InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ School Boyfriend ❯ Sneaking Out To Go To Inuyashas ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter: 12
(A/N: Sorry REALLY short chapter but its just Inuyasha apologizing to Kagome: P)
Kagome called Inuyasha and he picked up “Hello?” “Hey honey I think we need to talk”. (I do too hehehe >.< ) she replied to him. Inuyasha got up all his nerve “I'm sorry it's just that's a REALLY sensitive place on a guy and I would be lying to you if I told you I'm not happy that it happened”. Kagome laughed and said “Yea Miroku called while I was talking to Sango and he told Sango all about it and I do forgive you”. Inuyasha laughed at himself and said “Well how bout we talk a break tomorrow and have one of those days to our self days to think?” I would like that like that” she said regaining from laughing. “You know I love you Kagome right?” he asked jokingly. She laughed and said “Yes and you know I love you right” “YEP!” he laughed out and they said bye and hung up. Kagome went down the stairs to hear her brother telling their mom something about her and Inuyasha, Kagome walked in and said “What about me and Inuyasha?” Souta looked at her and started to apologizing to her “I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just picked up the phone to call my friend and I picked the phone when you were on the phone with Inuyasha and heard something about you touching him in a very sensitive spot on a guy I think he said” Kagome slapped herself on the forehead and said “Okay let me explain it”. And with that she began to explain once again what happened earlier that day at Inuyashas house.
(Kagomes Point of View)
“You won't believe what Inuyasha and I did after we got off the phone with Miroku!” Sango confused asked “Okay Kagome calm down what happened?” Kagome started her story “Well after Miroku hung up Rin walked in on me and Inuyasha lying down making out on the couch in the living room. She said something I was never here I didn't see anything and he said winking at me well we were about to stop weren't we I nodded and then I went to get up and I went to lean on the couch for support and I kinda missed and kinda hit his leg. Well my hand slipped on his jeans and my fist hit him right in the crotch and he moaned in pleasure and Rin and Sesshoumaru were standing right there and saw everything. Sesshoumaru then said to Rin See I told you they're whores. That's when he took me out side he said as a joke Frisky are we? I turned red and turned away. He told me it was okay because he knew it was an accident. I said I was sorry if I hurt him and he started nibbling on my neck and my ear. Well then he started to growl in my ear and he said he actually kinda enjoyed it and like people all ways say no pain no gain. And that's when he told me that he would take me home. I mean if it isn't bad enough that he moaned in pleasure but he told me that he enjoyed it and it crept me out” After she explain her mom and brother under stood and gave her a hug because of her embarrassment. They were all quite at dinner that night trying not to bring the subject up for Kagomes sake. After dinner that night Kagome did the dishes and then went to her room, She heard her cell phone ring about 9:52 and found it to be Inuyasha. “Hey babi what's up?” she asked picking up the phone. “Hey I can't sleep” he said “Awe that is so cute” she laughed “What's wrong?” she finished. He finally said “I was thinking about what happen to day and it made me miss you because you always spend the night on the weekends and your not here”. Awe do I have to come over there and cuddle up with you in bed so you can sleep?” she asked joking. Inuyasha serious “Yea” “Fine okay I'll leave a note and pack my things can you be over in ten?” she said tiredly. Yay yea ill be over there in ten. They hung up and Kagome packed a pair of pajamas and some clean clothes in a tote bag and left a note on her door and one on the Kitchen table. She walked out side to see Inuyasha pulling into the drive way. He jumped out of the car and then he ran up to the door and gave her a hug and said “I'm sorry about this but you spend every weekend night at my house and it feels weird to not have you there. She gave him a smile and said “Com'on it's getting late it's already past 10” They got into the car and Inuyasha yawned. Kagome gave him a smile “So your tired but you cant get to sleep huh?” he laughed well “I could get to sleep but I'd wake up ever five minutes to not find you there next to me” Kagome gave him a smile “It's okay I'm here now”.