inuyasha managed to reply, trying to calm his jarred nerves.
As the next movie started, it was clear to him that Kagome wasn't a huge fan of horror flicks. Any time the camera angle changed, she tensed next to him. Inuyasha had to agree, the movie was a lot better than the previous one, but it wasn't even coming close to frightening him. He was starting to feel a little guilty, however, for subjecting Kagome to something that was obviously scaring the hell out of her.
Just then, the room was thrown into stark light, and thunder cracked the sky above. Kagome screamed, forcing Inuyasha's ear back as she buried her face against his shoulder.
"Alright, we're watching something else," he announced, reaching for the remote.
"No," Kagome protested, lightly slapping at his arm.
He relented with a sigh, and looked down to see her peering up at him with huge eyes. "I'm fine," she told him. "Really."
"If you say so."
Returning his attention to the movie, he noticed Kagome's head was still nestled against his shoulder. Tentatively, he moved his right arm from the back of the couch, letting it rest on her shoulder. She moved then, and he expected her to call him out on it, but she only cuddled closer to his side, her eyes never leaving the screen, and he let himself relax.
I think I'm starting to see why Miroku likes these stupid movies so much, he thought with a faint smile.
When the movie was over, Inuyasha told Kagome to get some rest and went to his own apartment to get some writing done. He was trying to decide on words for a complex bridge he and Nathan had been working on when thunder tore through the sky again, and the power unceremoniously went out.
Instantly, he heard Kagome let out a terrified shriek from across the hall.
"Shit," he muttered, rushing from his seat to cross the hall. Just before he reached Kagome's door, however, he heard a loud thud, followed by a word from Kagome's mouth he'd never thought he'd hear.
The door was still unlocked, and Inuyasha let himself inside, trying to see in the darkened room. He could see better than most humans in the dark, but he needed at least a fraction of light, and there was none at all. He figured the power was probably out for blocks. "Kagome, what happened?" he called.
"I... um... fell," she said quietly, and he knew she was nearer than he'd first thought. Near the couch, by the sound of it.
"What did you think you were doing running around in the dark?" he asked as he approached her with careful steps, not wanting to find her hand under his foot.
"I was going to see if I could find a candle, but I'm not sure I have any." She grunted, and he heard the sound of her legs sliding against the carpet.
He smelled blood.
"What did you do?" His brow furrowed as he knelt down near her.
"I ran into my trunk," she told him. "I scraped my shin pretty well. I think I might have twisted my ankle, too."
"You don't have a flashlight, or anything?"
"I've got one in one of my cabinets, I think. I'll go try to find it, and we'll check you out."
He stood to leave, but felt Kagome's fingers brush his pant leg. "No!" she cried.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" he demanded.
"I... I don't want to tell you," she mumbled.
Growling with frustration, he uselessly glared down at her. "Damn it, Kagome, what is it? Or do you just want to lay in the middle of the floor all night?"
He heard her sigh dejectedly. "I'm not dressed," she confessed.
Inuyasha's eyes widened dramatically, and he thanked the gods she couldn't see him. "Oh."
"I was going to take a bath, because I knew there was no way I was sleeping after that movie, and the lights went out right before I started the water. I freaked out a little."
"I heard." There was suddenly another brilliant flash of lightning, and Inuyasha quickly averted his eyes from where Kagome lay as thunder roared once more, and she let out a frightened cry.
He heard her moving again a moment later, and the sound was followed by a hiss of pain. "Yeah, I definitely twisted my ankle," she said in a miserable little voice.
Inuyasha had no idea what to do. If he went to get his flashlight, he'd see Kagome naked, and she'd kill him if he didn't do it first for putting himself in such a tempting situation. Then again, if he tried to help her up, he'd probably end up touching parts of her he shouldn't, and that would be even worse for him, and embarrassing to her.
"I have an idea," she spoke up.
"Yeah?" Please let it be a good one, he prayed.
