InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sealed Destiny ❯ Sealed Destiny ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: 'me no own Inu-Yasha...'*sigh*

Ebony: "Well, this is yet another peom, too lazy to type out a
full story, even one chap. hehe, i'm soo, lazy.
Plus, my hand hurts, i burnt it. hehe."

Well, here ya goo....

Sealed Destiny

Goldern bright,
orbs of light,
glare into my own,
but soften,
I begin to smile,
but realize,
it's not me,
not me that you're looking at.
My eyes moisten,
and you lift your hand,
to cup my face,
only to have me,
turn away.
For when you look,
into my eyes,
you see her's and not mine.
I've been here all along,
tried to show my love,
when you barley feighn concern.
Everything she's done,
you just don't give up.
When she turns on you,
you pretend not to see.
When everyone else does,
you turn the other way.
A sacred arrow,
to pierce the heart,
binded you,
to all eternity.
It was me,
to set you free,
but even then,
it was her you seen.
They say we have the same face,
that I look like her,
and she like me,
but no,
I'm not so sure.
For when you look into her face,
you realize instantly,
who it is you see.
But when I get your glance,
I know you become confused.
That adoring look?
For her it must be.
Wishful thinking,
on my behalf,
that you could love someone,
not even close to whom,
first claimed your soul,
who sealed your destiny,
to that majestic God tree.
You said all you carried,
for that miko,
was a darkend hate,
and that we,
just you and me,
would create new life.
Searching for,
what is the only reason,
for me to come back.
You say that you don't need me,
and on some level,
I believe it,
for it is half way true.
But in you I see,
atleast a little,
part that gives me use,
`because only me,
has the power to see,
shards of that sealed destiny.
She said it was love,
and asked for you,
to change your ways,
become one with her,
disgrace your father's blood,
become human fully,
like she, even me.
But to thee,
what I see,
right here before me,
is enough.
Don't change your ways,
on her behalf,
if you do not wish it,
No matter what,
I'll stand by you,
ignore anything else.
Just as long as,
when you look my way,
your vision stays,
it does not sway,
and you see me,
not she.
If that is the case,
I can out run,
time and fate,
all evil things,
I'd run to the end,
of the rainbow and back,
just to make you happy,
even to see you smile.
To be with you,
if I had to,
I even outrun,
a Sealed Destiny.

Eb: "Awwwwww!!!! I'm tearing up here *sniffles* If only she (kagome)
knew what she meant to Inu. Or if only Inu-Yasha would stop
acting like a total moron and tell her!!!
*bows and chants* 'sorry lord, forgive my rudeness'
Please reveiw!! I'm gonna do an Inu-POV next mmkay? later."

Milton: "I wither in your stupidity..."

Edwuardo: "agreed.."