InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ School Boyfriend ❯ Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter: 10
I Didn't Just Do That Did I?
Later that day Inuyasha called Miroku as Kagome was listening because Inuyasha had him on speaker. Inuyasha chuckled while saying “So I heard from a source a.k.a my Angel that a certain girl named Sango spent the night over your house last night.” Miroku shot back angrily “So that doesn't mean anything” “Calm down” Kagome said assuring him. Inuyasha plopped down on the couch and said “Don't worry Kagome slept her last night and Sango sent us a picture of you asleep all alone”. Miroku got a devilish grin and mumbled “Not for long though”. Kagome didn't hear what he said but Inuyasha picked it up in an instant. Inuyasha stuttered “What d ... do yo ... you ... mean ... not ... for ... long? Kagome shot Inuyasha a look and gave him a glare. All of a sudden Miroku heard Kagome yelling at him “If you laid one hand on her! I don't care if you told her you love her or not but if you laid one hand on her I swear!” Miroku laughed “You swear what? “I swear... I'll stick Inuyasha on you!” she shouted. Inuyasha jerked his head toward Kagome and said “I don't care what he does to or with Sango just as long as your not part of their little um... how should I put this? Hanky panky session may I say?” Kagome laughed at his choice of words and made her way to him while he was laying on the couch. He sat up and she sat on his lap. Inuyasha immediately took her lips in a fierce kiss. Miroku immediately hung up as he heard Inuyasha growl “Oh!” Kagome licked his bottom lip as he teasing her by not opening. She soon showed how serious she was about her opening that she was pressing so hard on him that she had him lying back on the couch. He thought that was enough torture and opened his mouth only to welcome her tongue in with his garishly waiting for it. Soon enough Inuyasha started to growl in satisfaction and he started to get low moans from Kagome. Just then Rin walked in and saw what was going on and backed up saying to Inuyasha “I was never her I never saw anything” Inuyasha smiled up and her and said “No it's okay we were about to stop weren't we Kagome?” he said while winking at her. Kagome smiled nodded her head toward Rin and sat up to off Inuyasha when she went to press the couch for support when she missed hit his leg which made her hand slide on his jeans making her fist him in the crotch. Inuyasha groaned and moaned and hurt and pleasure. All of a sudden they noticed that Sesshoumaru and Rin were standing right there and saw EVERYTHNG. Sesshoumaru put his arms around Rin and said “See I told you that they're whores”. Kagome blushed and got off of him. He took her hand and led her out to the back yard. They sat at the glass patio table and Inuyasha said in a sensual growl as a joke “Frisky are we?” Kagome blushed and turned her head away in embarrassment. He laughed and said “Calm down Angel I know it was an accident”. She turned around and said “Sorry if I hurt you” Inuyasha scooted over to her nuzzled into her neck while nibbling on her ear lobe said with a growl “I actually kinda enjoyed it and like people all ways say no pain no gain” Kagome stiffed at what he had said. He gave her a hug and asked “How about I take you home I think you've been embarrassed enough today?”. She gave him a smile and hugged him back.