"You go get one of my blankets, and I'll cover up, and then I'll go with you to get the flashlight."
His brow quirked. "Why go with me?"
"Because there is no way you're leaving me here to sit in the dark," she replied firmly.
"Ah," he replied, trying not to laugh. "Alright, we'll do that." He figured it would be a chore to take Kagome with him on the search for the flashlight, but it was a better plan than his.
Carefully walking through the living room, he felt around for the doorframe of Kagome's room, then went to her bed, grabbing the first blanket his fingers touch upon and taking it back. "Here," he said, letting it fall to the floor.
"Thanks. Ow."
"What'd you do now?"
"Nothing, stupid! I'm just trying to get it under me. Ow." He smiled at the image of Kagome trying to wiggle the blanket underneath her without jarring her ankle. "Okay, let's go."
He leaned down and felt her fingers brush his hand. "You ready?" he asked.
"As ready as I'm getting," she replied with a little laugh.
Finding her hands, he let his fingers travel up the bare flesh of her arms, and he hooked his arms under hers, bringing her back up with him. She stumbled a bit, letting out another curse that made him grin, but they made it. "You got the blanket?" he asked her.
"Okay." He hoisted her up into his arms, and she gasped.
"What are you doing?"
"Carrying you, bitch! What's it look like I'm doing?"
"Well," she said with a giggle. "It doesn't look like you're doing anything, because I can't see you."
"You're hilarious."
"I know. I just thought I'd walk next to you, that's all."
"Like I'm letting you walk on that ankle. Just watch your head."
Inuyasha felt Kagome shift in his arms, and her head was suddenly on his shoulder, her bangs brushing against his neck. Something had it out for him, he just knew it.
They made it across the hall without much trouble, and Inuyasha banged his own shin on his coffee table before depositing Kagome on his couch. He felt through all of his upper cabinets, coming up empty, and was beginning to think he'd imagined owning a flashlight when he felt a rough, cylindrical object under his sink. Feeling for the button, he pressed it, and the contents of his cabinet were illuminated, leading his to realize he could really stand to clean sometime.
Careful to keep the beam of light low to the ground, he turned to see Kagome squinting at him from the couch, and his heartbeat quickened at the sight of her in the thin blanket. Although she had more coverage than most of her clothes offered her, she seemed somehow more vulnerable clutching the cover around her shoulders.
She smiled as he sat next to her on the couch, tilting her head a little. "Your eyes..." she said softly, and Inuyasha felt his face warming under her stare. "I thought I saw them like that once, but I thought I was just imagining it."
"Yeah," he replied gruffly, taking her foot gently in his hand as he pushed the blanket back to uncover her injured ankle. The glow of his eyes was the only thing he really couldn't hide without his concealment spell, which was why the bar area of Savvy was kept well lit.
"I think it's neat," she told him as he directed the light onto her ankle.
He ignored the comment, feeling uncomfortable. "It's swollen," he told her.
She peered down at her ankle, frowning, and pulled the material further back to her knee, grimacing at her scraped shin. It hadn't bled much, but it was crusted across the reddened skin. "Ew."
He snorted, shaking his head at her. "Did anyone ever tell you that you act like a girl?" he asked, and she stuck her tongue out at him.
"I have my box in the closet," she told him. "I think there's some ace bandages in there."
"Alright." Handing her the flashlight, he picked her up once again, and they went to her bedroom, where he placed her on the bed. She trained the flashlight on her closet, providing Inuyasha with light to get her medical supplies. Setting the box on the floor, he began to go through it, finding the ace bandage and the proper items to clean and bandage her shin.
Joining her on the bed, he took her ankle in his lap once more, and she winced at the movement. "Sorry," he mumbled.
"It's alright. I'm just a baby."
"No, it looks pretty nasty. I don't know if you'll be able to work."
