InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Say the Magical Words ❯ Hell on Earth ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hell on Earth

Inuyasha went into the kitchen and found nearly everything out of reach. He noticed that Sesshomaru was having trouble getting into his chair, needing to back up and take a running leap before belly-flopping on the seat, scratching to hang on, but failing and sliding back to the floor.

"Aw, does wittle Sesshomaru need help?" Inuyasha teased. "You do have youkai abilities, just jump into the chair." Sesshomaru stopped trying to get into the chair and stood back to watch him make a fool of himself. Inuyasha stretched like he was getting ready for a track meet, then jumped into the air, expecting his feet to meet wood. Instead, he again felt linolium. "What the..." Sesshomaru rolled his eyes. "If I still had my old youkai strength, do you think I'd be wasting my time trying to jump into my chair? You're so stupid, Inuyasha." He backed up again and this time when he jumped, he got a good grip on the chair. "Yes! Finally!" He threw a fist in the air and said, "I am the champion!"

We'll see about that, Inuyasha thought. He pushed the chair over and Sesshomaru hit the ground on his face. What the... what's this feeling I feel? Sesshomaru thought. It's not what I think it is, is it? No, I'm too old for this! I'm... He couldn't hold back any longer, and next thing he knew, he was crying, "Owwweee, Inuyasha, that hurt!" he sobbed. "I'm telling Daddy!" Suddenly the tears stopped. Daddy? Where the hell did that come from? And yet, his once again childish mind told him that that was right to say.

Inuyasha though, bust out laughing. "Daddy? Oh my Kami! Even I still call him..." His childhood mind kicked in just then too, and the thought of calling their father 'Father' seemed a little bold. "Well, whatever." He dropped the comment, knowing he now had no room to talk.

After another ten minutes, both of them were in their chairs, but now faced another problem. They couldn't see over the table. Jaken had just came from the servents quarters and noticed this. Seems like Lord Sesshomaru's been tooken down a peg or two. Well, now I can give him what he's always deserved. This is for the horrible treatment I've gotten over the years! Jaken sidled up next to Sesshomaru's chair and said, "Me Lord, it seems like you're having trouble with being able to see everyone else. Can I be of some service to you?" Sesshomaru didn't like admitting that he needed help, but unfourtunately, he did. "Yes, Jaken. Get me the phone book." Jaken smiled evily at him. "Get it your own damn self, you good for nothing bastard!" He said, and walked off, laughing maniacly.

"Jaken, do not think that because I have returned to my childhood state, that does not mean I still can't kick your ass." Jaken turned around and stared incredulously at him. "Really? You couln't even get into a chair, do you really think that you could hurt me? Rin could kick your ass now!" "Oh, yeah?" Inuyasha said, hoping this was true. "Go get her." Jaken snorted under his breath and walked off, clearly showing that he wouldn't.

"Here you go, boys," one of the cooks said cheerily as she set bowls of steaming food down in front of them. Both had to raise up onto their knees in order to reach it. "What is this?" Inuyasha asked, pointing down at the tanish chunky looking mess in the bowl, and making a face. "I believe it's oatmeal," Sesshomaru responded in his calm voice. "I ain't eating it," the half demon stated, and was about to hop down off of the chair, when their father came into the kitchen. "Inuyasha, you're not leaving the table until you eat your breakfast."

Sesshomaru snickered. He knew Inuyasha always had to be told a million times to eat his food, being the picky eater that he was. He settled back to watch his younger brother struggle with the sticky substance known to man as "oatmeal". "Sesshomaru, you eat your food too. Don't make me have to pull out my belt." The older boy's eyes grew wide at the mention of "the belt."

Let me break it down and tell you what the belt was. It was simply a leather strap, not even a real belt, that Inutaisho had gotten from one of Inuyasha's mom's purses. Though it sounds weird, the sting it packs is very effective. If hit with it, it wraps around and hits you a second time. You can imagine that such a punishment would be frightening, even to the great Sesshomaru.

The oldest boy decided that he wouldn't let go of all of his dignity, and hopped down off the chair anyways. Inuyasha stopped shoveling food into his mouth and stared at him. "Wat de 'ell is you 'oing?" He muffled through a mouthful of food. Sesshomaru ignored him and spoke instead to his father. "I do not eat human food. Such a meal might be fine to lowly half-breeds, like Inuyasha, but as Lord of the West, I refuse to eat this degrading mess." Inutaisho's face was a cross between confusion, and shock. He silently rose from his chair and walked calmly over to Sesshomaru. Before the other could move, he had drawn back his hand, and had slapped him hard across the face.

"Boy, you done lost your Kami damn mind, talking to me like that!" He whispered in a deadly tone. "If I say that you're going to eat your food, you eat it, do I make my self clear? Oh, and as for you being Lord of the West, that position was handed back to me the moment you decided to go on vacation to Iraq. What the hell were you thinking, trying to help those Americans? Don't you remember what they did to Nagasaki, and Hiroshima?"

Sesshomaru was trying to get back on his feet, but his vision was spinning around in circles, still dizzy from the slap. Inuyasha was at the table, laughing his head out. "Dad knocked the hell out of you!" he said, rocking back and forth in his chair so hard that he fell out, then continued to laugh on the floor. Inutaisho went over to him, then picked him up off the floor by his collar. "He, he, he! Having fun laughing at your brother, eh? Well, I got something for hyenas!" He pushed Inuyasha into the farthest kitchen corner with his face to the wall. "Stay there and think about how you should behave. As for you," he said, rounding on Sesshomaru, "you're grounded."

The room grew silent, then... "Please, Daddy, don't ground me! I'll be good, I promise! I cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, promise!" Sesshomaru grabbed his father's pants leg, and looked up at him with the most babyish look he could manage, trying to look more like his puppy-featured brother. Yes, such looks had its advantages. Inutaisho walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

He walked into Sesshomaru's room, pryed the now crying child off of his leg, then carelessly deposited him on his bed. He shut the door with a resounding click, locked the door, then whistled cheerily as he headed back down the stairs, ignoring the pounding and a faint cry of "Please, Daddy, I'll even stop wetting the bed!" which came from the room.

Back in the kitchen, he found that Inuyasha had left the corner. Following his scent, he went out the back door, and saw a huge red and white form sitting in a tree. "Boy, I wonder where Inuyasha is!" he called out, looking as if he hadn't seen him. "I'll never find him, he's hidden so well! I guess I just have to wait for him to show himself! But maybe if he does it now, he will be spared the ass whooping that he has coming his way!" Nothing happened. Inutaisho lost his patience. He hopped into the tree, right next to Inuyasha. "Hi."

The hanyou fell back out of the tree, landing on the ground hard. His father grabbed his collar once again and dragged him back into the palace. "You probably already knew that I wasen't really going to spare you the belt, but now, you not only have a beating coming, you too will be grounded." He called a servant to bring him "The Belt" and comenced to spanking Inuyasha. "Didn'!" he screamed, leting the belt hit his son with every word. "I...don'" Going on like this until his arm got tired (and he's a full demon, so you know that was a while) he finally sent Inuyasha up to his room. "And if I even think you're trying to do something stupid, I'll beat you so bad, the after math of Katrina will look like a joke compared to the welts that will be on your ass. Now get out of my sight!"

Breathing heavily, Inutaisho sat down wearily on the couch, trying to catch his breath after such a long beating. He had forgotten about this part of having children, both boys being grown, or near grown, for so long. Just then he remembered he still had an apointment with a client at the Olive Garden. He rubbed his temples. I'm getting too damn old for this. I think I feel a migraine coming on. With this thought, he left the palace. No body in life ever really likes going to work.