InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Screaming in Their Dreams ❯ Screaming in Their Dreams ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Screaming in Their Dreams
She was never good enough for him,
He was never good enough for her,
Yet here they lay in bed,
Cuddled up in each others arms,
Screaming in their dreams
Of all the blood,
None of it's theirs,
The smiles on their faces
Turn to grins,
That turns into hidden laughter
People are screaming from the pain
Torrents of crimson come poring out,
Pain and betrayal,
Are in the minds
Companionships turn into betrayal,
Love turns into pain,
Off all the blood,
None of it's there's,
The victims of this dream,
Lay in a grave,
Cuddled up in each others arms,
Screaming in their dreams.