"I'll be fine." She began to clean her shin as he bandaged her ankle, and soon both were finished. "Would you mind grabbing my pajamas?" she asked him. "I left them in the bathroom." Nodding, Inuyasha went to retrieve them, taking the flashlight with him, and Kagome watched the bobbing beam of light leave her, glancing around at the darkened shadows of her apartment. There was a quick flash of lightning, and Kagome braced herself for another round of thunder. She wasn't disappointed; the loudest she'd heard yet ripped overhead, and she winced. Why had she watched those stupid movies? I guess it wasn't all bad, she told herself. Inuyasha actually held me there for a little while. Trying not to smile at the memory of it, she watched Inuyasha return from the bathroom with her clothes, handing them to her. "Thank you," she told him. "Um... are you gonna leave?"
"No, I'm going to stand here like a pervert and watch you get dressed," he replied, arching a brow at her.
Laughing nervously, she shook her head. "I mean... the power might be out for awhile..."
She watched as he gave her a rare smile that held no hint of teasing. "I'll stay," he told her.
"Alright. Now leave so I can get dressed."
"Don't fall out of bed," he joked, turning and leaving the room to give her some privacy. When she was finished, she called him back, and he saw she was already huddled under her blankets. Does she want me to sleep in here with her? he wondered, nervously eyeing the bed. Hadn't he been put through enough torture for one morning?
"You getting in or not?" she asked, blinking sleepily at him.
Kami... Nodding, he crawled over her, careful not to graze her ankle as he laid down next to the wall.
"Thanks for staying," she told him as she took the flashlight from him, turning it off and placing it on her nightstand. "I guess I won't be watching any more scary movies anytime soon."
"Let's hope not."
Kagome smiled in the darkness, turning toward him. She wasn't brave enough to scoot closer to him, but hoped that he might hold her again in his sleep. She didn't see any problem with that, as long as they didn't end up kissing again. She didn't think she could take having her heart crushed like that again. She knew Inuyasha had feelings for her; if she could only make him see there was nothing wrong with that...
A sudden burst of song filled the room just then, and Kagome jumped. Feeling Inuyasha sit up in the bed, the music grew louder as he retrieved his cell phone from his pocket, looking at the display. "What the hell? he muttered, flipping it open. "Kaede?" Kagome could hear a vague murmur of a voice from the phone, but couldn't make out the words. "Shit," Inuyasha sighed. "Yeah, that's fine," he said. "No, I don't care... Alright, call me then. 'Bye."
Kagome heard the snick of his phone being closed, and felt more movement, guessing that he was putting his phone back in his pocket. When she heard his shirt hit the floor, though, she supposed not. "Hey, will you put my phone over there?"
"Oh. Yeah." She felt for the phone, taking it from him and setting it next to the flashlight as he laid back down, drawing the blankets over him. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Kaede just called to tell me that Kikyou's getting evicted. She missed her court date for rehab, and no one's seen her in a couple of weeks."
"That's awful."
"Yeah, Kaede needs to get her stuff out of the apartment so she can put it in storage. I told her I'd help her on Tuesday. She doesn't really have anyone else she could ask."
Kagome felt just awful for Kikyou's sister that she'd never met. "I'll go with you," she told him.
"...What? Kagome, no. You don't have to do that."
"I know I don't. But Kaede shouldn't have to do it alone. Neither of you should. Especially on the day after Christmas."
Inuyasha was silent for a long moment, and she wondered if he'd refuse her help. "You know," he finally said, a strange tone to his voice. "You're a lot nicer than you should be sometimes."
She smiled in the darkness. "I don't think so."
"I know so." Her eyes blinked in surprise as she felt Inuyasha's hand on her arm, and he moved closer to her, bringing her head to rest on his shoulder. "Thank you, Kagome," he told her.
Blushing furiously, she was happy Inuyasha couldn't see her face as she rested her hand on his chest. "It's not a big deal," she assured him, trying to sound casual, but she was sure he could feel her trembling at his nearness.
He could. He ignored it, however. He was just as nervous to be holding her, but he needed it. He had no right to have someone like Kagome in his life, and he knew it. He felt that if he didn't hold her, she might slip away before he ever had a chance to deserve her.
And he wanted to deserve her more than anything.
Wow, this turned out longer than most of my other chapters! Stay tuned for the next episode of "When Coffee Tables Attack..."! (Jeez, I'm a dork.)
Also, I have to give you guys props. I was stuck on this chapter, trying to rework my original outline and cursing because nothing was coming out right. So, I decided to insert some of the things you've said you'd like to see, (a little more Sesshoumaru and the movie marathon, which I actually was going to skip) and it all worked out perfectly. Thanks! This is a cute little filler chapter, and I'm quite pleased with it. It also just goes to show how adorably pathetic our favorite couple can be.
"In The Cold, Cold Night" The White Stripes
"The Dolphin's Cry" Live
It was pouring rain when Sango watched Miroku's car pull up to the curb outside the club. Smiling at her husband's chivalry, she watched as he left the dry warmth of the automobile, umbrella in hand as he ran toward the door.
He was already soaked by the time he made it inside, smiling as he handed the umbrella to her. Sango thanked him, following him back outside and popping the umbrella open on her way to the car.
They conversed about their jobs on the way home, huddling together under the umbrella once they got to their apartment building. Once inside, Miroku stripped off his wet clothes, and they both changed into something more comfortable before settling on the couch together.
Finding the remote, Sango began flipping through the channels on the television as she settled herself comfortably against Miroku's shoulder. "Inuyasha said there was some sort of horror movie thing on tonight."
"Did you want to watch it?"
"I don't know; do you?"
"I've always like scary movies," he replied with a shrug.
"Yeah, because you always used them to try to get me to sleep with you," Sango retorted with a fake scowl.
Miroku looked ready to defend himself for a moment before he gave up, smiling unabashedly. "I can't help it!" he cried. "It was a fool-proof method!"
"Pervert," she muttered, but couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face.
"You know," he drawled slowly, and Sango felt his hand on her leg, easing steadily up her thigh, "we could just fast forward to my favorite part."
Sango's eyes slipped closed at Miroku's touch, and she wondered if he would always have such an effect on her as she turned to smile demurely at him, rising up from her seat to push him back against the armrest. "Screw the damn movies," she whispered.
Sesshoumaru sighed heavily, closing his laptop computer as distant thunder rumbled outside. Gathering the many documents he'd printed over the last hours, he placed them in his briefcase, trying to remember exactly how he'd ended up in such a line of work. His choice of career has once been a pleasure to him, using his preternatural senses to sweat the truth out of criminals on the witness stand. Now such work usually fell to his underlings, and he was forced to spend his days researching company mergers, or other such ridiculous tasks.
Leaving his office, he heard the quiet sound of the television down the hall in the den, and looked in to see Rin huddled in the corner of their sectional, her wide eyes fixated on the television. "Rin, why are you still awake?"
Rin let out a terrified little yelp before she looked over to him, her hand flying to her chest. "Sesshy, don't do that! You scared me to death!"
Entering the room, Sesshoumaru regarded the television with his usual bored gaze, watching as a comically made-up vampire sank his teeth into a shrieking victim. "This frightens you?" he asked her.
Rin smiled sheepishly, standing up and raising her arms over her head, stretching, which provided Sesshoumaru with a generous view of her taut stomach. Had it really been so many days?
Letting her arms fall back to her side, Rin tilted her head. "So, you don't like scary movies?" she asked him as she came closer, wrapping her arms around him.
"I've never understood the point of them," he replied, staring down into her hazel eyes, illuminated by the bright glow of the television.
"The point?" she laughed. "To be scared, of course."
"You like to be scared?"
"Well... sometimes it's sort of exciting. When you know nothing's going to happen to you, of course."
"What's exciting about it?"
"Well... I guess the risk of getting caught."
"I see." Sesshoumaru suddenly had an idea, leaning over to brush a gentle kiss across his wife's temple. "Rin?" he said quietly, his long fingers trailing up her bare arms.
She shivered. "Y-Yeah?"
The corner of his lips turned up slightly as he whispered in her ear.
Rin backed away enough to give him a lingering stare, then squealed as she scampered from the room. Sesshoumaru chuckled, wondering if she'd head straight for the bedroom, or actually lead him on a chase.
He was hoping for the latter.
When Inuyasha came up the stairs after work, he was surprised to find Kagome's door wide open. Peering in, he saw her on the couch, her brow furrowed as she watch TV. "Start without me?" he asked as he stepped in.
Kagome turned her head to look at him, nodding. "I was bored."
Looking around the apartment, he forced himself not to smile. "Why exactly are all the lights on?" Looking past her, Inuyasha could see light pouring out from the bedroom and bathroom, and she had every lamp she owned in her living room burning brightly, as well as the kitchen light, and the one under the hood of her stove.
Giving him a defensive look, she stood up, walking into the kitchen. "I got scared," she admitted.
Chuckling, he looked towards the television as she started the popcorn in the microwave. "This crap scares you?"
"You're the one who wanted to watch it," she grumbled.
"Yeah, because it's crap. It's funny."
"Well, excuse me for not being a big, scary hanyou who doesn't need to be afraid of the dark."
The clipped tone of her voice told Inuyasha it would be in his best interest to change the subject.
"You want me to get some of these lights while the popcorn's popping?"
"If you want."
Knowing he wasn't quite forgiven yet, Inuyasha obediently went to switch off the lights in the bedroom and bathroom before he started in the living room. Kagome left the light above the stove on, but turned out the kitchen light before grabbing the steaming bag of popcorn from the microwave and joining Inuyasha on the couch to finish the movie.
"So, what's this about?" he asked as she handed him the popcorn.
"Oh, it's a vampire movie. This girl doesn't know her boyfriend's a vampire, and he's killing off all her friends. He's after her now."
"Sounds deep," he replied tonelessly as he munched the popcorn.
Kagome didn't reply as she was drawn back into the horrendous plot of the movie, and the only sound for several minutes was the melodramatic violin music from the television, accompanied by the rustle of Inuyasha's hand in the popcorn bag.
Looking to Inuyasha, Kagome saw he was greedily hording the bag in his lap, and reached for it. Before she could grab it, however, Inuyasha held it out of her reach over the side of the couch. "Hey!" she cried.
"Get your own, wench," he told her, smirking as he moved the bag close enough for her to reach, and pulling it away again when she tried.
"That is my own!"
"You should probably make more than, because this bag is mine."
"Ooo, you big jerk!" she mumbled, but she was smiling as she tried snatching the bag again.
Inuyasha shook the bag before Kagome's face before jerking it away again, laughing. Kagome was intent on claiming her prize, however, and climbed right into his lap, her arm out for the bag.
Inuyasha's eyes widened with surprise, but it was nothing compared to his expression when Kagome's breasts nearly smashed against his face, avoided only by a swift turn of his head. She was focused only on the popcorn in his outstretched hand, however, not noticing her compromising position at all. Inuyasha had to suppress a whimper when she hopped a bit in his lap, trying to close the distance between her reaching fingers and the bag, and stomach slid against his. Was she trying to kill him?
"Got it!" Kagome cried victoriously as she finally managed to grasp the bag. "I win!" Maneuvering herself out of Inuyasha's lap, she settled against his side, with the popcorn between them, grabbing a handful and munching away, completely oblivious to what she'd just done to him. "Aww," she said sadly as she stared at the rolling credits on the television screen. "We missed the ending."
"That's too bad," Inuyasha managed to reply, trying to calm his jarred nerves.
As the next movie started, it was clear to him that Kagome wasn't a huge fan of horror flicks. Any time the camera angle changed, she tensed next to him. Inuyasha had to agree, the movie was a lot better than the previous one, but it wasn't even coming close to frightening him. He was starting to feel a little guilty, however, for subjecting Kagome to something that was obviously scaring the hell out of her.
Just then, the room was thrown into stark light, and thunder cracked the sky above. Kagome screamed, forcing Inuyasha's ear back as she buried her face against his shoulder.
"Alright, we're watching something else," he announced, reaching for the remote.
"No," Kagome protested, lightly slapping at his arm.
He relented with a sigh, and looked down to see her peering up at him with huge eyes. "I'm fine," she told him. "Really."
"If you say so."
Returning his attention to the movie, he noticed Kagome's head was still nestled against his shoulder. Tentatively, he moved his right arm from the back of the couch, letting it rest on her shoulder. She moved then, and he expected her to call him out on it, but she only cuddled closer to his side, her eyes never leaving the screen, and he let himself relax.
I think I'm starting to see why Miroku likes these stupid movies so much, he thought with a faint smile.
When the movie was over, Inuyasha told Kagome to get some rest and went to his own apartment to get some writing done. He was trying to decide on words for a complex bridge he and Nathan had been working on when thunder tore through the sky again, and the power unceremoniously went out.
Instantly, he heard Kagome let out a terrified shriek from across the hall.
"Shit," he muttered, rushing from his seat to cross the hall. Just before he reached Kagome's door, however, he heard a loud thud, followed by a word from Kagome's mouth he'd never thought he'd hear.
The door was still unlocked, and Inuyasha let himself inside, trying to see in the darkened room. He could see better than most humans in the dark, but he needed at least a fraction of light, and there was none at all. He figured the power was probably out for blocks. "Kagome, what happened?" he called.
"I... um... fell," she said quietly, and he knew she was nearer than he'd first thought. Near the couch, by the sound of it.
"What did you think you were doing running around in the dark?" he asked as he approached her with careful steps, not wanting to find her hand under his foot.
"I was going to see if I could find a candle, but I'm not sure I have any." She grunted, and he heard the sound of her legs sliding against the carpet.
He smelled blood.
"What did you do?" His brow furrowed as he knelt down near her.
"I ran into my trunk," she told him. "I scraped my shin pretty well. I think I might have twisted my ankle, too."
"You don't have a flashlight, or anything?"
"I've got one in one of my cabinets, I think. I'll go try to find it, and we'll check you out."
He stood to leave, but felt Kagome's fingers brush his pant leg. "No!" she cried.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" he demanded.
"I... I don't want to tell you," she mumbled.
Growling with frustration, he uselessly glared down at her. "Damn it, Kagome, what is it? Or do you just want to lay in the middle of the floor all night?"
He heard her sigh dejectedly. "I'm not dressed," she confessed.
Inuyasha's eyes widened dramatically, and he thanked the gods she couldn't see him. "Oh."
"I was going to take a bath, because I knew there was no way I was sleeping after that movie, and the lights went out right before I started the water. I freaked out a little."
"I heard." There was suddenly another brilliant flash of lightning, and Inuyasha quickly averted his eyes from where Kagome lay as thunder roared once more, and she let out a frightened cry.
He heard her moving again a moment later, and the sound was followed by a hiss of pain. "Yeah, I definitely twisted my ankle," she said in a miserable little voice.
Inuyasha had no idea what to do. If he went to get his flashlight, he'd see Kagome naked, and she'd kill him if he didn't do it first for putting himself in such a tempting situation. Then again, if he tried to help her up, he'd probably end up touching parts of her he shouldn't, and that would be even worse for him, and embarrassing to her.
"I have an idea," she spoke up.
"Yeah?" Please let it be a good one, he prayed.
"You go get one of my blankets, and I'll cover up, and then I'll go with you to get the flashlight."
His brow quirked. "Why go with me?"
"Because there is no way you're leaving me here to sit in the dark," she replied firmly.
"Ah," he replied, trying not to laugh. "Alright, we'll do that." He figured it would be a chore to take Kagome with him on the search for the flashlight, but it was a better plan than his.
Carefully walking through the living room, he felt around for the doorframe of Kagome's room, then went to her bed, grabbing the first blanket his fingers touch upon and taking it back. "Here," he said, letting it fall to the floor.
"Thanks. Ow."
"What'd you do now?"
"Nothing, stupid! I'm just trying to get it under me. Ow." He smiled at the image of Kagome trying to wiggle the blanket underneath her without jarring her ankle. "Okay, let's go."
He leaned down and felt her fingers brush his hand. "You ready?" he asked.
"As ready as I'm getting," she replied with a little laugh.
Finding her hands, he let his fingers travel up the bare flesh of her arms, and he hooked his arms under hers, bringing her back up with him. She stumbled a bit, letting out another curse that made him grin, but they made it. "You got the blanket?" he asked her.
"Okay." He hoisted her up into his arms, and she gasped.
"What are you doing?"
"Carrying you, bitch! What's it look like I'm doing?"
"Well," she said with a giggle. "It doesn't look like you're doing anything, because I can't see you."
"You're hilarious."
"I know. I just thought I'd walk next to you, that's all."
"Like I'm letting you walk on that ankle. Just watch your head."
Inuyasha felt Kagome shift in his arms, and her head was suddenly on his shoulder, her bangs brushing against his neck. Something had it out for him, he just knew it.
They made it across the hall without much trouble, and Inuyasha banged his own shin on his coffee table before depositing Kagome on his couch. He felt through all of his upper cabinets, coming up empty, and was beginning to think he'd imagined owning a flashlight when he felt a rough, cylindrical object under his sink. Feeling for the button, he pressed it, and the contents of his cabinet were illuminated, leading his to realize he could really stand to clean sometime.
Careful to keep the beam of light low to the ground, he turned to see Kagome squinting at him from the couch, and his heartbeat quickened at the sight of her in the thin blanket. Although she had more coverage than most of her clothes offered her, she seemed somehow more vulnerable clutching the cover around her shoulders.
She smiled as he sat next to her on the couch, tilting her head a little. "Your eyes..." she said softly, and Inuyasha felt his face warming under her stare. "I thought I saw them like that once, but I thought I was just imagining it."
"Yeah," he replied gruffly, taking her foot gently in his hand as he pushed the blanket back to uncover her injured ankle. The glow of his eyes was the only thing he really couldn't hide without his concealment spell, which was why the bar area of Savvy was kept well lit.
"I think it's neat," she told him as he directed the light onto her ankle.
He ignored the comment, feeling uncomfortable. "It's swollen," he told her.
She peered down at her ankle, frowning, and pulled the material further back to her knee, grimacing at her scraped shin. It hadn't bled much, but it was crusted across the reddened skin. "Ew."
He snorted, shaking his head at her. "Did anyone ever tell you that you act like a girl?" he asked, and she stuck her tongue out at him.
"I have my box in the closet," she told him. "I think there's some ace bandages in there."
"Alright." Handing her the flashlight, he picked her up once again, and they went to her bedroom, where he placed her on the bed. She trained the flashlight on her closet, providing Inuyasha with light to get her medical supplies. Setting the box on the floor, he began to go through it, finding the ace bandage and the proper items to clean and bandage her shin.
Joining her on the bed, he took her ankle in his lap once more, and she winced at the movement. "Sorry," he mumbled.
"It's alright. I'm just a baby."
"No, it looks pretty nasty. I don't know if you'll be able to work."
"I'll be fine." She began to clean her shin as he bandaged her ankle, and soon both were finished. "Would you mind grabbing my pajamas?" she asked him. "I left them in the bathroom." Nodding, Inuyasha went to retrieve them, taking the flashlight with him, and Kagome watched the bobbing beam of light leave her, glancing around at the darkened shadows of her apartment. There was a quick flash of lightning, and Kagome braced herself for another round of thunder. She wasn't disappointed; the loudest she'd heard yet ripped overhead, and she winced. Why had she watched those stupid movies? I guess it wasn't all bad, she told herself. Inuyasha actually held me there for a little while. Trying not to smile at the memory of it, she watched Inuyasha return from the bathroom with her clothes, handing them to her. "Thank you," she told him. "Um... are you gonna leave?"
"No, I'm going to stand here like a pervert and watch you get dressed," he replied, arching a brow at her.
Laughing nervously, she shook her head. "I mean... the power might be out for awhile..."
She watched as he gave her a rare smile that held no hint of teasing. "I'll stay," he told her.
"Alright. Now leave so I can get dressed."
"Don't fall out of bed," he joked, turning and leaving the room to give her some privacy. When she was finished, she called him back, and he saw she was already huddled under her blankets. Does she want me to sleep in here with her? he wondered, nervously eyeing the bed. Hadn't he been put through enough torture for one morning?
"You getting in or not?" she asked, blinking sleepily at him.
Kami... Nodding, he crawled over her, careful not to graze her ankle as he laid down next to the wall.
"Thanks for staying," she told him as she took the flashlight from him, turning it off and placing it on her nightstand. "I guess I won't be watching any more scary movies anytime soon."
"Let's hope not."
Kagome smiled in the darkness, turning toward him. She wasn't brave enough to scoot closer to him, but hoped that he might hold her again in his sleep. She didn't see any problem with that, as long as they didn't end up kissing again. She didn't think she could take having her heart crushed like that again. She knew Inuyasha had feelings for her; if she could only make him see there was nothing wrong with that...
A sudden burst of song filled the room just then, and Kagome jumped. Feeling Inuyasha sit up in the bed, the music grew louder as he retrieved his cell phone from his pocket, looking at the display. "What the hell? he muttered, flipping it open. "Kaede?" Kagome could hear a vague murmur of a voice from the phone, but couldn't make out the words. "Shit," Inuyasha sighed. "Yeah, that's fine," he said. "No, I don't care... Alright, call me then. 'Bye."
Kagome heard the snick of his phone being closed, and felt more movement, guessing that he was putting his phone back in his pocket. When she heard his shirt hit the floor, though, she supposed not. "Hey, will you put my phone over there?"
"Oh. Yeah." She felt for the phone, taking it from him and setting it next to the flashlight as he laid back down, drawing the blankets over him. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Kaede just called to tell me that Kikyou's getting evicted. She missed her court date for rehab, and no one's seen her in a couple of weeks."
"That's awful."
"Yeah, Kaede needs to get her stuff out of the apartment so she can put it in storage. I told her I'd help her on Tuesday. She doesn't really have anyone else she could ask."
Kagome felt just awful for Kikyou's sister that she'd never met. "I'll go with you," she told him.
"...What? Kagome, no. You don't have to do that."
"I know I don't. But Kaede shouldn't have to do it alone. Neither of you should. Especially on the day after Christmas."
Inuyasha was silent for a long moment, and she wondered if he'd refuse her help. "You know," he finally said, a strange tone to his voice. "You're a lot nicer than you should be sometimes."
She smiled in the darkness. "I don't think so."
"I know so." Her eyes blinked in surprise as she felt Inuyasha's hand on her arm, and he moved closer to her, bringing her head to rest on his shoulder. "Thank you, Kagome," he told her.
Blushing furiously, she was happy Inuyasha couldn't see her face as she rested her hand on his chest. "It's not a big deal," she assured him, trying to sound casual, but she was sure he could feel her trembling at his nearness.
He could. He ignored it, however. He was just as nervous to be holding her, but he needed it. He had no right to have someone like Kagome in his life, and he knew it. He felt that if he didn't hold her, she might slip away before he ever had a chance to deserve her.
And he wanted to deserve her more than anything.
Wow, this turned out longer than most of my other chapters! Stay tuned for the next episode of "When Coffee Tables Attack..."! (Jeez, I'm a dork.)